My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 199: Conversation with Uncle Snake

It's just the more intense fighting triggered by the five-tailed chakra.

Leading to the possible occurrence of the Konoha high-level attention.

He and Dashemaru secretly traded intently and so on and so on.

None of the scenes Naruto would like to see now.

So when the words of Oshemaru fell.

Naruto also took advantage of the **** to go down the donkey, as Dashewan said.

My goal is just to get an equivalent conversation qualification.

Now that Dashemaru has seen through this.

And it seems to be willing to talk to myself and even trade.

Naruto naturally has no need to waste time and energy.

Another point is that Naruto also realizes that the battle just now will definitely attract the attention of the surroundings. The conversation and transaction must be completed in the shortest time. Otherwise, the finishing work will be a bit troublesome. Killing the mouth does not mean that Naruto has it. Psychological pressure, but once you encounter a person who is too troublesome, even if you choose to kill it directly for the purpose of sealing, it will also cause more trouble. At this critical moment, it is naturally better to do more than less.

"Hehe, since Osha Maru-san has said so, I, as a junior, naturally still have to listen."

Naruto smiled lightly, the understatement, the same as the previous battle as air. Seeing Naruto's posture, Da Shemaru's evaluation of Naruto is also a higher level, 12-year-old has such strength and mentality In their era, the little guy in front of them is also an extremely outstanding existence, and his equipment is far beyond ordinary people. At least seeing Naruto who behaves like this, Oshemaru is more interested in the next conversation. He is very curious about Naruto. What do people talk about with themselves, what kind of deals they want to make.

"However, Osamaru-san, although I'm talking about some miscellaneous fish, I don't want to affect our conversation. Seniors should understand the difficulties of younger generations, right?"

Naruto smiled softly, and said as he looked at Dashemaru.

Although Naruto's perception is much worse than that of Aromatic Phosphorus.

But the degree of perception can still be done.

People in the northwest and northeast directions each approached quickly.

Although it is impossible to tell who it is.

But those who have the courage to perceive such violent battle fluctuations are definitely only those who are confident in themselves, but seem a little ignorant.

One is that he is unwilling to kill in such circumstances.

The second point is also an important point, for fear of subsequent troubles.

"Ha ha."

For this.

Dashewan is naturally noncommittal.

But there is really no need to affect your plan.

At the moment, he also nodded casually.

Soon after.

Naruto immediately separated two shadow clones.

Holding Sakura and Sasuke each.

Then bring the aroma phosphorus.

He Dashemaru left the place directly and headed for a more remote place inside the Death Forest.

Than wait until Naruto and Dashemaru have left for a while.

Gaara also came here with Kankuro and Temari. Looking at the empty and messy scene in front of him, Gaara frowned, and an extremely irritable and dissatisfied emotion appeared in his pupils.


Temari on the side asked tremblingly.

"Humph! Let's go!"

Did not find any unexpected breath to explore.

Gaara could only give a cold snort.

Xuan even took Kankuro and Temari and left the place.

The one-tailed person who was already agitated in his heart, now desperately wants to find someone who can be tortured to vent his deep resentment.

The Kaiban that came afterwards, like the Sand Shinobu team, saw the place where the battle was taking place was already empty.

As the team leader, Neji Hyuga frowned and left with Xiao Li and Tian Tian.

The two teams arrived at a relatively close time. Fortunately, they came from different directions, and there were no Sensing Ninjas in the team. Otherwise, the two teams would probably fight directly here.

After all, Gaara is here.

It's hard not to fight!

And put aside these outsiders for the time being.

The perspective returns to Naruto's side.

It's almost a short distance forward.

Inquiring about Aromatic Phosphorus.

There are almost no other ninjas within ten miles.

Naruto stopped.

Da She Maru also stopped on a big tree a few meters away from Naruto, and looked at Naruto with a gloomy smile.

"Sa, it's quieter here, we can have a good talk, Senior Oshemaru."

Naruto raised his eyes slightly and said as he looked at Da She Wan.

"Hey, Naruto-san, you want to have a peer-to-peer conversation, you do have such strength, but I may not be willing, so before the formal conversation, I think you should show your sincerity!"

Da She Wan licked her lips, and her eyes were placed on the fragrant phosphorus. The little girl couldn't help feeling cold. After shaking, she turned her gaze to Naruto again, and said gloomily.

Pay attention to Dashemaru's sight.

Naruto also subconsciously turned sideways and blocked him, covering the fragrant phosphorus behind him. Then, when he heard the words in his ear, Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then revealed a clear look, nodded lightly and said with a smile.

"Of course, Osaki Maru-san, sincerity will definitely be there. First is your identity. I also guessed it from the hand-off just now. Although Konoha Village has set one of the top secrets about your S-rank traitor. The new generation of ninjas almost don’t know about you, but I’m an eager person, some information can still be known, plus there is a guy in my body who knows a lot of information. Of course, the most important thing to prove your identity is The reason is still in your plan with Sahina, Osaimaru-san."

Naruto opened his mouth and came, without thinking about this lie, it was just made up.

And it also said that there is a good way.

"Knowing some of your information, plus Shinobu's plan, and the fight with you just now, you can easily guess your identity when combined with it. As for the plan, I don't know the details, but I do. Yes, the target is for the village of Konoha. I am not wrong, am I right? Onomaru-san, as for the specific sources of intelligence, forgive me for not telling Onomaru-san."

Naruto smiled lightly, then made up his mind.

Naruto is not afraid of being exposed by Oshemaru.

Leaving aside Oshe Maru, I don't have the energy and time now.

The most important point is that the content revealed in Naruto’s words is that the source of the intelligence is from the side of Shinobu. As for the most trash existence in this five-da Shinobu village, Oshemaru does not look down on it at all, and forms an alliance with it and executes the Konoha collapse plan. , Is also based on the principle and idea of ​​garbage recycling, otherwise, the four generations of Fengying will not be slaughtered before the plan is implemented. Isn't it afraid of bad things?

Such as fleeing.

Or simply shrink back before the plan starts.

Don't believe in Sand Ninja Village.

Even look down on Sand Ninja Village.

Regarding the possibility that Sunnin Village might leak information.

Dashewan naturally does not feel suspicious.

The most important thing is that only this is the source of the information of Tong Naruto!

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