My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 240: The curtain is officially opened!

12 years of dormancy.

Preparations and plans for these months.

It's life or death.

Everything depends on the next planning process.

Knowing, it is not possible to see it on this day.

But it can also be said that today's process and final result will largely affect Naruto's next plan.

"Let's go, it belongs to my battlefield!"

Tie the ninja bag, put on his coat, Naruto opened the door and walked out, looking at the blue sky in front of him, feeling the Konoha village that has become so hot because of the Ninja exam, and those smiles. The ordinary Konoha people who were discussing with the excited expression waiting for the upcoming race, Naruto's pupils showed a sneered look.

‘Hope to wait a minute, you guys are still smiling. ’

The death of civilians?

The sacrifice of a general ninja?

to be frank.

Naruto doesn't have much hatred for these people.

Although there are hostile, ostracized, and even slightly excessive bullying behaviors.

But it hasn't gone too far.

At least Naruto wouldn't say that this group must be killed because of this.

If you really have such an idea, it is not a normal person's thinking.

If someone slaps you, rejects you, or scolds you, you will kill them?

That is the thinking of a madman.

Naruto is a normal person for the time being.

Retaliation also depends on the target, the venue, and the time.

Of course, Naruto's lack of hands does not mean that Naruto is unwilling to see the miserable situation of this group of people.

Don't do it yourself.

Does it mean that I am still a normal person.

Hope to see this group of people suffer.

This is the same thinking that ordinary people should have.

Isn’t this a normal way of thinking to see that someone you hate is suffering?

And this time the Zhongnin exam.

Wait for the huge storm that is coming.

For these ordinary civilians.

Is the greatest suffering.

It is also one of Naruto's favorite scenes.

Space to step out.

Along the way, Naruto headed towards the final race venue for the Zhongnin exam, which was arranged on the west side of the village of Konoha.

There is no pause in this area.

Naruto even saw many Konoha people gathered in twos and threes and headed towards the venue together.

As the biggest festival in Konoha Village in the recent period.

This time the Zhongnin exam.

The final third round of confrontation was directly open to the residents of the village.

Everyone can come and watch.

The premise is that you can grab the spot.

This time the Zhongnin exam, which gathered the nobles and politicians of the big countries, as well as the big names, princes, and princesses of the small countries. Not to mention, you can see the resistance of the most elites in the big Ninja villages. Even if you take a look at these nobles, it is a good one. Experience.

Looking at the excited and expectant expressions on the faces of this group of people.

There were also those talking voices scattered into Naruto's ears.

The irony expression in Naruto's pupils became more intense.

‘The peaceful Konoha Ninja Village, today is about to usher in another great training, haha, I hope this time the fireworks can be more brilliant! ’

The golden figure rushing forward.

Looking at the meeting place right in front of you.

Naruto thought to himself inwardly.

Rather than waiting for Naruto to arrive at the venue, almost all the players have arrived early, including the two pillars who were late in the original book and then appeared in a very aggressive manner. This life is also the official start of the game. I arrived at the venue before, and when the game started for a short while, there was already a rush of people on the venue. This huge venue that can accommodate tens of thousands of people has an attendance rate of more than 70% at this moment. Ordinary people from Konoha Village have also gathered one after another. As long as these villagers have time, they will never miss this "festival".

The dignitaries and nobles of various countries all looked at Naruto and others underneath with a glance of scrutiny.

And on the high platform with the best viewing position.

The third generation of Naruto is already sitting in the leftmost position (from Naruto's perspective.)

The position on the right is for the upcoming four generations of Fengying.

Because the names of the five major countries have not come.

Only domestic aristocrats and political figures, as well as small countries such as Yunokuni, Tanokuni, and Umokuni, are naturally a bit downgraded in terms of location.

And in the center of the venue.

Except for the ten Xia Ren who advanced into the top ten.

The rest is the one who likes to bite the bamboo stick the most and once served as one of the Minato Watergate Shadow Guards-Shiranui Genma.

And also when I saw ten candidates arriving one after another.

"Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!"

"Is this the one who reached the bottom ten this year?"

"How many are there in our village?"

"Idiot, don't you know how to count it yourself? There are forehead guards on it."

"There are three people in Sand Ninja Village and one in Oto Ninja Village. All other Ninja villages have been wiped out?"

On the high platform.

The tens of thousands of spectators immediately lit up, and the discussion became extremely noisy. The spotlight was not only the ordinary people, but also the dignitaries and nobles of the major countries were looking at the bottom with a very serious attitude. Naruto, Sasuke, Gaara, Neji and others.

Xiao Li, Ino, Dingji, Ya and others who were eliminated one after another before also gathered together and came to the westernmost stand. Hinata was also sitting in it, watching Naruto arriving at the venue, and looking away. Moving to Neji Hyuga on the left, Hinata's pupils also showed a faintly complicated and worried look.

It's complicated because the person I like is playing against my brother.

Even Ning Ci seemed to have no intention of stopping before.

But in the view of the kind-hearted Hinata.

She doesn't care.

Why did Neji become like this.

Hinata is very clear.

For his cousin, Hinata admires (very strong), is close (because he is the cousin), and has a heart of pity (being lost his father since childhood)

And now.

Naruto and Neji are going to face each other on such a stage.

Naturally, Hinata's emotions in the depths of his heart will fluctuate.

Kakashi, Kai, Yurihong, Asma, etc., who currently have no missions and no other responsibilities, gathered in the venue at this time. Then there will be a game with their proud students. They naturally want to witness To the end.

And on the other two sides.


And the pharmacist's pocket hidden in the depths of a certain shadow, with a special luster in the pupils looking at the ten people in the venue below, the pharmacist's pocket is not purposeful, and Macky is staring at Gaara. , Today is a day of action.

Gaara is the top priority in the plan.

The more critical it gets.

The more Mackey felt nervous.

‘Don’t have any problems! ’

Looking at Gaara underneath, Maji's eyes glanced vaguely at the Konoha Nakasaka Shinobu on the bright side in the venue, and couldn't help but think secretly in his heart.

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