My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 57: set off

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi."

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura also straightened up immediately and responded loudly.

Except that Sakura still had a trace of worry on her face.

Even the two pillars, who have always been facial paralyzed, came out at this moment with a faint look of excitement. They can have a mission with actual combat experience. Such a level jump is definitely far beyond the previous D-level mission. Although it has not yet started, but Sasuke is already secretly determined in his heart that this task must be completed with the most perfect posture and impeccable way. Only in this way can his evaluation be improved, and then he can receive more. C-level missions and even B-level missions!

And Naruto quickly sorted out his mentality in this short period of time.

To eliminate the thieves is to eliminate the thieves.

For the time being, it is also a rare opportunity for actual combat.

Just in this mission, I will further exercise some of my fighting skills.

Although only some incompetent bandits.

But it will certainly play a corresponding sharpening effect.

"Yo Xi! Then, go!"

After Kakashi nodded, he waved his hand suddenly.




The three of them disappeared in place at the same time, and headed back towards their home.

"Just bring a set of clothes for a change, and some compressed food. Well, these ninjas are enough. By the way, there are sleeping bags. Remember, if you look at the distance, you will probably stay for one night. , Just in case you can't get to the town..."

Back in the dormitory, Naruto quickly pulled out his backpack and packed all the necessary items he could think of.

"If you earn a little more rewards for tasks, you can go and customize your clothes..."

Looking at the orange coat that was stuffed in by himself.

Naruto calculated it inwardly and muttered in a low voice.

I have already said it before.

Whether it is this life or the previous life when reading the original.

Make sense.

For this orange dress.

Naruto really feels very earthy.

Before, there was no ability and no way. Now after becoming a ninja.

Have a stable income.

And go to any store will not be rejected (this is the status of ninja.)

Naruto must change the orange clothes on her body.

And you don't just buy it, you have to go to the store to customize it.

"Perhaps this time the C-level mission is completed, and the reward will be enough."

Naruto packed his luggage and took a look at his house.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Naruto patted his cheek, walked out of the door with a vigorous look, and galloped towards the gate of Konoha Village.


This is my first C-level mission.

And you can leave Konoha Village and go to a farther place.

See a different landscape.

Naruto said that he was not excited in his heart, it must be a lie.

The gate of Konoha Shinobu Village.

The customary gatekeeper duo of Konoha Village can also be regarded as the little supporting characters with the most plots in the early days of Naruto-Izumo and Zite, two Nakanin.

Than wait until Naruto has just reached the gate.

In the range of Naruto's perception.

Obviously, you can feel the moment when you are "alone" at the gate of the village alone.

The bodies of these two Zhongren tensed immediately, seemingly inadvertent, but in Naruto's perception, it was very obvious that all the attention placed on their body (different from the malicious perception in the Nine Tails mode, this is Naruto) A person’s pure personal perception ability is similar to the special perception of a perception type ninja. Naruto doesn’t understand the principle either. He had it before he was born and had not yet refined the chakra, and after the chakra was refined, special It is the strengthening of the spiritual level that makes Naruto’s perceptual ability more refined and accurate. He doesn’t understand the principle, but Naruto feels that this is probably his own "golden finger". If it can be used in the Nine Tails mode in the future If the malicious feelings overlap, I don’t know what the effect will be!)

It seemed that he was ready to violently subdue himself at any time.

next moment.

Then there was Kakashi Hagi who appeared behind Naruto.

The moment I saw Kakashi's figure.

In Naruto's perception.

Shinobu's originally tight muscles in these two dragons also completely relaxed at this moment.

"Hmph, no matter who it is, there is still almost no change at this time, it's just different from being capable and incapable."

Naruto's expression remained unchanged on the surface, but in fact he sneered inwardly, thinking secretly.

"Yo, Naruto, you came quite early,"

Just like what I said before, Kakashi is always late for non-task and unimportant things, but when it comes to some necessary matters, even the simplest tasks, Kakashi always takes it seriously, after all. For a ninja, the task is where they are responsible. To complete the task assigned by the employer is the most basic and important requirement for a ninja!

It's not just a C-level task this time.

Including the previous D-level tasks that seem boring, not to mention the same boring execution, as long as the moment the task is received, until the task is completed and submitted, Kakashi will always be by the side of the seventh class.

And looking at Kakashi, who is also simply carrying a backpack.

Naruto turned around and smiled faintly, without deliberately pretending, let alone expressing exaggerated emotions.

"After all, it's the first C-level mission, I'm still a little bit excited, Teacher Kakashi!"

At this moment, Naruto is very faithful to show his emotions. ,

Someone said such a sentence.

A true lie is a lie with ninety-nine truths.

The same goes for putting on a mask and disguising yourself.

If you want to deceive others, in many cases, you must first deceive yourself.

When you do not think that you are pretending to be a moment.

That is to reach the highest level of lies.

Of course, Naruto does not have such a high level of "false" literacy.

But as Naruto who has been in the business world for several years in his previous life, and has even been deceived once or twice, there is still no problem with this level of verbal control and emotional expression. Moreover, after experiencing these twelve years After his "acting training", even in the face of Hagi Kakashi, or even the three generations of Hokage, Naruto can easily retract and unwind.

Into the play, out of the play.

Only for a moment.

"Well, well, the C-level mission this time is indeed suitable for you. Work hard!"

Kakashi naturally cannot see through Naruto’s disguise, or from the beginning, Kakashi didn’t think Naruto was in disguise. He still looked at Naruto with a smile, or with a familiar look. Lazily said with a chuckle.

Or it should be said that no one in Konoha village would think that Naruto was disguising.

After all, this is the existence that has received the highest level of surveillance in the village from the moment of birth.

If it can be disguised.

Doesn't it start from the moment of birth?

Naturally no one would think so.

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