My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 631: Still need to pay attention to

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Of course, the crisis in the cradle can be stifled.

Naruto will do whatever it takes to deal with it.

Including a dangerous figure like Pharmacist Tou.

Since Shimura Danzo and some of the important information extracted from the brains of those root members learned that before this Konoha nabe king was ambushed and killed by them, he had a close contact with Yakushidou, Naruto followed With this clue, Xingchi and Xinghuo were ordered to lead dozens of those Xuenin Anbu scattered on the mainland to conduct a large-scale search operation. If they can grab the remaining part of the Dashewan legacy in the pocket of the medicine master, especially Find his words before he learns the fairy mode.

Naruto believes that relying on the benchmark strength of his own group of Anbe.

The secret part of a small team.

That is, it can be captured smoothly, at least to kill the Pharmacist's pocket!

The longer the time delay.

The less conducive to Naruto's next plans and arrangements.

God knows if this guy will go to Daitu to cooperate like in the original book.

Once that situation occurs.

The coalition forces of their six major powers will have to face a large number of filthy reincarnation army.

Although that also has that kind of benefit.

But there will also be great disadvantages.

Plans and changes.

They are often connected in an instant.

Naruto hopes that everything that follows can be done as much as possible under his control, although Naruto is very clear that this is difficult to do.

"There is still no news, right?"

Above the sea.

The giant oil tanker on board.

As he approached the continent at the limit speed.

Naruto stood on the deck of the largest tanker, looked at a Xuenin Anbu who was kneeling in front of him, and said with a slight frown.

"Yes, Master Xueying, only found a secret base in Dashemaru in a small country named'Hana' in the south. When we followed the trail to that base, people were already in the building. Now, only the body of one root member was found. Looking at its dress and surrounding traces, it is most likely the root member who was arranged by Shimura Danzo to follow the medicine master's pocket."

The Anbu member below still replied with a respectful tone.

"Root member?"

Naruto was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted.

It seems certain.

Yakushidou and Shimura Danzo really have reached some aspects of cooperation.

It's just a pity.

The seal technique in Shimura Danzo's brain is too strong.

It's so strong that a little carelessness during exploration can easily ruin the entire brain.

Forcing Xianglin to be a little cautious during the search.

Thanks to her own level of sealing, Xiang Rin was able to be able to extract useful information from Shimura Danzo's brain little by little.

Unfortunately, there is not enough time.

Xiang Rin and Yu Gao must follow them to the area where the Allied Forces of the Six Nations are assembled.

The rest can only be handled by the intelligence team in the village.

Although they are all professionals brought out by Xiang Lin.

But Naruto was not optimistic that his subordinates could extract effective information from Danzo's brain.

On the contrary, the right arm covered with the writing wheel eyes transplanted by Danzo, and the Mudun Chakra he possessed is very valuable for research.

Considering Sasuke’s reincarnation eye opening problem.

Naruto also ordered his own professionals to focus on studying how to extract Mudun cells from it.

Perhaps Sasuke opened the eyes of reincarnation.

It's about to fall on this aspect.

After all, the situation in this life is very different from the original book.

Can you expect to get the source of "Yin" and "Yang" Chakra from the Six Dao Immortals!

Moreover, in the final analysis, it is just the original Yin-Yang escape chakra given by others.

It is not refined by itself.

The gap is still extremely large.

Just as Sasuke in the original book only opens a single reincarnation eye to see the proof.

Even if it is a higher-level Gouyu reincarnation eye.

But a single is a single after all.

Naruto's expectations for Sasuke are open to reincarnation in both eyes!

Therefore, the value of Danzo's corpse research is not unimportant.

If the information cannot be extracted, it will not be extracted.

The point is not to damage Danzo's body.

The other is the research materials and research results obtained from Dashewan.

This is in the future.

Presumably all have very important value and significance.

Only for this point.

The whereabouts of the pharmacist pocket.

It seemed to be a headache for Naruto.

‘This guy, he’s already found Longdidong now, right? If that's the case, the pharmacist's pocket will become as difficult as in the original book! ’

Naruto frowned slightly.

A faint and solemn expression faintly revealed in his pupils.

It's not that the pharmacist will be strong after learning the magic.

According to the performance of the original work.

At best, it is a stronger film level, and super film level is almost meaningless.

Face yourself now.

Naruto has enough confidence to kill him!

But the crux of the problem is that once such a situation occurs, there is a high probability that the side with soil can obtain a large amount of free and easy-to-use cannon fodder combat power like in the original book. If Yao Shidou is determined to hide.

Unless Naruto takes the initiative to attack with Xianglin.

Find pharmacists all over the world.

Otherwise, it would not be a problem that the trace can be determined in a short time.

After all, the current core issue is still on Akatsuki's side.

But the work that should be done still needs to be done.

"Notify Xingchi and Xinghuo, continue to send more people, I don't need a living pharmacist pocket, as long as I can ensure that his death is enough! Understand!?

Naruto looked at the Anbe in front of him, and said with a serious expression.

"Yes, Master Xueying!"

Anbu suddenly bowed his head and replied.

Following from that.


It is also a dodge that disappears directly.

"Is there still no way to confirm the trace of Pharmacist's pocket? Naruto?"

Xiang Rin, who had just stepped out of the cabin, went straight to Naruto's side and asked with a very curious expression.

"Well, it should really be the best support for Dashewan. The evasive ability of this hand is already outstanding."

Naruto nodded lightly, looking at the waves of the sea in front of him, and said with a sneer expression in his pupils.

"Naruto, in fact, there is no need to pay special attention to this pharmacist pocket, right? For our next plan, it will be difficult to affect even if the Dashewan is alive. A mere Dashewan subordinate, even the best one, You shouldn't care too much, right?"

"No, Xiang Rin, if you think so, you might underestimate this pharmacist. In my opinion, he already possesses every excellent quality condition of a ninja, and most importantly, as a perennial He who assisted Oshemaru in various special experiments must be very clear about Oshemaru’s various forbidden techniques and secrets. Don’t forget, Oshemaru has a forbidden technique, even in a large-scale war. An important Tianping weight!"

Naruto shook his head slightly, and said with a solemn expression in the depths of his eyes.

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