My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 688: Above the journey

After all, the most critical issue must be involved.

Kushina is a straight-forward character. Even when facing the famous ninja god-Senjujujuma, Kushina doesn't have any stage fright, just so generously that he clearly understands his wishes. After hearing Kushina’s words, Hinata on the side moved his ears slightly, and his eyes lifted up again. He looked at the real "big men" in front of him. It can be said that the original Hokage ——Senjujujuma really has the dominance in the ninja world today. After all, it has only been 60 years since Konoha was founded. The reputation of the **** of ninja is still indelible, even now the whole In the Ninja world, Naruto is regarded as the new generation of ninja gods.

Moreover, Naruto's strength indeed surpassed Senjujuma in a substantial sense.

But as long as Naruto has not really defeated Senjujuma head-on, or accomplished something that Senjujuma has never achieved before (referring to the Universe Ninja World!)

Senjujuma is still the first person. (It can be achieved right now, defeating Senjujuma frontally, and then completing the great cause of unifying the Ninja world, surpassing Senjujuma in all aspects from personal strength to overall record.)

And for the purest Konoha ninja like Hinata, he grew up listening to the prestige of Senjujuma. From the conversation just now, Hinata is as smart as Hinata can naturally hear it and come back. The first generation of adults, the goal is their beloved Naruto-kun, and the mention of "Uchiha Madara" is also to Hinata's attention. Now Hinata is a bit worried about Kushina who speaks too directly, but It's Naruto who is worried about 100% of the collision with the first generation of Naruto.

But she also understood very well.

This occasion is not a place where she can speak easily.

Listening quietly is the only option.

The water gate, the first generation of Hokage, the second generation of Hokage and others in the position in front of them, after hearing the words of Kushina, also showed different levels of expressions.

"Don't worry, Kushina-kun, not just you, including the four generations. We don't say much, let alone do anything. You have already given everything for Konoha in your lifetime, just like Kushina-kun. You said that we are all dead now, and we shouldn’t affect the present world, but as the founder of Konoha, I still have some personal desires in it, and I still think Naruto-kun’s approach It seems too rough and tyrannical, but this is what happened before Naruto-kun and I. It will definitely not affect your couple. Just act according to your own wishes!"

Can afford it, let it go!

This is the hero of the generation.

Not to mention that both Jiuxinai and Pratunam have stated in advance that they will remain'neutral'.

Even if the former couple of Konoha and Hokage are going to be enemies with Konoha, Senjujuma will still smile and face each other at this time. It is not a false statement, not an artificial act, but Senjujuma. It really is such an existence.

Just like him and Uchiha Madara before.

You can say that the pillars are sometimes too naive or even a little stupid.

But his greatness and his excellence.

Still a dazzling light that cannot be concealed.

Although Kushina was very trustworthy and admired the personality of the first generation of Naruto, at this moment, when I heard the first generation of Hokage say such words, I was still slightly taken aback. It is really the first generation of Hokage's words that make Kushina Surprised.

After all, this is a completely clear position.

The first generation of Hokage can also put on such a magnificent bearing.

It must be said.

Worthy of being a hero who calmed down troubled times.

"Yes, the first adult!"

Kushina took a deep look at the first generation of Hokage, and then again bowed to the pillars to salute, this time the respect was more solemn and sincere than before.

"Since you and your wife have the same idea, let's separate here. I will return to the village directly with Feijian and Rizhan. No matter what the final result is, I still thank you two villages on behalf of Konoha. Everything made!"

Senjuzuzuma also looked at Mizumon and Kushina with a serious face, bowing slightly, and said in an unprecedented serious tone.

Watergate and Jiu Xinnai also leaned back immediately.

"No, the first generation adults, this is our responsibility!"

"Then, so be it! In the middle, monkey!"

After straightening his body again, Zhuma looked at Mizumon and Kushina for the last time, then turned his head and shouted at the side of Senjumana and Sarutobi.

"yes, Sir!"

"Yes, the first adult!"

After the two answered each other.

Between the pillars is a vertical body, directly towards the location of Konoha Shinobu Village.

Thousands of hands flickered behind his eldest brother.

And the third generation of Hokage looked at Mizumon and Kushina. In their very surprised expressions, they bowed deeply and said: "Naruto and the village will be where they are now, all of them are mine. The old mistake is that I am sorry for your husband and wife. Although I know that such an apology has no real meaning, it is at least my personal consolation. Pratunam and Kushina are the same as the first adults said, your husband and wife are already I have given everything for the village. I am not sorry for the village. The village and I are sorry for your husband and wife. No matter what the next outcome is, you will always be the heroes of the village, but I still perform myself as a Hokage. My responsibilities, my guilt and mistakes, I only hope that I can pay them back in my next life!"

At the very least, there must be an attitude.

Don't worry about how the third generation of Hokage really thinks deep inside.

But at least this attitude is presented now.

It still shocked Jiu Xinnai.


Even if a person's attitude can't really affect anything.

But it still has a very important meaning.

"Three generations of adults!"

Water Gate immediately stepped forward and helped up the three generations of Hokage.

Kushina sighed slightly after his eyes flickered, and then his expression really returned to the usual.

"Three generations of adults, I can also understand your approach. After all, everyone's identity and position will limit everyone's judgment and practice. Let him pass the past. As for the future, it depends on the future. chosen!"

The words spoken softly.

It also made the three generations of Hokage's old face show a very faint smile for the time being.

"Ah, let the future decide by yourself!"

After the three generations of Hokage finished saying such a sentence, they also turned around, shook their figure, and galloped towards the place where they left between the pillars and the door.

After taking a silent glance at the direction in which the three generations of Hokage were leaving, Mizumon and Kushina came with a very complicated look in their pupils. If you really want to say it, Mizumon and Kushina are actually I still respect the three generations of Hokage, including his position in the ninja world and everything he has done for Konoha, but if it is specific to his son Naruto, it is difficult for the couple to say that they have no complaints. After all, the two They are still normal human beings with seven emotions and six desires. As long as any pair of regular parents hear that their children are being discriminated against and abused, they must be uncomfortable and resentful in their hearts, and they must add themselves to them. I also gave everything for this village. At a young age, I was killed in battle. Under the double blessing, even the saints could not say that there was no grievance at all.

It's just because of the position.

There are also reasons for the identities of the two before death.

Led to this matter.

Watergate and Jiu Xinnai are really embarrassed. There was nothing at all. They were all dead people anyway. But now they are stunned and psychic, the couple are faced with a choice to help the village deal with their son? Mizumon and Kushina are not crazy, but they are on the side of their sons, confronting their former companions, and even destroying Konoha Shinobu Village. Mizumon and Kushina are too much in their hearts, Konoha bears the burden. There are too many memories and emotions for two people.

In the end, the couple still had a tacit understanding of choosing'neutral', which seemed very cunning, but in fact it was the most helpless choice for the two of them, and it was the only thing they could make in this situation. select.

The three Hokages, Senju Zhuma, Senjusuma, and Sarutobi Hitoshi can understand their positions, and they are also apologetic to them, not because they died in battle. It is because the heroes bleed and shed tears. This is the biggest culpability.

That's why the pillars will tell even Mizumon and Kushina are really on the opposite side of Konoha.

He will understand such words.

After all, he is still a different person.

This is also the inevitable result of Naruto's choice after making a completely different choice from the original book.

It is inevitable that there are many complicated emotions in the hearts of Mizumon and Jiu Xinnai, but it is such a momentary thing, if you can afford it, you have to put it down. Pratunam and Jiu Xinnai are not the kind of hesitation. Weak people.

"Sa, then let's go too. In terms of time, Naruto should also be about to enter the country of fire. This is the last time we spent with Naruto!"

Mizumon turned his head to look at Jiu Xinnai on the side, and said softly with a very gentle expression.

"Yes, let our family get along for a while!"

Jiu Xinnai raised her head slightly and looked at her husband, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Let's go, Hinata!"

"Yes, Aunt Jiuxinai!"

I don’t know if it’s because I’m about to see Naruto again, or it’s the "family" words mentioned by Kushina just now. At the moment when Kushina and Mizumon’s sights fell on him, Hina Tian's pink cheeks are blushing again, and the gesture of tapping the head gently makes the smile on the water gate's face more warm.

‘This is my future daughter-in-law, she seems to be a good wife who will be with Naruto for a lifetime! ’

Looking at Hinata like this.

This fourth-generation Hokage also thought of it deep down.

The three who won't delay anymore.

When the three Naruto, Shizumi, Sarutobi, and Sarutobi returned to Konoha Ninja Village at speed, they also re-adjusted their position and headed to the northwest, where the Xuenin village army under Naruto’s command was stationed. Chu, I don’t know that including his parents, the first generation of Naruto, the second generation of Naruto, and the third generation of Naruto are already Naruto who have been psyched out of the dirty soil. At this point in time, they are also waiting for Yuki in the Yunokuni area. The arrival of the country’s back-up troops and corresponding supplies.

Later, after discussing the corresponding ‘cooperation methods’ with the representatives of the middle and small ninjas in the Konoha Ninja villages such as Lujiu and Haiyi.

Naruto has also assigned the strategic tasks of his own friends.

When Sasuke, Itachi, and Yakumo led the detachment team, heading towards the northwestern region of the country.

The main force is here.

Naruto is also reorganized.

After all Xue Ren assembled.

Naruto directly intends to lead these elite troops under his command to formally invade the country of fire!

At this moment.

Naruto standing on a high mountain somewhere on the border between Yunokuni and Fireland.

Looking at the incomparably familiar scenery in front of me, there is also a faint and complex emotion in the pupils, not for this life, but for the deity in the previous life when I read the original work. Sometimes Naruto has always been I was wondering whether I was wearing my soul and robbing Naruto, or after he died, he reincarnated as Naruto. Although such a question may not sound like a very important issue, there is a kind of problem for Naruto. It has a different meaning, and the most important thing is that in the previous life, I saw the world through the screen, but now I am stepping on this world myself. The overlapping feelings are very subtle and special.

In the original book, I worked hard for Konoha and Sasuke all his life.

In his previous life, Naruto once saw an anime fan who said such a sentence: "Naruto has never lived for himself in his life, and the efforts he has made are either for Konoha or for the girl he likes. , Either you are your best friend, but you don’t live for yourself! ’

Although this sentence is very subjective in nature.

But it is undeniable that it really smells like that.

This is why when Naruto in this life opens his eyes and realizes that he has actually come to the world of Hokage, he will have such a ‘rebellious thinking’. The reason is very simple. What is the meaning of people not living for themselves?

It may seem selfish and double standard to say such a sentence.

But Naruto still has to say.

‘People don’t die for themselves! ’

If a person is unhappy or unhappy even for himself.

What qualifications does he have to say that he can give others happiness and joy?

And this is also one of the life rules that Naruto has been pursuing in this life.

The unwillingness and resentment that have been buried deep in my heart for 12 years, the preparation and accumulation in a full 3 years, if it can be vented once.

Through the dense forest in front of him, Naruto looked at the countless Yuuki Shinobumen who were advancing fast.

"The three-year period has come, Konoha, I am back, with my anger and disappointment. This time I will really smooth everything down and create a legend that belongs to me in Minato Namikaze!"

He stretched out the right arm that was regrown with the power of Yang Yun that he had just grasped yesterday, and pointed at the location of Konoha Shinobu Village.

A ray of incomparably firm and condensed color appeared in his pupils.

Ning Ci and Xiang Rin, who are standing behind Naruto, also show different levels of expressions on their faces. Xiang Rin is still relatively simple, and her sufferings are all in the Cao Ren Village period. , Including the tragic scene where his mother was sucked to death, has been deeply imprinted in Xiang Rin’s memory. Xiang Rin once thought that her result should be as tragic as her mother, but later met Naruto. It is an important trajectory for a radical change in his life. To put it bluntly, from that moment on, Xiang Rin decided to live for Naruto. Naruto’s ideal is his ideal, and Naruto’s goal is his goal. , Naruto’s enemy is his own Naruto!

For everything that Naruto has encountered in Konoha.

Xiang Rin felt the same.

Three years ago, she came to Xueren Village with Naruto to establish her own power. She has always believed that Naruto will come back sooner or later.

And now.

It's the time!

Angry for Naruto, happy for Naruto.

In this small group of Naruto, Xiang Lin may really be the simplest and most direct one.

On the other hand, Neji’s idea is almost the same as that of Xiang Rin. Only in terms of personal identity, Neji was born as a serious Konoha ninja. In Konoha Ninja, he has his own tribe, friends, and his own. The family, now returning to the country of fire in such a way, they are about to come to Konoha Ninja Village.

On the complexity of the heart.

Compared with Naruto.

Ning Ci did not give up too much.

"How? Neji? How is Sasuke's progress?"

Feeling is that moment.

Naruto's character is destined that he will not over indulge in the so-called past.

Go directly to the topic.

At the moment when he is already leading the army to the border area of ​​the Land of Fire, Naruto naturally needs to pay more attention to the progress of Sasuke’s side. In the original plan, there was originally a three-way division of soldiers, but the country of Wind is one side. The team’s monitoring function is that the real force is still divided into two. The main force of the team led by Sasuke, Itachi, and Yakumo is to go directly to the country of the earth and the village of Iwanin. The village of Iwanin has completely lost its resistance, but Iwamura Ninja Village still has a certain resistance force. This is also the strategy decided in the previous strategy meeting. Priority is to disintegrate all the remaining forces in Yan Ninja Village. After it solves the Land of Falling Land, it will be headed south to destroy the Wind. Country and Sand Ninja Village, according to the schedule in the scheduled plan.

Now Sasuke should be leading the troops to the village of Iwanin.

It was also Sasuke, Itachi and others who left first.

It's the time stipulated by convention.

As Xue Ying, Naruto naturally needs to ask about the specific progress.

"The message from Sasuke just came from the other side. It has completely wiped out the garrison forces arranged by Iwanin Village in the border area, and now formally advances into the interior of the hinterland of the country!"

Ning Ci nodded softly and said in response.

"Is the border stronghold been completely cleared? It seems that Sasuke's efficiency is quite high!"

Naruto raised his brows and said with a look of surprise.

Er Zhuzi led the troops to set off, that is, half a day faster than the main force on his side. Now they have completed the cleaning of the outer periphery of the first floor. This is indeed very fast.

"It's probably anxious to complete the task quickly and come to Konoha. After all, for Sasuke-kun, Konoha should also have a very special meaning!"

Xiang Lin in the right position flicked the tip of her hair, and said with a smile as if pointing.

After all, I really want to talk about it.

The hatred of Neji, Sasuke, and Kinabamura is greater than that of Naruto.

Although Naruto said that he had received unfair treatment, at least Mizumon and Kushina were still fighting for Konoha Shinobu out of their wishes.

But Neji's father and Sasuke's parents are different.

That's right!

Neji's father also voluntarily replaced his brother to die, and the direct murderer of Sasuke's parents was his own brother, Itachi Uchiha.

But get to the root of it.

Isn't it because of Konoha Shinobu?

If we talk about the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan must also bear certain responsibilities.

In the matter of Hyuga day disparity.

It was purely Konoha's high-level pot.

What does it mean to trade a person’s life for peace that is not easy?

To put it bluntly, the three generations, Danzo, and the two consultants who made this decision are really brain drained.

Peace is made! It was not negotiated!

As the winner of the three wars of Ninja World, why should Konoha still sigh with Yun Ren? In the final analysis, after the three generations of Hokage were old, the weak roots that emerged from the depths of their hearts caused it to make all kinds of mediocre decisions.

So, counting from here, the death of Nikkei can be counted as 100% of the Konoha high-level heads with the three generations of Hokage as the core.

This is why, if you insist on the hatred value, Neji and Sasuke have more reasons to hate Konoha Shinobu than Naruto.

Two pillars will have this idea.

It is also a matter of course.

During the previous division of troops, Naruto could also clearly see the unpleasant look on his face, the Young Master Erzhuzi.

But here can also be seen Sasuke's growth above the level of measure, otherwise, with the character of the former two pillars, he must have just turned his head and quit, and then headed towards Konoha Shinobu on his own.

‘I want revenge! No one can stop me! ’

This is the thinking of the two pillars in the original book.

In this life, he has been influenced by Naruto a lot.

The two pillars are still different from the original book.

At this point.

Not only Sasuke, but also Neji, Karin, Yakumo, and Hako.

"Well, that's fine. Anyway, Itachi-san and Yakumo are following, and Iwanin and Sanda are no more important people, just let him go."

Naruto smiled blankly and said softly.

The position of the station is different.

The height of the look is also different.

Although Iwanin Village and Sand Ninja Village still have a place of World War I.

In the village, there are still black soil and Gaara, which are infinitely close to the shadow level.

But in the view of Naruto now.

There is really no problem at all.

Don't even say that Sasuke is carrying two or three thousand Yukinin forces, but also has the support of Uchiha Itachi and Kurama Yakumo.

His own strength itself is firmly in the top level of Super Shadow Class.

One person flattened the two big forbearance villages.

Although there is a little flamboyant feeling.

But if you really want to talk about it, for Sasuke, it's really not a particularly difficult thing.

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