My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 644: Super, Shenluo Tianzheng! (Make up)

PS: This chapter will make up for the day on Sunday, and the chapter that Qingming still owes, this weekend!

Only between that moment.

Those small slugs scattered all around.

It bursts out with beautiful green light.

Above the sky.


That same shimmering bright light.

Compared to the lower side position.


The horror wave that Shuo Ran swept across.

Jiraiya, who had just defeated the Beast Dao and Shura Dao, had just been head-on.

An excited spirit all over.

"Master Jilaiya!"

"Little Jilai too!"

The reminders of Yu Shenzuo and Zhi Ma, and the reminder of the small slug that had just attached to the other side of the body.


"The soul is pale!?"

"This one!?"

"Lei Dun!"

Dazzling luster.

The breath of horror.

It seems to be the entire battlefield to be included in all.

The ultimate momentum that burst out.

"Super, Shenluo Tianzheng!"

Above the sky, Heavenly Dao Payne had no emotional fluctuations, when the low voice fell.

It seems to be a stagnant space in that moment.

Soon after.

Suddenly a wave of raging.


In the side down angle.

Almost it is with Heavenly Dao Payne as the core area.

The power of the spiral burst.

"not good!?"

A moment of concentration.

Then burst into air waves.

On the occasion of the rolling storm.

There is no way to escape the attack.

Naruto, the fourth generation of Raikage, Jiraiya, Tsunade, and those not far away, including Ohnoki, Terumi Ming and others, all released their own defensive techniques at this moment.


It was only at the moment when it was just finished.

In the void.

It has long been hidden in a certain position.

Under Taito's extremely excited expression.



A flash of light shines on the audience.

Directly stretch the violent roar of the explosion.

The hustle and bustle.

The aftermath of horror.

Don't mention the core area.

Even in the most marginal area.

As far as the surgical procedure is concerned.

Layers of rubble and dust were swept up directly.

This technique that once destroyed the entire Konoha Shinobu Village in the original work, now on this battlefield, it almost shatters the entire surface of the earth.

Flying dust.

Fragmented ground.

The yellow dust mist spread all over the sky.

There is also the **** color in it.




"my leg..."



"Come alone..."


A super destructive technique beyond expectations.

As the dust in the sky dispersed.

What came into the eyes of the rest of the people was a scene called **** on earth.

There was blood everywhere.

Broken limbs and remains can be seen everywhere.

Rock ninja, snow ninja, Konoha, cloud ninja, mist ninja, and sand ninja.

As long as the weaker Six Village Ninjas, under the attack of Tiandao Payne’s Super Shinra Tianzheng, they almost instantly crushed their lives, even with Tsunade’s super healing technique coverage, but that’s only Can save the lives of the ninjas in the marginal area, the ninjas in the core area, almost all died directly at the moment of the magical addition, including the fourth generation of Raiking and the shadow level strong of Zi Lai Ye. By.

Under the attack of this super Shenluo Tianzheng.

The moment when he turned over from the rubble.

All of them were wounded all over.

Especially the fourth generation of Raikage Ai.

In the previous offense and defense.

It was even more against the second tail's attack.

It is difficult for Ai to make the most effective response in the first time.

It can only rely on the strength of his own body and the thunder-dance armor to resist it.

But even so.

It was still a **** posture.

This is still the result of slug treatment.

if not.

Do not say such exaggerated words of death.

Serious injuries are at least unavoidable.

The shadow-level powerhouse with strong strength and defensive means is even so.

The rest of the ordinary ninjas were one by one, even more dead or wounded.

There were more than 16,000 ninjas from the Six Villages Allied Forces that were still surviving before. Under the coverage of this terrorist attack, the number of people who could survive was not one in ten.

Wailing everywhere.

There are screams everywhere.

There was a **** color everywhere.

Including those surrounded by Bai Jue.

Even if they have the ability to escape.

The belt soil hidden in the shadows was also aware of what art Nagato was going to use, and ordered those who were on the battlefield to avoid it in advance.

But it only saved less than half of the quantity.

This is obviously a technique that can dig deep underground.

It was almost a huge pit that was sunken out.

Whenever the speed of burrowing is slightly slower, it is a bit white.

There is absolutely no way to avoid this tactical coverage attack.

These Bai Jue were torn apart directly.

Above the surrounding area of ​​this battlefield.

You can also see the broken bodies of Bai Jue.

There is no doubt the Shura scene.


"You guy!?"

"The soul is pale!"

"Kill you! I absolutely want to kill you!"

One by one, the shadows barely emerged from the ruins, rubble, and dust.

That weak look.

Angry expression.

Especially the fourth generation of Raiking and the third generation of Tuying.

Looking at the ninjas who had worked so hard to cultivate in Ninja Village, one by one died in front of them.

The anger that came out directly.

It's so vivid.

And before that, Jiraiya, who had always wanted to persuade his disciples, was also injured. He turned over from under a piece of rubble, and saw this moment in front of him. The whole person was also stunned, as he had experienced World War II. , The ninja of three wars.

Jilai has also witnessed countless **** scenes.

However, there has never been a more tragic experience than this time.

A surgical technique.

It directly took the lives of tens of thousands of people!

And the ninja here.

They are all the elite troops in the Six Great Ninja Village!

The remaining ninjas.

One by one was injured.

If it weren't for the existence of slugs and Tsunade.

The blow just now.

It can even be taken away directly, except for these shadow-level powerhouses, all the remaining ninja lives.

To know.

Including Deidara, Dried persimmon ghost shark, Hidana, Kakuto, etc. who were involved in the aftermath of the surgery, they all suffered great blows because they were unable to evade. The confrontation with Terumi Mei was originally abolished. The corners of the hearts, this time, even lost two hearts directly (using the summoned creature to block damage for yourself.)

Even if the dry persimmon ghost shark used its own water escape characteristics and shark muscle scalpel characteristics to barely avoid the serious injury ending, it looked embarrassed.

It is also the first time since he joined the Akatsuki organization.

Fei Duan was the one among the people in the Akatsuki organization that was the most active after the surgery.

Relying on the peculiarities of one's own body.

Forcibly resist the attack.

Although broken leg, broken hand.

But that's for the flying section.

It's really nothing.

On the contrary, at the moment of seeing this tragic situation, the whole person became excited.

"Oh oh oh! That's it! That's it! This is the best gift for Lord Cthulhu! Jiaodu, hurry up, hurry up, connect my leg to me, this uncle will give the most to Lord Cthulhu Good sacrifice!"

"Idiot guy!"

And really want to say.

The most harmless one in Akatsuki's organization.

Naturally, Deidara has the ability to fly.

Deidara, who had always been confronting and attacking with his old man in the air, was almost at the moment when Heavenly Dao Payne released Super, Shenluo Tianzheng, and his heart was agitated, which directly raised the flying height of his clay bird.

In this way, Dedala was barely blown away by the aftermath of the explosion, but no damage was received at all.

Soaring above the sky.

At this moment.

Seeing this exaggerated look below.

The expressions of Deidara and Feidan were the same excited.

The effect of bursting.

Endless casualties.

There is also the effect that even the tail beast can be overturned directly, bursting into the far area around it.

"Yeah! This is art! Real art! It really deserves to be the boss! Haha! I really want Master Scorpion to take a look at this kind of explosive art!"

Deidara advocating his highest artistic level.

Paying for your own final hole card-self-destruction can not achieve this effect in front of you.

But the leader of his own organization can actually do this.

The same is Deidara, who is a little bit in a frenzy.

They have already made their plans. After the war, they will come to Payne for an ‘art’ exchange.

"Hehe, old man, where are you going? The confrontation between us is not over yet!"

But that will be after the end of the war.

As the official members of Akatsuki's organization, they can really be regarded as ‘loyal and loyal’.

The task you have accepted.

It is to be completed 100%.

Seeing the same three generations of earth shadows flying above the sky without any trauma, they are about to fly toward the middle area.

Deidara also immediately took control of the clay bird, and flew directly and intercepted it in front of Ohnogi again.

That light and pompous expression.

"Didara! Get out of me!"

However, at this moment, it was the third generation of Tuying who had entered the angry mood, with a cold expression on his face.

It sounds plain, but it clearly contains words with endless killing intent.

It made Deidara's heart startled.

But there was still an extremely frivolous look on the surface.

"Get out? Old man, you haven't woken up yet? This is war!"

He squeezed the palm of his hand directly, and his expression became extremely cold.

"Very good, very good! The old man will really clean up the door today!"

It's completely different from the past.

Three generations of soil shadows that still have a little bit of leeway.

at this time.

But it has been eroded by anger.

All Iwa Shinobu brought out by himself.

Because I'm far from it.

A large number of casualties.

Including his son Loess.

Also under the blow just now, he was directly in a state of serious injury.

Three generations of Tuying who can no longer maintain a peaceful mind.

The biggest idea right now is to find the so-called Payne afterwards!

Deidara actually dared to stop in front of him.

Three generations of Tukage who were thoroughly irritated.

I don't plan to keep any hands anymore.

"Dust escape!"

A big move to get started right away.

"Yeah! Burst!"

The two masters and disciples fighting together again.

This time.

Compared to before.

But it has to be much more intense.

And in the bottom position.

The same is simply to deal with the injury of the corner of the fly section.

The two still met their own mission goals that needed to be intercepted before.

Jiao Du is purely interested in'money'.

Ying's head is very valuable.

Feiduan wanted to offer more valuable sacrifices to his Lord Cthulhu.

What is more valuable and meaningful than the shadows of the villages! ?

not to mention.

Under the blow of his own BOSS just now.

As the weakest Markey.

Even with Gaara's cover.

They all enter the severe injury mode directly.

Don't take this opportunity to directly kill this ‘rare sacrifice’.

When will I have to wait! ?

These people will definitely not stop.

The same is still caught in the tragic fight.

But compared with before.

The bloodiness of the scene.

To directly raise several levels.

all of a sudden.

This is a completely reversed situation.

"This is the real pain. After feeling this pain, you should also understand the preciousness of peace? Sa, hand over your remaining tail beasts. Only in this way can the world usher in true peace. !"

On the empty platform.

It is already Heavenly Dao Payne that has fallen on the surface again.

Take advantage of the opportunity just now.

It is also using Hell Road to repair the damaged clone Penn.

Six Payne standing side by side again.

Looking down at the Jiraiya, Ai, Tsunade, Naruto, Kakashi and Metkai who were flying from different angles, they said in a light tone.

Endless despair.

This painful wailing.

The former subordinates, companions, and his own "brother"

All of what you saw and heard.

All are greatly provoking the reason of the four generations of Raiking.

"Peace!? You and the old man talk about peace!? If you don't mind, I'm going to get rid of you directly here!"

The power that broke out.

The terrifying thunder light that permeated directly.

However, only in that moment.


The stagnant Chakra breath.

The most important thing is the pain passed from all over the body.

All made the four generations of Raikage's brows twisted.

That was Chakra who was uncontrollable and dispersed.

"Huh, so, this is your pattern and measure, the four generations of Raiking, this is the pain that your big country once imposed on our small country, and now? I can't bear it, so come to speak out!? Teacher Jilaiya, this is it. Can the people you talk about understand each other? No, in my opinion, this is not enough. Only when you really experience the same pain, and then under the deterrence of high pressure, you can directly usher in peace. That set of theories won't work!"

Very straightforward words, the most important thing is the name spoken.

'teacher! ? ’

The fourth generation of Raikage, as well as that Darui, who had just come to his side because of worry, turned his head suddenly, looking at the Jiraiya who was obviously with a bitter expression on the side.

"Your Excellency Raikage, this is not to hide anything, but..."

It seems that the emotional changes of the four generations of Raiking can be detected.

On the side position.

Tsunade also quickly said to Raikage of the Fourth Generation.



Ai obviously didn't mean to listen.

The words that interrupted with a cold snort.

"Naruto, I don't want to hear what you say now. My goal is very simple. It is to take down the **** guy in front of me. You have no opinion on this, right!?"

"Also, Xueying, should you do that too? Young man, don't play mystery there anymore!"

It is the words spoken in the most straightforward way.

"This is a natural thing, Akatsuki is our public enemy, and, in this scene just now, I think Tsunade-sama will also abandon those unrealistic ideas, right?"

Naruto turned out.

In the position behind them, they were the same with a little gray-headed face, seemingly embarrassed, but in fact they were two people, Xiang Rin and Yu Gao, who had not suffered any damage.

In the shock just now.

Naruto ignored the others.

It can only be the Xue Ren who is to keep his side first, as well as Xiang Rin and Yu Gao.

Yu Gao also turned into a beast at that time.

Protected Xiang Rin twice.

Then rely on the healing properties of Xiangrong.

Let Yu Gao directly recover from a severely injured and dying state to a lightly injured state.

This is not just Yu Gao alone.

Take a look at the entire battlefield.

The five tail beasts that Nagato channeled had already lost their combat effectiveness.

The eight-tailed bull ghost received a heavy blow.

The restraint of the reincarnation eye.

The impact of Shenluo Tianzheng.

That is to say, Yao is still thick skinned and thick.

Kirabi is also very personal.

Barely still maintain a certain combat effectiveness.

Super S-class ban in the true sense.

This is also beyond Naruto's previous expectations.

Because this is not the only one who invaded Konoha.

It's a chaotic war scene.

Naruto didn't expect Nagato to be so decisive.

Use this technique directly at this juncture.

This is also aroused anger.

At this moment, Naruto's sight in the direction of Liudao Payne also showed a very violent killing intent.

But at the same time, a faint different color appeared on the corner of his eyes.

Because this seems to be my best opportunity!

And after hearing the words of the four generations of Raikage and Naruto one after another.

Tsunade naturally doesn't have to mention it.

Zi Lai, who was on the side, also took a deep breath after his face changed slightly, his eyes raised again.

"Nagato, you are wrong. Your peace is impossible to achieve. Since you don't want to look back, let me personally end your wrong choice!"

The firm color in his pupils.

"Hehe, at the end, we still have to rely on strength to convince each other, don't you? Teacher Jilaiya! Let me see how much power you still have!"

Nagato looked down at the people below through Heavenly Way Payne. Although the power of Heavenly Way is still recovering a little bit, the vitality that was overdrawn before is making his body send a further alarm, but victory is near. It's close at hand.

All of these powerful enemies in front of them were seriously injured.

Yao was once again entangled by the dried persimmon ghost shark.

Nine-tailed human column force can no longer maintain the tail beast mode (this is Payne's perspective.)

Three tails and six tails must be the same.

All you need to do is to get rid of the most difficult Jilaiya teacher!

The remaining people can be caught in one go.

At this moment.

Still an extremely confident Nagato.

This is the final confrontation that each will explode.


Haven't waited for each other's hands.

Heavenly Payne.

Or it should be said that Six Dao Payne is about to do it.

"Although there is a big deviation from the estimate, here is the best time!"

Naruto on one side showed a chilly color between his eyebrows.


"This one!?"




The noise that broke out straight out.

Sensitive fluctuations.

Terrifying momentum.

When rippling.

Sudden changes.

The complexion of everyone present changed.

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