My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 141: Goals and arrangements

From the perspective of Santa Fu.

As long as it is something that can be solved with money, it is nothing!

In the end, it was because of the peculiarities of S-level tasks.

After weighing and weighing it again and again, San Taifu directly released the A-level.

It is because the strength is strong enough.

It's because of the origin ten years ago.

Only then did Santao directly ask Konoha village to hope that Hagi Kakashi would come to protect him. The most important thing was that after Santao’s understanding, Hagi Kakashi was indeed extremely famous in the ninja world. Shangren, in this way, the impression that the big benefactor wants to spend huge sums of money to hire the best guards is left, and he is not afraid of others' suspicion. As long as he leaves the country of fire and enters the border of the country of snow, it will be his own Half of the plan can be completed. For the rest, as long as Santafu is more sincere, he can increase the reward for the task whenever necessary. He believes that the plan will be executed smoothly.

All of the above are Naruto in these short seconds.

Reasoning based on the memory of the original plot and the understanding of the current situation.

I dare not say that it is 100% accurate.

When Naruto himself thinks that he should stay the same.

And look over from Naruto's side.

My own teacher Kakashi’s seemingly inattentive look, in fact, must be somewhat suspicious of this mission. The standard of the B-level mission, the remuneration of the A-level mission, and even though Kakashi didn’t have it in the first place Looking back, but Fenghua Xiaoxue had a vague sense of familiarity that directly deepened Kakashi's doubts.

Kakashi also noticed Naruto's sight for the first time.

Suddenly inadvertently.

Kakashi's right eye narrowed slightly, and a deep smile faintly revealed.

After Naruto was taken aback, he also nodded slightly invisible.

Eye contact between each other.

Because it was only for a moment.

In addition, the movements of Kakashi and Naruto are very subtle.

Even Kozakura and Sasuke, who were all close at hand, didn't notice. After all, Sasuke couldn't be bored until this time and just open the writing wheel to observe, right?

The first time I saw Naruto, I understood what I wanted to convey.

Kakashi couldn't help but sigh Naruto's intelligence in his heart.

"It really deserves to be the child of Teacher Watergate..."

It's not just about ninja talents.

In Kakashi's view.

Naruto undoubtedly inherited all the advantages of his teacher and his mother.

Since the first mission.

The whole team hardly needs to worry about it.

The task is arranged.

Naruto can lead two teammates to perform tasks well.

Innate leadership skills.

Kakashi believes that Naruto's future will definitely become a great ninja comparable to his father's existence.

It is precisely because of this.

This time the task.

Kakashi certainly noticed something strange.


Special is special.

With the current strength of the seventh squad.

Kakashi really doesn't need to worry too much.

If this mission is to enter the territories of the other four major countries.

Then Kakashi may need to be more carefully considered.

But it's just the country of snow.

Even if there are really accidents.

Kakashi also believes that his team's current configuration can be fully handled.

This is the self-confidence brought by strength.

In the original book, the seventh class dared to directly receive this A-level task.

This life is even more unreasonable.

‘Well, although it will be a difficult mental journey for you, it should be a relatively easy journey home, Your Royal Highness Snow Princess. ’

Looking at Fenghua Xiaoxue, who can directly enter the performance state without having to brew emotions.

Naruto put his hands in his trouser pockets, his body leaned on the pole behind him, his expression remained unchanged, and he thought to himself.

The country of snow.

Fenghua Xiaoxue.

If this trip goes well.

The stronghold in your plan will have the best record.

And the country of snow is here.

There are additional goals that Naruto wants to achieve.

"Mr. Angry Tao, hurry up to give the head away, if you don't come, I will come to get it by myself. I can't look forward to this big gift bag!"

Turn sideways slightly.

Overlooking the sea in the distance.

Naruto's eyes became deep.

The one that appeared in his mind, which seemed to be fierce, was actually the image of a weak chicken "Fenghua and Rage". The corners of his mouth rose slightly, revealing a faint smile.

It was also when Naruto and a group of people rode the wind and waves towards the country of Snow.

The other side.

The capital of the Snow Country-Fenghua City.

The mansion of the big name.

This building was once burned to death.

After the wind, flowers and raging waves ascended the throne, it cost a lot of money to rebuild it, and it is more magnificent than before.

I will only enjoy this [His Royal Highness Rebellion]

He didn't care about the lives of the people of Snow Country at all.

If it weren't for the angry waves to control Xuenin Village, there would be hundreds of ninjas under his hands.

The people of the Snow Country had long since risen to overthrow his rule.

It is because the power is in hand.

These people in the Snow Country dare not speak.

Can only succumb to the lustful might of the wind and flowers.

The huge daimyo palace.

It was built purely for pleasure.

And at this moment, in the central location of this great palace.

Fenghua Rage sits on his throne, swaying a glass of red wine in his right hand, looking at the large projector in front of him with an inexplicable look. What appears on it is Fenghua Xiaoxue’s childhood and the present. Two photos.

In addition, there are three figures distributed on three sides, kneeling on one knee on the ground with a respectful look.

"So, Fuji Kazekie is Kazekyuko, isn't it?"

The words that rang faintly.

The tone of Fenghua and Rage seemed to be filled with surprises.

"Yes, sir, after many researches, we can already confirm 100% that this Fuji Fengxue Painting is Little Snow Princess, and we can be sure that the hexagonal crystal is still on Little Snow Princess!"

The man in the leftmost position, who had fought with Kakashi ten years ago, was regarded as Xue Ren who had defeated Kakashi-Spike Xue Beng lowered his head slightly, and responded in a deep voice.

"Furthermore, Little Snow Princess has already arrived on a steamer towards the Snow Country, accompanied by a small team of Konoha Ninjas to protect!"

"Hehe, it seems that the ninja who is accompanying him is Kakashi Hagaki, right?"

On the other side, the only female Xueren who was kneeling on one knee-Heyi Chuuxue said with a chuckle.

"Hagi Kakashi? It's the Konoha ninja who defeated Lord Spike ten years ago and was forced to take Little Snow Princess out of the Snow Country? That's really fate!"

The last male Xue Ren with a burly figure and a fierce face - Dong Xiong Frozen Rain said with a urn of disdain.

"Well, this is indeed a bad fate."

Fang Xuebao said this with a look of self-sufficiency.

Can beat Kakashi ten years ago.

The current Spike Avalanche is still confident that he can defeat Hagi Kakashi.

After all, not only strength, but also the equipment on his body has been updated.

Much stronger than I was ten years ago!

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