My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 203: Time to wait

Sakura may only need to rest for a while to wake up.

But Sasuke may take a long time.

In the original book, how long did it take to initially adapt to the impact of the'curse seal', Naruto can't remember clearly, after all, those are too detailed and unimportant things, Naruto's brain capacity is impossible To deliberately record these things, but Naruto himself estimates that it will take up to a day to see and Sasuke will wake up. As for the option of waiting for Sakura to wake up and go directly to the tower with Sasuke on his back, it’s not impossible. Just doing that, Sasuke is likely to lose the qualification for the next round of assessment.

Starting from the character of Erzhuzi.

Naruto still thinks it’s best to wait until Sasuke himself wakes up, at least on the surface before entering the tower, or that sentence, now the assessment has just begun, there is more than enough time left, Naruto does not need to worry too much, and This is also based on the fact that Naruto knows that the curse seal in the original book will not harm Sasuke at all.

Sasuke in the original book can survive.

It is even more unreasonable in this life.

The two shadow avatars each hold Sakura and Sasuke, Naruto directly chooses to come to a relatively low area, selects a big tree, directly cuts through the bottom of the big tree, hollows out the inside, and places the two in it. In a ventilated location.

Seeing the two of them, especially Sasuke’s breathing was much smoother than before, Naruto was relieved, although the curse mark on Sasuke’s neck seemed to be still agitated, it faintly exudes a very unknown breath. .

But Naruto didn't care at all.

Originally speaking.

The curse imprint is just the product of Dashemaru's research on the ability of Shigeo to absorb natural energy. From an essential point of view, it can be regarded as a special medium for squeezing the potential of oneself and exploding stronger strength.

Ninja who accepts the curse seal.

All you need to do is to adapt to the curse!

From the perspective of Naruto's understanding.

It is nothing more than whether the variant can adapt to natural energy.

The second pillar belongs to the Uchiha clan.

It is the reincarnation of Indra Chakra.

The natural energy of mere variation.

Naruto naturally felt that there was no problem at all.

"At most, wait for a day!"

Seeing Sasuke whose face was sometimes calm and sometimes showing pain.

Naruto whispered.

After finally confirming that neither Sasuke nor Sakura had other injuries.

Naruto also moved to the entrance of the tree cave, sat down cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested. In the previous battle with Dashemaru, Naruto did not suffer much damage, but Chakra was a bit serious in his face, especially mentally. On the other hand, when the nine-tailed chakra broke out to the four-tailed level, Naruto had to bear the negative emotions from the nine-tailed chakra, which was not actively controlled by the nine-tailed chakra, but the chakra himself. Just carry, if Kyuubi takes the initiative to strengthen the mental attack, even the current Naruto, the state of the four tails is very difficult, let alone the Chakra who is trying to burst out with five tails.

This is the same as the original.

It is different from the pure Nine-Tailed Chakra pattern.

There are no negative emotions in it at all.

Relying on the ‘tug of war’, only the part of the chakra was forcibly pulled out and used.

Naruto naturally wanted to turn on the chakra mode.

However, it is impossible to achieve without the seal being lifted.

This method can only be used to mobilize the Nine-Tailed Chakra, and the side effects in it are naturally to be endured together.

What it brings is mental pressure and consumption.

It seems that there is no trauma, Naruto himself needs to recuperate to recover from mental fatigue.

Before entering the break.

Naruto also placed some simple warning traps around.

Prevent any unexpected events.

It was also the moment when Naruto took Sasuke and Sakura to hide in another corner of the dead forest.

The sound of fighting in the entire death forest is also over time.

Gradually increase.

3 days.

Find the hostile ninja (the village can also be robbed, in order to advance, but most ninjas will still subconsciously look for the enemy in the outer village, start with the ninja in the village, that is the final goal of choice.)

Then the winner must be decided.

And make sure that the scrolls you grab are in line with your team.

The Naruto team that has completed the mission doesn't mention it.

In the remaining teams.

At the top of the food chain, there are and only the Gaara team who has just chosen the most daring choice to come to the scene of the confrontation between Naruto and Oshomaru, as well as the trio of Kaiban. It is not difficult for these two teams to obtain the scrolls they want. .

Even if you grab the wrong one.

Relying on their strengths to grab another one is completely trivial.

These two teams can deal with this second round of assessment with a more relaxed attitude.

As long as you don't meet each other.

And the Konoha squad with the biggest pretender-Pharmacist's pocket, of course, it is possible that Pharmacist's pocket will directly release water to avoid fighting.

Gaara Team and Kaiban can easily get the scrolls they want.

But it was limited to these two teams.

The remaining teams must do their best to **** the scrolls before they can pass the second round of assessment.

In theory, the pass rate is at most only 50% of this assessment.

For those who are in the middle and lower reaches of the 22 teams, this is naturally a copy of the degree of hell.

Naturally, we need to seize every opportunity and not waste any time.

For the average ninja.

Become Zhong Ren!

The status is to be greatly improved compared to the previous one!

Because for a village.

Zhongren can already be regarded as the mainstay.

No matter which world you are in.

The protagonist is always the fewest.

Even the most important supporting roles are rare.

From life to death, most people have always been just a small supporting role that is unnecessary.

For them.

The pursuit and goal of life.

Naturally, it is also very different.

And there is a fundamental difference.

Fighting, screaming, all kinds of explosions.

The 44th training ground of Konoha Village, called the Dead Forest, which was originally peaceful and quiet, also became extremely lively in a sense at this moment.

On the other side, Oshe Maru left.

Just like in the original book, I met Mitarai adzuki beans who came to search for Oshemaru.

Facing his only lover in Konoha Village.

O She Maru naturally teased this Konoha Kamininho a little too.

Limited by the presence of fragrant phosphorus on the side.

Compared to the original.

Dashewan didn't waste much time.

Only after inducing the memories of Hongdou ten years ago and inciting its curse.

Da She Wan left with the fragrant phosphorus.

It must be said.

The seemingly indifferent Oshemaru actually still has his own feelings deep in his heart.

At least the red beans are in the heart of Dashewan.

It's not really useless.

if not.

Take the character of Dashemaru.

If you can't kill the red beans, we will talk about it separately.

At least it will choose to ignore the existence of red beans.

Rather than being aware of the red bean searching for himself, he took the initiative to jump out and "recount the old love" with his lover!

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