My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 283: The most ‘ridiculous’ dialogue

A waterfall flowing down.

The stone statues of "Uchiha Madara" and "Senjuzuma" are extremely distinct.

Seven figures standing on both sides.


Naruto, Sasuke, Yakumo, Neji.


Kakashi, Japanese football, Metkay.

Although this scene does not have the same sense of sight as the moment of opposition between'Naruto' and'Sasuke' in the original work, the seven people who are separated on both sides also represent different positions. Naruto chooses his own The road no longer stays in Konoha, but Kakashi and others still believe in their village, at least in a sense they still inherit the'will of fire'!

Just like Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma who fought here decades ago.

Several people who are facing and watching at this moment.

Including Yakumo.

Naruto and other four people all looked at Kakashi, Nissan, and Metkay who appeared behind them with calm expressions. Or, it should be said, the moment they chose to step out of Konoha Village, they all had something in their hearts. The corresponding mentality was prepared, and under Ning Ci's calm expression, there was still a somewhat complicated expression in his pupils.


During the period of endurance as their guide, Metkay was also leading them with all his strength.

Nizu is even Neing Ci’s biological uncle, or the existence that his father sacrificed to protect. After seeing the "suicide note" of his father some time ago, Neing Ci believed that his future was destined to be protected. Protecting the clan family and protecting Hinata, just like his father, until he saw the information recorded on the note Naruto handed him, it was not provocative, not telling, but only expounding some facts and expectations for the future. Especially the latter. In the depths of Yu Ningci's heart, the special definition of "freedom" is precisely Ningci's persistence and ambition. This is also the biggest reason why he finally chose to believe in Naruto and follow Naruto to leave.

Only at this moment.

Re-see the moment when Japan Football and Metkay appeared.

As a teenager, Neji still couldn't control his emotions a bit.

Relative to the calm of the four teenagers in front of him.

The expressions of Kakashi, Japan Football, and Metkai are much more complicated.

At this moment.

Even the most passionate and sunny Metkay can hardly maintain his previous attitude and atmosphere.

Along the way.

The **** scene I saw.

Especially at this moment.

The moment the line of sight meets.

The calmness in the pupils of these four teenagers and girls can be seen brightly.

Metkay's expression was unprecedentedly solemn and solemn.

"Why!? Naruto? You have to make such a choice?"

Kakashi stepped forward slightly, that had been opened before catching up, and the writing wheel that was revealed was turning rapidly at this moment, and his eyes were staring at the Naruto not far away, and the words were both With incomprehension, but also with a ray of regret, unwillingness, pain and many other emotions mixed in it.

"Why? Hanaki Kakashi, what you said is really interesting? Now that the matter is up, you still ask me why?"

Naruto's sword eyebrows raised slightly, and he looked back at Kakashi with a cold expression. The faintly spoken words did not conceal the emotions of disgust and even hatred, which made Kakashi, Nizu, Mai The expressions of the trio of Tekai changed slightly.

"Are you hating the things in your childhood life? Those are just developments under special circumstances. Now that you have gradually gained recognition in the village, why do you have to make such an extreme choice? It’s too late, Naruto! Stop it! Come back to the village with me. Punishment is certain, but I can guarantee your safety. If you don’t believe me, at least you can trust Lord Jilaiya, right?"

Even if I have a hunch in my heart.

But Kakashi was determined to give it a try.

Even what he said himself.

I might not even choose to believe it.

But some things still need to be said.

After all, it was the same sentence.

Naruto's identity is too special.

Special to.

Not a last resort.

Kakashi would definitely not choose to act rashly.

If you can use words to communicate and solve the problem.


This is obviously a very extravagant and ridiculous expectation.

"Hahaha! It's really ridiculous, Kakashi, childhood? Do you think I am such a superficial person? Sometimes, the truth is often not what you see with your own eyes, and everyone The choices and decisions made are not because of a certain point, but because of all the differences! Kakashi!"

Naruto seemed to have heard some funny jokes, and the look of arrogant laughter immediately became colder again. Naruto looked at Kakashi like that, and said word by word. Although these words did not reveal any effective information, others would even listen to it, but as these three upper ninjas who understand some truths and details, even the purest and most passionate looking Matt Kai Shangren always showed a more solemn expression.


Looking at such Naruto.

In the calm, there is a faintly mad color.

Kakashi's brows were twisted together.

Because Kakashi had no idea what Naruto knew.

Or maybe.

Is there anyone behind Naruto?

"Naruto! Did you hear any rumors? Or who told you something! You have to understand that those people are very likely to deceive you!"

All I can think of is who uses certain words.

Induced Naruto.

"Also! Sasuke! Your choice now is wrong! You can stop! It's still too late! Go back!"

Kakashi said this to Naruto in the first half of his sentence.

At the back, he turned his attention to Sasuke who was aside, and said with a serious expression.

"Ningci! You can't go on the wrong path. Now there is still a chance to regret. If you still resent your father's death, I am willing to make all compensations, including my life! As long as you can Come back, as the ninja of Konoha, the ninja of the Hyuga clan!"

The sun-foot in the side position also looked at Neji on the left with a serious expression, and said the words.

It also contains the determination that belongs to the Japanese foot.

"You can recover from the mistakes of youth, Neji! Naruto, Sasuke, and you too! Don’t go on the wrong path. Although you must pay a certain price, you can correct it as long as you can know the mistake. Just still the best kid!"

Metkay also stepped forward slightly, looking directly at Naruto, Sasuke, Neji and others.

The words of each persuasion.

This is obviously the three Shangren who are still unwilling to do it directly.

At least from this point.

Kakashi, Japanese football, and Metkai still make the most basic considerations for Naruto and others.

It's just such consideration and concern.

Somewhat pale and ridiculous.

Some feel stupid!

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