"Hoo, hoo, hoo..."

A small elf was panting and carrying another elf on his back. The elf on his back seemed to be injured and could only be carried listlessly.

"...", "..."

It seemed that after a fierce communication, the elf carrying the elf shook his head stubbornly, gritted his teeth and walked slowly forward.

Suddenly, in their vision, a tall building stood in front of them. The exterior of the building was covered with various cables, and a buzzing sound continued to come from the inside.

A burst of lightning flashed.


The elf carrying the elf was instantly overjoyed. He gently put down the elf on his back, settled the latter, and then sneaked towards the building alone.


Zidian City.

As the name suggests, this city is closely related to electricity.

As time goes by, the entire elf world has gotten rid of the steam technology of the previous generation and entered the era of electrification and intelligence. The endless emergence of smart appliances and smart devices has made people's demand for electricity very huge, and the largest power generation facilities in the entire Middel area are distributed here.

Humans and elves use this machine that works day and night to generate electricity to supply electricity to most cities, and such a cluster has attracted many stakeholders. Over time, the settlement built around the Middel Power Station has formed today's Zidian City.

The guiding gym-the Electric Gym is also located here.

At this time, the frustrated voice of a girl sounded at the door of the gym.

"Why is it closed?"

"Ahhhh, I've been so unlucky lately. I lost my wallet, encountered an earthquake, and even the gym door was closed... woooo..."

Leo passed Asuka and saw that the door of the Electric Gym was locked, and there was a notice hanging on it: "The gym leader is out for something. Please wait for the gym leader to return."

"(Elf language) Okay, okay..."

Larlas, who was still considerate, touched Asuka's face with her little hand in Asuka's arms as if to comfort her.

Leo, who was walking at Asuka's feet, was also a little worried.

"So what should we do now? Should we go to another city to have a look? After all, we don't know when the gym leader will be back..."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew, and a flyer fell at Leo's feet.

"Hmm? What is that... Zidian City Electric Street Elf Battle Contest with Prizes?"

Liao read out the flyer word by word, then he thought about it and waved the flyer at Asumi.

"Hey, how about we go to participate in this competition first?"

"There are prizes?"

Liao emphasized the nasal tone of the word "prizes". Based on his understanding of Asumi, as long as there are prizes, this money-loving girl will definitely not miss it.

Sure enough, Asumi took the flyer and looked at it for a few times, and the symbol of money appeared in her eyes.

"The first prize is an electric magnetic levitation motorcycle... I will definitely win this wave!"

Asumi was so excited that he wanted to whine twice, so he followed the instructions on the flyer and walked towards a corner of Zidian City.

Zidian City, Electric Street.

As mentioned above, Zidian City has the largest power station in the entire Middel area, so the power supply manufacturing industry is also very developed. Various electric equipment are gathered in this town for production and distribution, including various electric vehicles and various household appliances, and there is a street that is almost entirely this type of shops, so this "Electric Street" was born.

Walking on the road, the dazzling array of power products around them made the three children stare at them.

"Oh, look, this is the super star Kalune, her Gardevoir is super powerful."

Asuka Teru was amazed at the beautiful actress who appeared on a giant TV screen.

Ralulas in his arms was also looking at it with longing.

"The champions in XY have appeared. Is there a region similar to Kalos in this world? So... don't I have the opportunity to Mega Evolve?"

Leo was also paying attention to this world-famous super female star, but it was obvious that his focus was not the same as Asuka Teru, Ralulas, etc.

When Leo thought about the possibility that he could evolve into Lucario and Mega Lucario, his heart was burning.

"But this TV is really big, it's really a product produced by Zidian City."

The TV jumped to another channel, and Leo turned his attention from the TV program to the TV itself.

This TV, which was specially placed outside the store by the merchant, is more than 2 meters long and about 1.3 meters high, which is equivalent to the size of a 150-inch TV in the previous life, and the pixel high color reproductionRealistic, walking in to take a look, it is a very shocking visual enjoyment.

However, although 150-inch TVs are rare, Leo has seen bigger ones in his previous life, so after a moment of exclamation, he couldn't help but look at the TV shop opposite.

It was a very large semi-open business.

There were electric vehicles with a full sense of machinery and smooth streamlines inside, some with heavy and solid double wheels, and some without wheels, only the body that was suspended for some reason, which made Leo drool.

"I wonder if the prize for the competition in the Electric Street is one of these. If it is, I'm rich."

Imagine myself as a Kamen Rider... Bah, Elf Knight, Riolu showed an excited silly smile on his face.

In this way, the three little ones, who were full of novelty all the way, finally arrived at the competition held in the Electric Street.

"Ah, there are still quite a few people."

Asuhiro tiptoed to look at the people queuing up to register. Although it was not as exaggerated as the Elf Ecological Reserve, it was still quite lively.

But there are quite a few special people here:

Some are young children with school bags on their backs, some are maintenance workers wearing work clothes with wrenches on their waists, some are elderly people leaning on crutches with a cheerful look, and some are even more unique. There is a fish seller wearing a hairband and a waterproof apron with a fishy smell, there is a girl in front who asks everyone if they want to buy a flower, and even behind Asuka are two middle-aged uncles wearing slippers and vests, chatting and asking about each other’s lives.

"Why are you participating in this competition?"

"Don't mention it. My wife has been nagging me for a month because I didn't get the prize last time. This time, she didn't even cook and asked me to participate. What about you?"

"My husband has taken a fancy to the automatic variable frequency air conditioner this time, and he insisted that I win the prize back. If I don't win, he won't even give me pocket money."

"Ah, that's really hard for you..."

"That's right..."

"If there is a chance to meet, how about brothers, let me win?"

"Everyone is willing to talk..."

The two middle-aged uncles sighed for a while, and looked at each other with the eyes of "a good wife at home and a brother at home".

Leo, who eavesdropped on the two greasy uncles and thought there was some secret, was speechless.

It turns out that the elf competition in this world is not all of the very serious type, there are also these unreliable types.

After finally getting to tomorrow's photo, after registering her name and signing the competition contract, the girl received a number plate: "33".

"Hello, your registration has been completed. Please pay attention to the announcement on the radio and then go to the designated battle arena to compete."

The staff politely informed Ming Rizhao of the relevant precautions, and then processed the registration of the next person in line.

"This, you have registered now? No need to verify the trainer's identity? No need to register the elves who appear?"

Ming Rizhao was a little confused, holding his trainer ID card in his hand and standing aside.

An auntie passing by said cheerfully: "Our competition here is just for self-entertainment, how can it be as formal as the formal competition? Little girl, is this your first time in Zidian City?"

"Yes, are you also a contestant?"

"Just call me Aunt Huizi. The owner of our hall likes elves very much, so every once in a while, we will cooperate with the merchants in the electrical street to hold such elf battle competitions. Since everyone can participate, in addition to the local residents of Zidian City, many tourists will also participate when visiting Zidian City. Therefore, this electrical street competition has gradually evolved into a major event in our town."

Aunt Huizi explained a lot, and finally said that she had to hurry home to cook before saying goodbye and leaving.

The three little ones wandered around the electrical street for a while before they heard the broadcast.

"Contestant No. 33, please go to the No. 3 ring for the first round."

"Repeat, contestant No. 33..."

Asuki adjusted his clothes nervously, then waved his fist and encouraged his two elf friends: "It's our turn, come on!"

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