My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 37: First meeting

As far as a ninja’s first battle is concerned, Naruto’s performance is undoubtedly extremely good. Calmness and composure in times of danger, decisiveness and directness to seize opportunities are all qualities that a good ninja must possess, and Kaka Nishi can easily see these qualities from Naruto.

"Well, my first impression of you is still very good, let's go on the roof first, we also need to get to know each other."

After Kakashi glanced at the three people present, he nodded slightly, the only exposed right eye showed a faint smile. Looking at the three, Kakashi said so.

As soon as the words fell, without waiting for the three of them to respond, Kakashi turned and left the classroom and walked towards the roof.

It seemed that he didn't care at all, or it was quite certain that the three of them would definitely follow.

I didn't realize that I was three hours behind the guide ninjas of other teams.

This made Haruno Sakura who was still planning to say something in a moment of anger. Originally, she said that the instructor was coming, so she could breathe a sigh of relief, but she didn't expect that the backhand was choked by this seemingly unreliable guide ninja. One hand.

"I also instructed the ninja, he looked unreliable, and I didn't even explain the reason for being late..."

Haruno Sakura couldn't help complaining in her heart.

The teammates already looked very abnormal.

Now the team's leading ninjas are so unreliable.

Kozakura felt that her ninja career seemed to be so dark before it even started?

However, vomit to vomit.

After seeing Naruto and Sasuke both getting up, following Kakashi calmly and walking towards the roof, Haruno Sakura could only sigh inwardly, and quickly followed them. The pace of people also walked towards the roof.

Than wait until all three of them come to the roof.

Kakashi leaned on the railing behind him, folded his hands on his chest, still looking casual.

"Well, for the first time, let's introduce ourselves. In the next few years, we will perform tasks together in a small team. As teammates, we still need to be familiar with each other."

After Kakashi gave a light cough, he said in a light tone.

And when Kakashi's words fell.

It was embarrassing to find that none of the three people present actually spoke.

Naruto still smiled indifferently, while Sasuke still looked cold.

Kozakura simply didn't react, so she didn't speak.

Kakashi didn't even think that the first moment he greeted him was a collective silence.

the most important is.

Kakashi also saw a trace of alert in Naruto's eyes, and Sasuke's expression showed a little impatience.

This made Kakashi a little headache for an instant.

These are the two problem children of Chiguoguo, right?

However, for Naruto’s alertness and Sasuke’s impatience, Kakashi said that it was understandable and felt it was a normal thing. Both of them experienced extremely special childhoods, especially Naruto, who grew up in such an environment. , It is normal to be wary of strangers, not to mention Sasuke. In Kakashi's view, Sasuke is just a child who has not grown up.

However, Kakashi's view still has a big deviation.

Naruto is wary of Kakashi.

The only reason is that Naruto knows that Kakashi is one of the three generations of Naruto’s most trusted subordinates, and even can be recognized as the sixth generation of Naruto in the future. Such an existence must have a great deal of his future plans. Great influence, and Kakashi is not a foolish ninja. Facing Kakashi, he must be the same as he used to face three generations of Hokage. If he is careless, he will show his feet, and there is no need to be caught. There is no real evidence. As long as Kakashi suspects that, before he has grown up to compete with Konoha, at least he can escape to save his life, this is a taboo.

It’s also because I think so in my heart, so I unconsciously show a trace of guard in his eyes. Fortunately, Naruto’s childhood was extremely miserable. A little special emotional expression belongs to a reasonable category, and naturally it will not cause it. Kakashi was suspicious.

Because the silence of Naruto and Sasuke drove Sakura to not speak at the beginning, the atmosphere became weird again.

Fortunately, Sakura is still a normal person. Although today’s reflex arc is a bit longer, after a short silence, she finally recovered, even though she was still madly complaining about Kakashi in her heart. Thinking that Kakashi was still the guide of his team, Sakura still pretended to be a good girl.

Sasuke and Naruto's silent words.

Then speak yourself and break the silence first.

This time there is a ninja leading the team, it will never happen before, right?

"That? Teacher? It was self-introduction? What should I say?"

Kozakura seemed to be a little timid. After taking a look at Sasuke next to him, she raised her right hand in a trembling manner and asked softly.

Finally someone spoke.

Mr. Wu Wu Kai, who seemed calm, but was so embarrassed, was quietly relieved at this moment, but the image should not be lost. On the surface, he still has a lazy posture, slightly raised his chin, Said in a very gentle tone.

"Well? Just talk about your name, dreams, things you like and dislike, and other things you want to say, you can just talk about it, anyway, it's the first impression."

Seeing his own guide ninja seems to be very kind.

Haruno Sakura's courage has also become a little bit bigger.

"Then teacher, can you introduce yourself first?"

Haruno Sakura looked at Kakashi with bright eyes, and asked in a slightly higher volume.

"Me? It's okay."

Kakashi raised his eyebrows slightly, and then nodded indifferently.

"My name is Hagi Kakashi, Konoha Kakashi, what I like, it is not suitable for telling you at the moment, there is nothing disgusting, dreams, secrets!"

After all, don’t you just know your name? It's still confidential or something, kids?

Haruno Sakura couldn't help but complain in her heart.

But complaints return to complaints.

Among the three people present.

Get rid of Naruto.

Including Sasuke and Haruno Sakura are all hearing Kakashi say that he is Shinobu, and his expression changes slightly. In such a world, almost no one knows what it means to be a Shinobu of Tai Shinobu. , Not to mention that Sasuke and Haruno Sakura, who were originally born in Konoha, and became Konoha Shinobu, Haruno Sakura, learned that this seemingly unreliable ninja in front of him was actually a ninja moment.

Sasuke's eyes also became serious at this time.

It was not the Zhongnin who he thought, but the Shangnin in the village of Konoha.

Shangnin = strength.

This is the simplest division in Sasuke's eyes.

In other words, the man in front of him has the ability to make himself stronger.

This finally attracted Sasuke's interest and attention.

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