My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 171: The acting skills of the two Konoha "door gods"

"Are you still taking the Zhongnin exam? Just go back and drink milk for little devil like you! This is not a place you can come to!"

Very arrogant words.

With that arrogant expression.

And the ‘green-skin monster’ kid who was overturned directly on the surface.

Such a scene with very sharp contrast.

Some of the Xia Ren people in the back were aggrieved, but most of the Xia Ren here are just small shrimps in the real sense.

Even if very dissatisfied.

But no one will really come forward and say anything.

The clumsy "acting" and the lowest-level illusion distortion that can be easily seen through in the original book.

Needless to say, Sakura and Sasuke in this life.

Almost after a glance, you can see that the '301' classroom in front of you is a false existence, and the two short ninjas in front of the '301' classroom are obviously deliberate. Of course, Sakura and Sasuke did not see that these two "short" Konoha ninjas still used the disguise of the transformation technique. After all, the two pillars were not idle enough to open the writing wheel to conduct detailed observations. Kozakura is also the same. Reason, the illusion skills in the current stage are not enough to make Sakura aware of the illusion disguise of the two Konoha ninjas in front of him, but simply to see that these are two'actors' showing their poor acting skills.

Naruto naturally benefited from the prophet plot in the original book.

At the moment of seeing the two.

I learned the identity of the two.

This should be regarded as the most drama in the village of Konoha, and it seems that it can be regarded as eliminating the so-called'strongest' Nakanin existence in the protagonist team-Izumo and Zitie, the existence of two Konoha villages who guard the gates all the year round, and even have been used in the previous life. He joked that "Because of the strongest Zhong Ren guarding the gate, even Payne dared not walk the gate directly, but needed a surprise attack from high altitude!"

And the "green-skin monster"

Naturally, it is also one of the twelve Xiaoqiang in the original book.

It is also the real strongest ninja in that period in the original book-Rock Lee! (Gu Jie will not talk about Xing Ren.)

Even in this life.

Xiao Li is also the strongest under Naruto.

This is still to be based on Naruto's choice to break out of the nine-tailed chakra.

if not.

If you just play against your personal strength.

Now it is Xiao Li who can open five doors.

It's not enough to kick Naruto.

But Naruto will definitely be completely suppressed.

Can only choose delaying tactics.

As far as possible, wait until Xiao Li's own body can't bear to collapse before he has a chance to fight back.

"That's why I said, fate is such a thing..."

Looking at Xiao Li who deliberately pretended to be very weak.

Naruto smiled softly and whispered.

"Huh? Naruto? Did you just say something?"

Kozakura, who was walking on the left, seemed to have heard something, turned her head to look at Naruto, and asked curiously.

"No, it's nothing, just go through here, this is probably just an appetizer, let's not waste time here."

Naruto smiled and shook his head, and immediately walked over.


It's not just Sakura.

Sasuke also nodded in approval.

If the Zhongjin exam is just such a level of assessment.

Sasuke really had the idea of ​​quitting the exam on the spot.

What the second pillar pursues is the test of ultimate high strength.

Such a test is not even a threshold.

Let's just ignore it and cross it.

The three people who passed through the crowd went straight to the foremost position.

Passing by.

Naruto also glanced at Xiao Li under him as if inadvertently.

After all, it's the same as before.

This time, the same age who took the Nakanin exam, Xia Ninri.

I really want to find out who is qualified to threaten Naruto and even defeat Naruto. Except for Gaara, it is Xiao Li. It’s not a good thing that Pharmacist has the guy who is pretending to be forceful. The strength level is more than average. Shinobu, and he is still the most trusted subordinate of Dashemaru, the most important thing is the guy who is over 20 years old, that definitely can't be compared.

This is why Naruto pays more attention to Xiaoli.

One says one.

Xiao Li is really one of the few civilian ninjas in the original book who relied on his own efforts and sweat to rise up as a ninja with a different kind of genius.

Metkay is a horror who almost kicked out the finale.

With Xiao Li's hard work and talent in Bamen Dunjia.

Rock Lee also has the potential to become a terrifying existence like Metkay in the future.

It just shines briefly like a meteor.

But the bright luster that burst out.

It is also the only performance in this world that can rely on one's own efforts to confront the ‘big tube blood line’!

Of course, Xiao Li at this time is still slightly immature.

Not only in strength, but also in mind.

Bamen Dunjia, if you don’t want to hurt yourself, it’s probably three within the limit. The fourth is to destroy the extreme balance. The body will be more severely traumatized. If you want to threaten the current Naruto, Xiao Li will at least To open to the fourth door and even the fifth door, but the five-door Xiao Li is in danger of life. The game against Gaara in the original is the best proof.

Naturally, Naruto only glanced at Xiao Li more.

This momentary shift of sight.

Everyone present did not notice.

The side of Xiao Li who passed directly through.

Naruto came to the disguised Izumo and Zite at the moment when he saw the three of Naruto.

With the seemingly unchanging expressions of Izumo and Zitie, the pupils actually contracted slightly invisibly, mainly because of Naruto’s status as the Nine-tailed person, plus the completion of the seventh class during this time Izumo and Zite also heard about the number of level tasks, and for the three people in the seventh class led by'Kakashi-senpai', these two Konoha'door gods' naturally paid much attention to them.

The mood swings between the two of them at that moment naturally did not escape Naruto's sight.

It's just that Naruto didn't bother to care, still kept this faint smile, and said directly.

"We are going to classroom 301, can you please let me go? You are blocking my way upstairs."

Slow and plain words.

"Block the way upstairs?"

"Huh? Isn't this 301?"

"Huh? What's the matter?"

It also directly caused an uproar behind him.

Except for a few people who are really talented, including Ningji Hyuga who wants to be a little low-key, the rest of the rookies all looked at Naruto's figure with a vague but incomprehensible expression.

Everyone gathered here just to enter the 301 classroom in front of you.

Why did this blonde Konoha Shinobu still say to block the stairs upstairs?

What does it mean?

"Wow, did you notice it?"

Izumo also deliberately pretended to be surprised, and said curiously.

"But, even if you noticed it, this is not a place that will let you pass easily!"

Zi Tie on the side also deliberately said this in a very arrogant tone.

"If you want to pass here, you have to defeat us!"

That's also an illusion that can be solved directly by taking advantage of the situation.

The ‘301’ disappeared directly and turned into ‘201’, and the stairway appeared on the left.

It made those rookies stare at their own eyes even more.

"Beat you guys?"

Naruto smiled softly.

Then he hadn't waited for Naruto to do anything.


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