My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 175: Assessment open

"Who are you? What do you mean by that?"

The nine-member group that was attracted by the words of the pharmacist, the moment when he saw the pharmacist’s pocket, the most meticulous Shikamaru except Naruto, and the honing of various tasks during this time, the first All of Sasuke's brows frowned when he noticed the strange feeling in a moment. It was not that there was something wrong with the disguise of the pharmacist's pocket, and it was not that the pharmacist's pocket was showing off his feet. If you know that in terms of acting alone, the pharmacist's pocket is definitely something. In Naruto World, there are movie king-level existences. Shikamaru and Sasuke just simply feel that there is some disagreement. The reason is simple. Under such circumstances, normal people will not easily talk to strangers, even ninjas in the same village. , Unless it’s a familiar companion, the other point is that the aura on Yakushi’s pocket is too peaceful, so peaceful that it’s not like a ninja at all. In this case, it’s either not long after graduation to become a ninja, such as Shikamaru, Dingji, Ino The three of them are either really introverted and very shy ninjas.

For example, Hinata, even after many years of becoming a ninja.

Still a soft look.

The pharmacist's pocket obviously has nothing to do with these two points.

This is why Sasuke and Shikamaru feel a little strange at the same time.

Naturally, the other few were just a little surprised at the strangers who suddenly appeared, including Sakura, Ino, Shino and others who didn’t notice anything. Tooth even asked directly. The guard that was revealed was only aimed at Generally speaking of strangers.

Yakushidou naturally understood this, and even faintly noticed some mental changes in Shikamaru and Sasuke.

But for senior spies like Pharmacist Dou.

This is nothing at all.

The most critical point is.

He leaned over this time, originally there was no malicious intent.

It's just pure contact beforehand.

"Hehe, I'm also Konoha's ninja. I graduated a few years earlier than you guys. Don't be so wary. I don't have any malice. I'm just a senior to give you some advice."

The pharmacist raised his hands, signaled that he was not malicious, and said with a smile.

"Let you be quiet. This is also for your good. Although we say that this is our Konoha Village, you should also know that the Zhongnin exam is being held here. Look at the people around you, but they have experienced a lot of life and death. Fighting, with a lot of experience in Shinobu, if it is too noisy, it is easy to cause trouble."

There was still a gentle smile on Yakushi's face, just like a senior ninja who cared about the younger generation in the village, softly giving suggestions to Naruto, Toga, Shikamaru and others.

If not familiar with the plot.

Even Naruto is at most wary of the pharmacist.

‘I’m really good at disguising, Yakushidou, this acting is the highest-level movie king. ’

Looking at the pharmacist pocket who is still performing.

Naruto's expression was not revealed, but he sighed inwardly and thought silently.

Pharmacist Dou is really a talent.

If you can use it for yourself.

That will definitely become the biggest help in his plan, but Naruto knows very well that this is very difficult. Although Naruto himself does have some chips to use, the current pharmacist pocket is no longer the original pharmacist pocket. I don't have any confidence to instigate this senior actor. Even if the instigation is successful, Naruto can't say that he believes in Yakushidou 100%. It is indeed that this man's performance in the original book is so amazing.

It's not too much to say that the pharmacist's pocket is an old fox.

Compete with these people in mind?

Naruto is not so arrogant and stupid yet.

I can only talk about the moment of the scene, and it seems that I can use this Mr. Pharmacist Dou with my familiarity with the plot and some future actions.

But also in Naruto's short thinking time.

Pharmacist Dou obviously has initially integrated into their small circle.

Toga, Hinata, Ino, and Dingji are all unprepared for Tou. After all, they are senior ninjas in their own village. There are so many darkness in the Ninja world, and even murders in the same village. There are endless incidents of rebellious ninjas. Konoha is relatively peaceful and still maintains. Relatively stable, these young geniuses of the new generation have not seen the real darkness yet, and it is normal for their minds to be simple.

The three are naturally due to the superb acting skills of the pharmacist.

From Naruto's observation.

Even Shino and Shikamaru are just a little bit of defense against strangers against Pharmacist's pocket.

It will not reach the highest level of alertness or even hostility at all.


Okay, that facial paralyzed expression.

Naruto is also hard to see.

After all, Sasuke's facial paralysis and Shino's facial paralysis are not at the same level.

In addition, Shino is indeed a bit simpler at this stage.

"Awesome! Really have all kinds of information!"

Over there, Ya was already amazed by the intelligence gathering ability of Yakushi Pocket.

It was the most straightforward tooth. After learning about the importance of ninja intelligence collection from Pharmacist Pocket, I also directly asked a few ninjas I was interested in. Naturally, this included the guidance of his own team, Yurihong, and Nami no Kuni. Li taught them the eighth class, the significantly stronger Kakashi Hagishi Shinnin.

Confidential information is naturally difficult to collect by pharmacists.

Even if they were collected, they would definitely not be able to tell on this occasion.

Isn't that a fool who doesn't confess?

But it is only some information circulating in the Ninja World, or just a little more difficult information.

The pharmacist said it directly without any pressure.

This little information is enough to make the eyes of these little cute newbies shine.

"Ninja collecting intelligence is a basic skill. Whether it is completing tasks or fighting, intelligence has the highest priority. You are all just graduated. This time the Zhongnin exam is a very good experience. I hope you can do it yourself. Pay attention a little bit."

The pharmacist said with a smile, and under that seemingly gentle expression, there was also a faint glimmer of cold light flashing in his pupils.

The situation in this life is very different from the original book.

Neither Naruto nor Sasuke meant to lean over.

This made Pharmacist want to get in touch with the two initially, and at least a few words of conversation first fell through.

But even more because of this.

Instead, the pharmacist was unable to approach it actively.

In that case, it really seems a little deliberate.

As a senior spy.

Judging by this situation, it is still at hand.

Anyway, the initial impression is there.

There is also time in the next Zhongnin exam.

The pharmacist is not in a hurry.

He also left the group of nine with a smile in about the same time.

It happened to be at this time.

The door of classroom 301 was directly pushed open.

More than a dozen figures came into the eyes of everyone present.

Especially the man who took the lead, with scars on his face, seemed to be very mature, but in fact he was still young, stepping into the classroom.

"Everyone keep quiet! The first test of the Zhongnin exam will be taken right away! Introduce myself, I am the chief instructor of your first exam-Morino Ibiki, all of you, let us spend this time together happily. An assessment!"

Talk about it.

The chief examiner named Morino Ibiki showed a grim smile.

Everyone in the examination room couldn't help but feel terrified.

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