My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 381: Conversation with Isosuke

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In the range of Naruto's perception.

It was the three-tailed Chakra who became peaceful.

Naruto also took a deep breath, shook his head, scattered the Nine-tailed Chakra from her body, and walked lightly in front of Sanwei Isosuke.

"So, can I have a good talk now? Isofu."

Naruto looked at the huge Gifu in front of him, jumped in front of his head, and said angrily, but Jifu, who seemed to be still in a dizzy state, did not reply Naruto the first time.

Don't think that Naruto's circle just now is a purely physical rotation.

That blessed his chakra's high-speed rotation.

And Naruto used the nine-tailed chakra to forcibly contain the chakra riots in Isofu.

Otherwise, where would I suppress Isao so hard?

Not to mention calm down the three-tailed man who was definitely going to kill Naruto before! ?

Words now.

What should be vented is also a little bit vented.

It doesn't matter what the dude is irritable because of.

Naruto believes that his "invincible turn around" just now can at least make him relatively calm, right?

Besides, it's not the civet cat that Shouhe.

I am very disgusted with Kyuubi.

It may be really difficult to negotiate

But Sano Isosuke should be better talking.

As Naruto expected.

The previous emotional catharsis, coupled with Naruto's unexpected circle.

After recovering from the ‘vertigo’ state.

For the time being, Isofu was restored to his previous calmer posture. At this moment, listening to Naruto’s words, his wide-eyed eyes, he didn’t know for the first time whether it was because he was thinking about something, or he said he didn’t want to answer, one person and one beast. Just looking at each other directly, the scene fell into a weird silence for a while, which formed an extremely sharp contrast with the previous killing and fighting.

Naruto had a headache looking at Isao who had never spoken.

Could this guy be stupid by himself?

Isn't it?

As Naruto stroked his thoughts, he was about to continue to say something.

"Hmph, I have nothing to say with you humans. If you want to catch me, just do it! However, I will never catch it!"

The Jifu in front of him gave a cold snort, seeming to express his extremely dissatisfied emotion, staring straight at Naruto with an extremely fierce expression, and the words spoken.

Naruto stayed slightly at the same time.

It also seems to have grasped the reason why Isofu would riot as soon as he saw him.

Could it be that this guy thought of himself from the very beginning as he wanted to capture his ‘enemy?’ ’


But if you really want to say so.

There seems to be nothing wrong.

Naruto wants to get the help of Sanwei, whether it is to directly seal or sign a peer contract, after all, he wants Sanwei to enter his body.

There is still a little detention in it.

Take this into consideration.

Naruto made his expression softer as much as possible, using the calmest tone.

"No, no, Isofu, don’t get me wrong, I’m not here to capture you, and I’m not here to force you to do anything. Let me introduce myself first. My name is Minato Namikaze and I came here today. For the common future of mankind and the tail beast, I invite you to be my partner!"

Then, looking at Ji Fu with a very serious expression, he said so sincerely.

"Common future? Partners?"

Isofu seemed to have heard the most incredible thing, the extremely personified indifference and 100% questioning expression from that pupil.

"Ha ha!"

That sneerful words.

Is the best answer from Isao.

And Jifu's posture.

It did not exceed Naruto's expectations.

Tailed beasts that have been captured by humans countless times and used as weapons countless times.

It is indeed hard to believe in humans.

the most important point is.

The Six Dao Immortals, whom they regarded as the ‘father’, have been ‘dead’.

Since then, the nine big-tailed beasts have been unable to live together in harmony, let alone believe in humans. This is why it is so difficult for the Five Ninja Villages to have a perfect human pillar, the so-called perfect human pillar. , It means that the trust between the tail beast and humans reaches the highest value, which is close to the point of mutual affection, so that people can use the power of the tail beast to the extreme, and the tail beast will not affect and erode the consciousness of the man And the body, will do everything possible to help people Zhu Li.

Physical requirements.

It depends on Renzhuli himself.

Conscious coherence assistance.

It depends on whether the tail beast cooperates or not.

Just like Naruto now.

Don't look at the fox in his body still being so arrogant.

But in essence, it is considered to be at the level of being at the heart of Naruto.

It will not erode or affect Naruto’s consciousness, and will actively converge on his own Chaklari’s passive malice, and help Naruto control his power. The only problem is that Naruto’s physical strength in the current state cannot be accommodated. The huge chakra in Nine Tails, the seal inside also affects the resonance of the chakra between Naruto and Nine Tails a bit!

But these are not problems.

As long as the improvement of Naruto's own strength, the strengthening of physical fitness.

It does not take too long.

Naruto can take the initiative to carry all the chakras of Nine Tails.

The seal in his body, even if he didn't get the key from Zilai.

The power reaches a level, not to mention that it is still in Naruto himself, the big deal is brute force to break it!

in other words.

Naruto can now be regarded as a quasi-perfect human Zhuli.

This is still so long.

The result of Naruto's persistence in various ‘life talks’ with Kyuubi.

So looking at Isosuke, he didn't believe him at all.

Naruto was not upset.

However, he still looked very calm, took two steps forward, and in the face of Jifu's suspicious expression, came to the forefront of Jifu's head, and then sat cross-legged on the sea, leaning slightly. The posture is like an old friend talking.

"You will be so wary of humans. I understand it. After all, it is really difficult for humans and tail beasts to achieve mutual understanding and tolerance, but this is more the result of lack of communication and the inducement of fools. Of course, If I say that I believe that you are 100% kind and not malicious, you certainly don’t believe it, but I want to say yes, Isofu, you already hate this kind of having to avoid the sight of human beings, and you still don’t move. Is it about to be captured and used in life?"

Naruto raised his head and looked at Issuki, with a sincere look on his face.

Especially the meaning that finally revealed in the words.

It all caused Mio to fall into a short silence.

"I didn't say I want you to believe me 100%, and I don't deny that I came to you today just to borrow your power, but what I can promise is, Jifu, I will treat you as my future partner. I look at it, just like the nine lamas in my body, the Six Dao Immortals should have told you that human beings are actually a very complicated existence, not to make you believe in human beings infinitely, but just hope, where there is a possibility. For a moment, I hope you can give a little trust."

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