My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 215: Very easy fight

"Tooth is not Naruto's opponent."

Even though Shino's words are not as absolute as Sakura.

But this is obviously not optimistic about the tone.

It is already a performance.

Hinata looked a little tangled.

Deep down, I naturally want to support Naruto.

But Ya is also his teammate anyhow.

It's not good to support Naruto directly.

This made Hinata's cute little face wrinkled like a bun.

Sakura's absolute words.

Shino's echo.

It was also that Shikamaru and Ino looked at Naruto and Tooth underneath with a dubious expression.

After graduating from Ninja School.

It's been just over two months, right?

Judging from past achievements and performance.

Even if Naruto is stronger than Tooth, it's limited in strength, right?

According to Shikamaru's perspective.

At most, it looks like four or six open.

But look at the appearance of the two peers next to him.

Sakura is properly thought to be ten-zero! Although Shino is a little better, it still feels like September 1st. Could it be that Naruto has really undergone a radical change in the past two months? When Shikamaru had such a thought in his heart, he also stared at the two people, Naruto and Toa, with an extremely curious look.

Shikamaru had to take a closer look at how strong Naruto was.

On the other side.

Gaara, who was a little concerned when the Erzhuzi debuted, had a slight eye movement when Naruto stepped onto the competition field.

The moment Kankuro and Temari saw Naruto on the side.

His expression also changed slightly.

The confrontation scene a few days ago.

Kankuro and Temari are still vivid.

Although there is no direct confrontation.

But both of them felt that they should not be the opponent of this blonde boy.

The most important point is that both of them smelled a scent similar to their own Gaara from Naruto. This is enough to make the two of them respect Naruto, but in the final analysis, they still haven’t really seen Naruto’s strength. , Now this matchup is an excellent opportunity.

See if this blond boy has a fictional appearance, just fast and a little imposing!


Above the scene.

Accompanied by an order from the moonlight and gust of wind.

"Mimicry-the art of four feet!"

Above the front.

Inuzuka Toa is the Chakra directly mobilized with a slap with both palms.

Attached to the limbs.

Lie down.

It looked like a beast.


A loud roar.


It was Akamaru who was standing on top of Inuzuka tooth's head.


Chakra burst out directly.

A white mist rising out of thin air.

After that instantly dissipated.

The second ‘Inuzuka’s teeth that appeared directly.

Not an ordinary clone.

It's the technique used by the Inuzuka clan from generation to generation and used in conjunction with their own Ninja Beast-orc clone!

Perfectly simulated form.

One opening.

Inuzuka tooth is full of firepower.

This does not leave any hole cards at all.

The hideous look.

Very fierce breath.

Inuzuka's hands together.

The eyes of Gaara who hadn't even cared about Inuzuka's teeth changed slightly.

"Naruto! I'm going to fuck!"

Just like the roar of a wild beast.

This roaring words.


Above the surface.

The burst of air.



Scattered positions on both sides.

Inuzukaga and Akamaru each rushed towards Naruto's position from the left and right.

The aura that came to your face.

Naruto was still calm and calm.

The figure that bowed slightly.

"Come here as best you can, Ya!"

The same is the mobilized Chakra.

Stand on one foot.


The figure swooping past horizontally.

Above the front.

The figure on the left that is directly greeted.

A tightly locked air machine.


Looking at the angle that Naruto suddenly came over from the front.

Inuzukatoa's pupils shrank suddenly.

‘Come directly to yourself? Is it luck! ? Or Naruto can lock the difference between me and Akamaru! ? ’

Before the attack, he had already confused his sight with the position of Akamaru's orc clone.

But did not expect.

This has just raided to the front moment.

Without hesitation, Naruto rushed towards the deity himself.

The astonishment that appeared at that moment.

However, Naruto directly pressured him regardless.

Although it has reservations.

But still very fast.

The blink of an eye is when Naruto comes to the closest distance.

"Damn it, so fast!"

It's just a tooth that can react.

It can only be a defensive posture with hands crossed directly.


Under a head-on collision.

Above the arms.

The gravity felt by the tooth.


The power that was completely suppressed.

Almost unable to withstand this storm.


next moment.

The other "Inuzuka Toa" that directly attacked Naruto's side

There was a fierce look in his pupils.

Chakra directly attached to his hands.


The sound of breaking through the air.

Waving hands horizontally.

Sharp nails.

Feel the sharp cold front that is no less than the general kunai.

Naruto made a backward move.

Avoid the attack for the time being.

The pace of withdrawal later.

However, the figure of the "Inuzuka Toa" who is not reluctant and still presses up.

"Feng Dun-a big breakthrough!"

On the positive angle.

Naruto quickly formed a seal with both hands.

Chakra directly condensed.

A hurricane roared out.

The assault rushed.


Airport situation.

This position cannot be leveraged.

This "Inuzuka Toa" can only subconsciously assume a defensive posture.

But this extremely intense wind.

It can't be stopped at all.

Scratched fiercely across the arc.

Right in the center.


The placket cut directly.


The scars pierced in the slightest places, the blood that spattered directly.

And the figure flying backwards at extreme speed.


It happened to hit Inuzuka's body behind him by accident.

Under the pain.



The two Inuzukaya groaned secretly.

At the same time, it slammed heavily on the surface.

Raised dust.

Flying all over the sky.

One turned over.

Naruto landed firmly on the surface.

Seeing the dust spreading not far away, he didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue it.

"It's Naruto, you can easily resolve my attack, and you can distinguish me from Akamaru, right? Naruto?"

The dust blown away.

The silhouettes that appeared directly each were somewhat embarrassed.

Inuzuka-toa shook his head, looking at Naruto not far away, a special brilliance flashed in his pupils.

Inuzuka Ya knows that Naruto is very strong.

But before, it was just a spectator.

It was not a head-on confrontation with Naruto.

And now.

Just when he met him, he was almost defeated.

Make sense.

Even Inuzuka's teeth are very clear.

Naruto had already released some water just now.

Otherwise, the moment he and Akamaru collided back and forth.

With Naruto's strength, it is estimated that there are a hundred ways to end the battle.

Stop slightly.

Maybe you don't want to lose too ugly, right?

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