My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 417: The Ups and Downs of Ninja World


In the northern area adjacent to the land of the country.

The Kingdom of Wind has long discovered many high-quality ore producing areas!

These mineral resources.

Tuzhikuni and Iwanin Village have always been very greedy.

This is a rare opportunity to seize the opportunity.

It must be a good invasion!

And also because of the initiative of the country and Iwanin village this time.

Sand Ninja Village is even more tired of coping.

There is even less thought to deal with these ‘unimportant events in the country of water. ’

Maki, who has just ascended to the position of the Fifth Meme Suikage, has to spend almost all his thoughts on dealing with the attack on Iwanin Village. Because of the defeat, he had to negotiate with Konoha for surrender and re-sign the peace agreement. Fortunately, Konoha didn't have too many harsh requirements. The only requirement that Shanin Village provide a batch of valuable minerals is to agree to return the captive Shanin and re-sign the covenant.

This allowed Mackey to take a breath.

Put all your attention on responding to the attack on Iwanin Village.

Two big Ninja villages that are crushing each other.

It means that he didn't care about the rebellion of the water country and the Sanwei incident.

Fortunately, Onoki is still barely restraining his emotions, and he has not directly pressed in. Otherwise, Maki needs to consider whether to ask for help from Konoha Village.

It's because.

Sand Ninja Village was already weak.

Because of a failed raid.

Weakened even more.

If Iwa Shinobu will attack with all his strength.

Sand Shinobu really couldn't stop it.

It is worth mentioning.

Gaara, who became the Kazekage of the Five Generations in the original book, lost the opportunity to become the Goal of the Five Generations in this lifetime. The reason is very simple. One is that Gaara is guarded by Kankuro and Temari in the original, even if it is defeated by Naruto. You can still escape smoothly, but in this life, you will be directly beasted in the village of Konoha, and you will be captured directly after the failure!

The second is because Naruto is no longer involved.

The plot itself has changed a lot.

Including Gaara should have been influenced by Naruto in this Konoha collapse plan.

In this life, it cannot be said that nothing has changed. At least after the raid failed, Kankuro and Temari wanted to desperately protect themselves from the breakout scene at the end, which indeed brought a great psychological impact to Gaara.

Don't do it.

Gaara, after all, is only a teenager about 12 years old.

However, this shock is still not enough to achieve the shock in the original book.

From the outside, Gaara still looks lifeless.

In my heart at this moment, even if a little affection for Kankuro and Temari has emerged, he is still a gloomy boy.

These are the differences between Gaara himself and the original book.

The most important reason is that.

In this life, the loss suffered by the village of Ninja is much greater than in the original book.

The tentative attack of Yannin Village also put a lot of pressure on Shanin Village.

Not to mention Gaara doesn't even want to be Fengying at the moment.

Even if there is!

Gaara is not qualified to be Fengying now.

In the original work, Sand Ninja still has a certain amount of leeway to temporarily vacate Fengying's position, but in this life, there is more intense pressure inside and outside than in the original, forcing Sand Ninja Village to elect a leader as soon as possible!

From this point of view.

The whole sand ninja village.

Qualified to take over as Fukage, only a few highly qualified Shangnin such as Maki, Yura, and Doi, among them, Maki has the title of being hailed as the number one strong under the wind and shadow. After internal discussions, it was reluctant. Most of them were recognized by the most senior elders of the sand ninja village, Chiyo and Eilao Zang.

This is how Maji was able to ascend to the position of the Fifth Generation Mu Fengying.

you can say so.

Maji, a five-generation eye, Fengying.

It was much more uncomfortable than Tsunade and Terumi Mei.

If it is not because of their own strength.

Moreover, he is followed by a group of trusted subordinates, so I am afraid that he is really a puppet!

Rao is so.

While dealing with the internal and external affairs of the entire Sand Ninja Village.

Maki has turned his head in sorrow.

The small country dared not move.

The two great nations, Sand Ninja and Iwanin, have just been together again.

and so!

Except Konoha.

Nuo Da is in a Ninja world.

There is really only the country of Thunder, and Yunren Village is interested in what happened in the country of water, especially the mysterious blond boy who successfully captured the three tails mentioned in the intelligence!

Under the order of the fourth generation of Raikage.

It's not just the Yunnin Anbu scattered outside.

It also sent some additional manpower.

To search for the whereabouts of the "Blond Boy"!

Among them is Darui, the most trusted subordinate of the four generations of Raikage!

In the words of the fourth generation of Raikage.

Even with the toughest ‘invitation’!

Also let this mysterious boy'please' come to their Yunren Village!

A tailed beast.

And he is also a strong man who can rival the tail beast.

The fourth generation of Raiking said that he was determined to win.

at the same time.

Terumi Mei returned to Wunin Village.

It also sent additional staff to collect information about Naruto and Osha Maru.

Especially the six-tailed man Zhu Li who suddenly lost his track-Yu Gao.

Even if there is no conclusive evidence.

Even though she was telling Terumi Mei intellectually, this was not quite reasonable.

But the sixth sense of a woman reminds Terumi Mei.

This is probably related to Naruto!

It can be said that, except for the sand and Iwanin who have no spare time and spare energy, or who are not very interested, the remaining three countries are all eyeing Naruto at the same time.

Even if there is a slight difference.

But the fundamental goals of the three Ninja villages are almost the same.

But also because of their respective operations.

It also intensified the friction in the ninja world, and even led to a wave of extremely fierce collisions in the three ninja villages in the future.

And all of these.

Naruto, who is still immersed in the "farming" in the Snow Country, does not know anything. Even if he does, Naruto will not care about it. The last time Naruto took the initiative to reveal his name in front of Terumi Ming In order to fish in troubled waters, Konoha Shinobu has not announced the news of his defect until now. Naruto can indeed guess some of the reasons, but this is good or bad.

Naruto didn't plan to bother.

Konoha who lost the strength of the nine-tailed man.

How will countries view it?

This is what Naruto wants to know.

Three generations of Naruto have just died in battle.

Then came the news that Nine-tailed Juli left the village of Konoha.

Naruto doesn't believe it yet.

Once the countries have confirmed this message.

Especially the Land of Thunder and the Land of Water will not show their fangs to Konoha Village?

The Third Ninja War has been over for more than ten years!

Except for Konoha's constant sorrow operation, it has been weakened step by step (four generations of death, Japanese tragic death, Uchiha annihilation, etc.)

The remaining Ninja Village has recovered a lot of vitality.

Among them, Yunren Village is the most!

Naruto doesn't mind pushing ahead with the arrival of the fourth Ninja War!

If it is really here to enter a bigger fork in advance.

Then set off the fourth Ninja World War.

Although it will be cheaper for Akatsuki.

But this is the same development that Naruto wants to see!

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