My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 717: Change, the new order of Shinobi!

The death of Uchiha belt soil.

Black Jue was caught.

It also indicates that Naruto has completely dealt with the last enemy on this world of Shinobi. Since then, on a blue planet in Nuo Da, Naruto has and only the one that is still sealed on the moon. The goddess of Uo is an enemy that Naruto needs to deal with, but before Kurojue has been caught by himself, and before the Tianwai clan-Otsukimoto's family still has no dispatched personnel, this goddess of Uo, Naruto does not need to have any. worry.

You can have enough time to wait until you have grown to a limit before you can deal with it.

Naruto in this life will not be like the deity in the original book.

'Indulged' in the handling of various government affairs, and to a certain extent wasted his own strength, yes, it was a wasteful year. In the year of 15 years old, the deity and the second pillar in the original work reached the six levels, but The strength of the two seems to have reached their peak in that year. From then on, one determined to wander in the world of ninja, the other was dedicated to Konoha's government affairs, and he didn't really concentrate on his own practice. From the teens to the thirties is the golden period of ninja growth. During this time, not only the personal strengthening ability, the absorption and learning ability, but also the strengthening of physical fitness are in the best period.

But they just missed this period of time.

Can not say that there is no growth at all.

It can only be said that compared with their growth from the age of twelve to fifteen or sixteen, they are really one in the sky and one on the ground. Logically speaking, they don’t need to spend all their energy in cultivation. , As long as more than half of their minds and concentration are invested in their own cultivation, at the peak age of a ninja at the age of 30, both of them can at least reach the level of the Six Dao Immortals, and there is no problem with even a higher strength.

Regrettably, the two who slack off.

It’s really just that in those ten years, it’s almost staying in place, although this is also above the ninja world, no one can threaten their existence, and even said that they don’t need to join forces. It's related to the situation that a single person can push the entire ninja world, and it is indeed easy to relax when a person does not have a sense of crisis.

Naruto didn't really say that the deity in the original "Contempt" was slack on this point.

Because if it is really his own words.

It may not be that way.

They are already invincible.

Who really will work tirelessly day and night?

It’s just because Kaguya in this life has not been completely solved, Naruto plans to use a different method from the original to solve Kaguya once and for all, which requires Naruto to have stronger power and then consider Naruto will definitely not stop his footsteps when he can be dispatched to the Tianwai Clan's Otsukimoto family at any time.

However, these things are done slowly.

More than ten years.

Naruto is confident enough.

You can complete your next ‘five-year plan’ at your own pace!

And it is not limited to these.

Including ‘Spirit’, ‘Cthulhu’ and ‘Three Holy Lands’!

There is a certain probability that these may threaten the existence of world peace, and Naruto will find time to solve them one by one in the future!

That's right!

Including the three holy places!

Naruto never concealed that he viewed these three holy sites with the greatest malice.

The slug fairy in Wet Bone Forest may be relatively better.

But the Immortal Toad in Miaomu Mountain and the Immortal White Snake in Longdi Cave were thorns in Naruto's eyes and stabbed in the flesh.

Especially the so-called "prophecy" that the toad immortal has always emphasized in the original work!

In Naruto's view.

It's a matter of fooling people!

Including, but not limited to, the two people who flicked "Datongmu Yuyi" and "Zilaiya".

Especially Jiraiya.

Naruto felt that if it were not for the ridiculous prophecy of the so-called "child of prophecy" by Toad Immortal, Jiraiya's life would be even more exciting. He even said that he would be the first person to have no Datongmu bloodline, but he could step into the super shadow level peak The existence of li is not necessarily impossible, and Zilai in the young and middle ages really wastes a lot, a lot of time!

This is also one of the biggest regrets when Naruto once read the original in his previous life, although it is not 100%, even the difficulty is very high.

But Naruto really thinks that Jilai can concentrate on his own practice without any distractions.

He is the one who is most likely to reach the high level of the two since Uchiha Madara and Senjujuma!

This is not just a matter of personal talent.

It is also a question of mentality and measure.

Therefore, Mingren would hate that ‘Toad Immortal’ so much. ’

Naruto will never allow such a ‘god stick’ in the world.

Now the world is in chaos. Everything is slowly restarting. Naruto will put these things aside for the time being. After that, his strength will reach at least the level of the six immortals, and the whole world will reach a basic tranquility. After a harmonious social order, Ming talents will deal with these consciously "bad" things.

‘Anyway, at least one rest can be drawn now, and the world will bloom in my hands with real dazzling brilliance! ’

Naruto looked at the earthy face that was still extremely unwilling and angry. After taking a deep breath, he also turned around and moved towards the entrance of the cave.

"Let's go! It's time to redefine the order of the world!"

Position behind you.

Water Gate, Xiao Nan, and Xiang Lin followed closely.

Towards the country of fire, he returned to the former Konoha Shinobu village. Of course, the corpse with soil and the head were also taken along, whether it was Xiaonan who wanted to use the head with soil to go to the tombs of Nagato and Yahiko For the memorial, or the research value of the soiled corpse itself, Naruto and others all took the soiled corpse away.

Including the pair of kaleidoscope writing round eyes.

The same is of considerable research and use value.

You must know that the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye was originally an extremely rare existence in the thousand-year history of the Uchiha clan, and in the accompanying pupil technique, it is the only pair that can use the spatial technique. Naruto wants to develop his own thunder god. From space.

Divine power with soil.

There is a high reference value!

Just rush to this point.

This pair of kaleidoscopes write round eyes.

Naruto is about to keep it well, and through the comparison test to see if Uchiha Itachi can absorb the original power of this pair of kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes and evolve the eyes to the level of the eternal kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes. .

After all, although it is said in the original work that it takes a kaleidoscope transplant from a brother to achieve ‘qualitative’ sublimation, it does not completely deny that kaleidoscope transplantation between other people of similar blood is not necessarily impossible?

Anyway, it's an experiment. It's the best to succeed. You can have a pair of Eternal Eyes. Failure is harmless. In short, this is just a incidental experiment.

Naruto who returned to the territory of the land of fire.

Because the smooth settlement of the belt soil and the black jue means you can concentrate on handling the next ninja government affairs, including the most important thing is to re-establish the basic system after the national reunification!

At the forefront is naturally the most important capital relocation and land policy!

The former is related to the establishment of the national political center and the future political system.

The latter is what Naruto believes is the key element to achieve world peace and social harmony!

The reason why the disputes between countries continue.

It is because of unequal benefits.

The former country of fire is regarded as the richest country in the whole world.

The other four big countries add up to not necessarily have the prosperous country of fire!

How do you make countries think?

And when there is an obvious control gap between each other's strength.

War is inevitable.

It's the same now.

Although the world is unified.

There are no more enemies above the Ninja World.

But it does not mean that the disputes should be put down.

Getting along between people is the biggest collection of interest disputes!

It is definitely impossible for Naruto to completely settle this dispute. In the world where Naruto lived in his previous life, with such a developed productivity, it is not necessary to mention the country and the country, even if it is within a country or a region. Are there fewer disputes between them?

It's just that such disputes have been limited to a reasonable and acceptable category.

On a large scale, it is indeed a very harmonious and stable society.

And this is what Naruto wants to achieve in this world.

Naruto is not greedy.

It will not be too limited to oneself.

Occasionally, the pace can be increased appropriately. The land system and the corresponding distribution policy are the big killers directly used by Naruto. It is absolutely not for everyone in the world to suddenly enter the era of common prosperity. Possible thing.

But let everyone solve the basic food and clothing problem.

But Naruto can do it!

Move the capital to Kyoto!

Regarding Fenghuacheng as the accompanying capital, a certain degree of government agency is still established.

Then Ninja Village still takes Snow Ninja Village as the main body!

Then the former Five Great Ninja Villages became the branch villages of Snow Ninja Village!

Naruto deployed some high-level and corresponding Xuenin troops in various branch Ninja villages.

By the way, guide people in various regions to carry out land reform!

Ownership is collectively owned by the state.

Each family is allocated a certain level of land or other resources such as mountain and forest land according to the basic situation.

As the ‘Monarch of the world’s military ruler! ’

Naruto has such prestige and qualifications.


As the first empress of the Snow Empire, Fenghua Xiaoxue also unconditionally agreed to Naruto's plans and arrangements.

That's right!

It's the queen!

When the entire world was unified, the Snow Kingdom was officially called the Snow Empire.

Under Naruto's suggestion.

Fenghua Xiaoxue is not the former name.

But to become the first ‘emperor’ in this world!

It must be said that when Naruto raised this important case at the high-level political meeting of the Snow Empire, Fenghua Xiaoxue's eyes widened.

Although in the world of Naruto.

Ancient times.

The same is called "Emperor" or "Emperor".

But it was just a flash in the pan.

And there is no benchmark requirement.

But now Naruto’s proposal is undoubtedly to rationalize and regularize this ‘title’!

Fenghua Xiaoxue was naturally surprised.

However, Santa Asama's important ministers in the Snow Country all smiled, and their "Her Majesty the Queen" directly became the "Her Majesty Queen".

Of course they are the happiest one!

Moreover, until now, the Snow Kingdom headed by Santa Fu, no, it should be said that the important officials of the Snow Empire still regard Naruto as the empire's ‘regent’!

Anyway, the next generation of "His Majesty the Emperor" must have the blood of Naruto.

Naturally, Santa Fu and the others would not doubt Naruto's intentions at all.

These people only require that there must be Fenghua clan blood in the inheritance of the "Emperor Throne", and the surname "Fenghua" is enough!

Are the rest important?

It doesn't matter at all!

In addition, Naruto’s proposal has greatly strengthened the control at the national level. How could the ministers like San Taifu be unhappy?

Of course, what these people don't know at this time is.

This proposal is only the first step of Naruto's plan to make the Fenghua clan become the highest leader of the country and directly promoted to the ‘emperor’.

There is a plan.

In the subsequent political reforms.

Naruto will gradually realize the restrictions on the power of the ‘Emperor’.

Then separate the three powers of military, politics, and justice.

The military goes to Ninimura Yukage, politics goes to the prime minister, and then the judicial system is directly under the control of the'emperor'. The supreme judiciary is a person with the blood of the'Fenghua clan', nominally the highest leader of the three powers , Are appointed by the'emperor'.

Some of the previous systems were retained, and some systems were filled in with reforms.

There is indeed a feeling of dissimilarity.

But this is only Naruto's plan to try little by little.

Where there are imperfections, there must be some adaptation.

In these respects, Naruto will slow down, step by step, anyway, he still has time, he can experiment a little bit, so as to formulate a new system and new order that really suits this country and this world before he passes away. .

This part can be slower.

But in terms of land reform.

Naruto is going to make a bold and comprehensive move!

This is also the most critical issue related to the basic stability of society.

For ordinary people, as long as they can solve the most basic problem of food and clothing, they will definitely not take the initiative to cause any unrest.

This is universal in any world and in any era.

No one really chooses to take risks when there is still hope.

It is not fearless, but a problem with the brain!

Therefore, in land reform.

Naruto is the fastest one!

In various regions.

Although those famous families wanted to resist Naruto's determination.

But under the suppression of absolute power.

At most, these people can only curse inwardly.

On the surface, it is still necessary to obey the orders issued by the central government honestly, and at the time when the countries were destroyed or directly and unconditionally surrendered.

The land wealth of these famous families has already been cleared out.

should say.

Naruto is fairly kind.

There is no one size fits all.

Instead, it is allocated according to the actual situation.

Not to mention those former nobles!

Leave them with a certain degree of property, this is the last respect Naruto gave to these former nobles, and this is the group that voluntarily surrendered, within the territory of the former Water Country, the latter Thunder Country, and the Fire Country Most of those nobles have no such good luck.

However, I still have a little bit left.

According to the population of these noble families.

To put it bluntly.

Those property.

It is enough for these nobles to live a "well-off life".

As long as they don't splurge!

Of course, if they can’t change their past habits and don’t want to work **** their own.

Naruto cares about them to die!

Anyway, as long as there is no social unrest.

These people, Naruto let them go!

And so far!

The rudimentary form of the new order after the unification of the world was also officially established under Naruto's initial institutional reform! !

this world.

Also under Naruto's efforts.

Really usher in a brand new era! !

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