My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 627: The coming big scene (third more)

In terms of distance or marching speed.

The troops in Wuren Village probably arrived more than a day later than the Allied Forces of the Four Nations.

This is also in the final assembly time of the Six Shadows Agreement.

Snow Ninja Village can't be too much at night.

After all, it is necessary to unite for the time being.

On the issue of ‘credibility’ in this regard.

Naruto didn't want to leave anything behind.

And this also includes follow-up battle arrangements and so on.

After getting Naruto's order.

Tarzan also immediately responded with a deep voice and immediately turned and dispatched the more than 3,000 Xueren who had already assembled. Fushimi obeyed Naruto's orders and became the chief guard at the rear again, including the issue of the mobilization of support forces, etc.!

Let's not talk about the follow-up plan of Ninja Village.

Unlike the four generations of Raikage and Tsunade, who are only in personal experience, and are different from preparing for all mobilizations, Naruto is very clear about Akatsuki's organization, or to be precise, there are still a hundred thousand white super troops with soil. The existence of the hole cards, even if the single power of these Baijue is at most the level of the elite Ninja, but this amount alone is enough to flatten any super-Ninja village. What's more, these Baijue are still carefully cultivated for use. One of the final cards of the war!

It can replicate the characteristics of any person's Chakra fluctuating breath.

It is even more difficult for many people.

of course.

Naruto didn't plan to remind the other five ninja villages.

Naruto also wants to use the hand of "One Hundred Thousand Baijue" to consume the mid-to-high-end combat power of the Five Great Ninja Villages!

Don't talk about cruelty.

This is reality.

This is the case with war.

What Naruto will start in the future is a war of annihilation.

If not here, consume some of the power of the Five Ninja Villages in advance.

What will be lost later is the vitality of their Xueren Village.

This is not the result Naruto wants to see.

‘The diehards of the Five Ninja Villages, use this special war to kill some of them in advance! ’

Naruto's pupils showed a chill of killing intent, thinking secretly in the depths of his heart.

And it was after Naruto finished these final strategic requirements.

The war machine in the entire Xueren Village was also fully operational.

The snow ninjas sent out.





The large forces gathered from their respective areas.

In the entire Xuenin village.

It also caused a great commotion!


"Eh eh eh? Which Shinobu village are you going to fight this time? Yun Shin?"

"It's also possible that Mist Shinobu?"

"But there is no news of war?"

"You idiot, can ordinary people know about this matter?"

"By the way, will you win this time?"

"That's for sure! We have Master Xueying here! Whether it's Wuren, Yunren, or Konoha, this is definitely not a problem!"

"Okay, okay, don't guess, this time it doesn't seem to be a battle with other Shinobu, it's just a special mission."

"Do you know it again?"

"Of course, my elder aunt and her second aunt's son's wife's younger brother works in the Armament Department. There will still be some internal information!"

"So what's the reason?"

"What special task, would you like to talk about it?"

"Ahaha, this involves confidentiality, I don't know."


Not a normal action.

There is no meaning to hide the news.

The Xuenin troops gathered straight from the Xuenin village and set out in accordance with the pre-organization.

At the very least, it is based on the establishment of a hundred people.

Such a march.

Naturally, it will attract the attention of ordinary people in the village.

Of course, for these people.

Not only did they have no worries and fears, but they were still very excited.

The previous war.

Let them Snow Country and Snow Ninja Village become one of the top six countries.

If this time is still a large-scale foreign war, doesn't it mean that their Snow Ninja Village and Snow Nation can further replace the Fire Nation and Konoha Ninja Village to become the world's largest country! ?

This is the future that every Snow Country people look forward to.

As for the so-called defeat of the war, the result of the Snow Kingdom being knocked down into the abyss.


Not that no one has considered it.

Rather, it is based on the current situation of the Snow Country.

More than 80% of the ordinary people are convinced that their Master Xueying will definitely bring them victory!

I said it a long time ago.

These ordinary people who have long regarded Naruto as a ‘god’.

Unless there has been a Waterloo-style fiasco.


Even if Naruto leads them to declare war on the entire Ninja World, these people with "hot brains" are fearless.

This is also one of the most intuitive manifestations of human nature.

Therefore, when a large-scale ninja army assembled in their own ninja village this time, the first reaction of this group of people was naturally ‘war’!

Or it should be said that they are also looking forward to ‘war’!

Why in any era, in any world, there is always no shortage of countries and people who dare to "gamble on national fortune"?

the reason is simple.

Once you have tasted the dividends brought by this extreme act.

They will be like addicted gamblers, desperate to put everything they own on the ‘gambling table’ every time the roulette turns!

Because they firmly believe that they will win the final victory.

According to common sense, this kind of mentality and thinking is 100% undesirable.

It is very easy to lead a country on the path of ultimate destruction.

But Naruto did not really notice this part of the thinking of the bottom people in his Ninja Village, or it can be said that even if he did, Naruto would not care.

This is not just because of the difference in the world, the difference in the scale of the war and the way it unfolds will bring about different results.

The most important point is the strength of Naruto's own control.

Let Naruto be a little bit ‘bloated and arrogant’!

To put it bluntly, if there is no Nagato and Uchiha belt soil, the threats of Uchiha Madara and Otsuki Teruya can be eliminated, and even the threats of Otsuki Kazuya can be completely eliminated. Impossible to be a threat to Naruto.

Say a thousand words and ten thousand.

The reason why Naruto pays attention to the cultivation of middle and low-level strength.

It is only considering the issues of local management and public security in the future.


Let go of these problems.

Just wait for Naruto's own fairy mode and Nine Tails Chakra mode to completely merge.

He can sweep the Five Ninja Villages by himself!

With the support of Kyuubi Chakra.

Naruto doesn't need to worry about crowded tactics.

Besides, the strength reaches the level of six levels.

The general crowd tactics have no meaning at all.

Unless it can be gathered that all of them are shadow ranks, the minimum standard is hundreds or even thousands of ninja troops from elite ninjas, which is actually useful.


This is impossible!

In the entire ninja world, the elites of the major ninja villages, the upper ninja, plus the shadow-level powerhouses add up to a hundred and need a question mark!

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