My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 151: Early decisive battle

The approaching black train.

The majestic breath that swept through.

But it was also because Kakashi, Naruto, and Sasuke each stood on the high point that they must pass.

"Water escape-the art of the big waterfall!"

Kakashi directly made the seal immediately when the train was about to approach the shortest distance, and threw out the water escape ninjutsu.


The raging wave.

Not only was the train stopped directly.

"Ice Escape——The Art of Crystal Wall!"

It is forcing the wolf tooth avalanche in the train to jump out directly, quickly forming a seal, and forming a thick ice wall directly in front of the wave.

Blocked the rolling wave.

Divide it over the sides.

"Hehe, it's really a grand welcome, Kakashi Haha!"

Above the top of the train.

A figure suddenly appeared on the side of Langya Xuebao who had been standing.

A burly body.

Extremely fierce face.

And almost at the same time as seeing the people coming.

Not far away, Fenghua Koyuki, who was protected by Sakura behind her, turned pale, and her whole body trembled uncontrollably, and the obvious look of horror in her pupils was facing the visitor's eyes.

"And you, Xiaoxue, it’s been a long time since I saw you. It’s been almost ten years, right? Welcome back to the Snow Country. Hearing the news of your return, uncle, I can’t wait to meet you, Xiaoxue! Sa, and uncle me Let’s return to Fenghuacheng together! It’s been ten years since your father died unexpectedly. For so many years, you haven’t visited Brother Zaoxue’s grave. As a filial daughter, Uncle thinks you can still do this. Xiaoxue!"

The visitor was the current name of Snow Country who had previously decided to come to'welcome' Fenghua Xiaoxue in person—Fenghua and Rage, the peaceful words and seemingly gentle expressions, but the words spoken were extremely cold. Ran the meaning.

And Fenghua Xiaoxue who heard these words.

The trembling of the whole body became more intense, and Fenghua Xiaoxue, who was holding her body in her hands, couldn't help but resurfaced in her mind the rebellion ten years ago, the raging fire, and the last voice and face of her father. .

The **** memories that emerged.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Fenghua Xiaoxue couldn't help but knelt down, holding her head and screaming.

"The wind and the flowers are raging! You despicable villain, dare to appear here! If you feel a little ashamed, you should apologize!"

Santao Asama on the side also took a look of anger, and shouted at the wind and raging waves.

San Taifu's words also made Fenghua's face instantly gloomy.


There was a cold voice full of killing intent.

Between backhands.

"Shoo, hoo, hoo!"

Above the front position.


The outer baffle opened.

Bullet holes revealed.


In less than a second.

All kinds of ninjas that quickly vented out.

Indiscriminate shooting.

On both sides.

Naruto and Sasuke also reacted quickly.

"Wind escape-a big breakthrough!"

"Fire escape-Howe Fireball!"

The figure jumping up.

The marks formed by each.

A hurricane blowing vigorously.

A huge fireball that emerged out of thin air.

Pinch past from both sides.

It blows away and swallows most of the kunai and shurikens.

Kakashi retreated a little.

It also ends immediately.

"Soil Escape-The Art of Earth Flow Wall!"

Directly increased Chakra output.

In the front position.

Several huge earth walls formed quickly.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

"Keng Keng!"

Almost all the remaining kunai and shurikens were blocked.

There are only a few unlucky ones who have been scratched.

Seeing the wind and raging waves in this scene, the expression became cold, and the expression on that face became more and more ferocious.

"Go on! Kill all those people! I only need hexagonal crystals, understand!?"

Feng Hua Nu Tao said harshly with an extremely fierce expression.


Above the surface.

It's not just an avalanche of Spikes.

Accompanied by that low voice in response.






Hundreds of figures leaped out.

Attack this time.

Fenghua and Rage is to carry all the combat power he can control.

Although Snow Ninja Village has hundreds of ninjas.

However, some logistics personnel, such as intelligence, torture, guards, etc., must be eliminated.

And national border surveillance and inspection personnel.

The garrison of Xueren Village itself.

Necessary left-behind personnel in Fenghua City.

In the shortest time, Fenghua and Raging Waves can summon Xue Ren.

It is the hundreds of people who have been stationed in Fenghua City recently.

Including the other four ‘shangren. ’

More than twenty names Zhong Ren.

The rest is to endure.

This is also the power he can mobilize in the shortest time after taking into account the strength shown by Kakashi, Naruto and other people. With such a number of Xueren, with those Chakra armors, Fenghua Have enough confidence to destroy these insurgents here, capture Fenghua Xiaoxue, and get the hexagonal crystal that you dream of!

"Retreat to a safe place, Sakura, protect Little Snow Princess!"

Looking at the Xuenin group leaping from the train and swarming out.

Kakashi, who was standing on the earth wall, changed his face slightly, and said in a deep voice to Sakura and others underneath.

Although in terms of perception.

Opposite this group of Xue Ren.

Basically, they are middle and lower endurance.

Only those ‘Shangren’ and Zhongren who are eligible to wear Chakra armor (mainly because they are expensive to manufacture and cannot be mass-produced, so one can be produced by one person)

But even so.

Hundreds of hostile ninjas.

It is also enough to have a strong visual effect.

You know they only have four ninjas here.

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi!"

Kozakura immediately replied.

The figure who turned around immediately.

"Little Snow Princess, please follow me, don't leave! Retreat to the back first!"

All offensives blocked.

Or it should be said.

A certain degree of peace of mind brought by the protection of Kakashi, Naruto and others.

Although Fenghua Xiaoxue was psychologically impacted by the moment when Fenghua and raging waves appeared on the stage, it was different from the previous time. Fenghua Xiaoxue was barely sorted out this time, and nodded gently, and then followed Kozakura closely. There was a faint trembling figure beside him.

It made the Santa Fu on the side an extremely uncomfortable feeling.

‘Kill Fenghua and Rage! Must kill the insurgents here! Only in this way can the shadow in the heart of Little Snow Princess be erased! ’

This was the only thought deep down in the heart of the third man at this moment.

He planned to take Fenghua Xiaoxue to evacuate to a relatively safe position for the time being.

So he immediately went back to summon the armed forces of their revival society to come and support!

Want to wipe out the forces of Fenghua and Rage here in one fell swoop!

to this end.

They have been preparing for ten years!

This time, it was hard to wait until Little Snow Princess returned, and Fenghua Rage still left Fenghua City so stupidly by herself!

This is an excellent opportunity for them to get rid of the wind, flowers and raging waves!

The revival meeting headed by Santa Fu is definitely not to be missed!

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