My Name is Minato Namikaze

Chapter 97: The practice of selflessness

Even so.

Naruto himself needs a little restraint.

Otherwise, excessive consumption of Chakra and too much fatigue of the clone at once.

It won't be enough to die.

The probability of being hit hard is quite high.

Therefore, in today's cultivation.

Naruto is also relatively convergent, but only separates a hundred shadow clones. After all, it is not possible to borrow the nine-tailed chakra at present. Naruto must leave a little bit for himself. This is the case. Kakashi is actually seeing Naruto. When I directly separated a hundred shadow clones for cultivation, I was quite impressed by the abundance of Naruto's Chakra.

The reminder here also hopes that Naruto himself will control the scale and avoid unnecessary accidents.

"Well, you know it."

Kakashi also nodded lightly.

"Hey, Naruto, what's your special training content? Did Mrs. Kakashi teach you particularly powerful ninjutsu, or something else?"

And seeing Kakashi's words fall, he didn't seem to want to continue to say anything.

Tooth on the side also leaned in immediately, looking at Naruto with a very curious look. His progress was far surpassed by himself and others, and Naruto who was specially trained by Kakashi teacher alone. Tooth is really curious. What is the content of the special training conducted by the person.

Even Shino and Sasuke on the side pricked their ears inadvertently. Sitting on the opposite side, Sakura and Hinata turned their eyes to each other. Sakura looked directly at Naruto, and Hinata looked at it. After a glance, she lowered her head shyly. This girl still doesn't dare to look directly at Naruto, especially when she meets Naruto's eyes, she can almost directly evolve into the steam girl. And it's the kind that can't be touched with extremely high temperature.

"Well, it's not. It's also the training content related to Chakra. You can understand that, Ya, is another advanced level of your training content."

Naruto smiled softly, put his hands together on the table, and said lightly.

"Huh? Chakra-related advanced training?"

Tooth brows frowned slightly, which was like he didn't understand.

Of course, it is also the reason why Naruto said so vaguely.

"Can Naruto be more specific..."

"Ya, don't go too far, complete the current practice first. You haven't even reached the first stage of the practice goal. What follow-up practice do you still ask? Didn't I keep telling you to keep your feet on the ground?"

Haven't waited for the second half of the sentence to come out.

After taking a sip of tea, Yu Rihong, who was sitting across from the tooth, looked at Inuzuka tooth with a solemn expression, and said with a slight stern tone.

And facing the extremely serious expression of his own teacher.

Tooth shrank his head.

"Yes, Teacher Hong, I know."

Ya's face also showed a sorrowful expression, and nodded in response.

"Haha, Ya, don't worry, just as your teacher said, take your time, cultivation will not happen overnight, the same is true for you, the future is still far away, take your time."

Kakashi on the side also said with a smile.

"Yes, Teacher Kakashi!"

Toa, Sakura, Hinata, Shino, Naruto and others also responded simultaneously at this moment.

Although Sasuke didn't follow to answer, the expression was enough as a representative.

Dazna, who was sitting on the side, looked at the Konoha ninjas in front of him, his pupils faintly showing a complex look.

This is the ninja.

A ninja with a huge gap between them and ordinary people.

But Yili, who had always been hiding in the corner, looked at the people in front of him at this moment, especially Naruto's eyes flashed with a different kind of light.

Naruto is now considering the focus of his cultivation.

Did not notice this.

But even if I noticed it.

Naruto wouldn't care either.

"Yo Xi, take a good rest tonight, and keep working hard tomorrow."


----Dividing line----

The next day, as Kakashi said yesterday.

The six Xiaren on this day are divided into three groups to practice.

The three of Sasuke, Shino, and Gaga naturally continue to carry out their tree-climbing careers.

It seems that the stimulus received yesterday was a bit big.

Or maybe I finally found the trick.

In today's tree climbing training, Ya finally took the first step smoothly. Although compared with Sasuke and Shino, the progress gap is still very obvious, and the dawn of completion can finally be seen.

And on the other side.

Hinata and Sakura were taken by Kakashi to another area.

It was Dazna who told the island, and at a stream near his home, that the two women were formally taught to carry out the second stage of Chakra control practice-treading water practice.

And as long as the second stage of cultivation is completed.

The chakra control of the two will take another step up.

It may not seem obvious, but in fact, personal strength will be enhanced to a certain extent!

Naruto is still continuing the practice of yesterday's wind attribute chakra form change. Helix pill has been initially controlled. The next step is to make the rotation and compression of chakra more stable. In addition, he has to learn all kaka. The few wind ninjutsu that Nishi gave him, in this way, can further enrich his offensive methods and make the attack system more three-dimensional.

Therefore, in today's cultivation.

Naruto only allowed more than twenty clones to practice Helix Maru's deep control practice.

The remaining eighty avatars are scattered.

Each carries on the corresponding ninjutsu practice.

and so.

In this day.

As long as it is a little closer to Naruto's training point.

Residents of these wave countries living nearby will often hear a very violent explosion, or some kind of extremely sharp roar.

If it weren't for Dazna, I had informed in advance.

I'm afraid these residents will all fled this area early.

Because the sound and vibration were too violent and terrifying.

"Wind Escape-The Art of Lanqie!"


"Wind Escape-The Art of Suppression!"


"Spiral pill!"



"Wind Escape—A Thousand Faces Wind Technique."

"Wind escape-vacuum jade!"

From the second day.

Naruto is focused on the release of each type of wind escape ninjutsu.

It's not just about releasing it quickly, accurately, and with sufficient strength.

But in the process of forming seals and condensing chakras.

Fully sense the flow and change of Chakra.

This straightforward ninjutsu.

There is damage to the monomer.

There is also a group attack effect.

Different wind attributes are displayed in the form of chakras.

What brings Naruto is a further understanding of the wind attribute Chakra.

With the further deepening of cognition.

Naruto's release of these ninjutsu became more handy.

It was originally only B and C level ninjutsu.

The difficulty is not high at all.

After the degree of control becomes more and more refined.

The speed of Naruto's Jieyin also became faster.

This kind of practice directly stimulated Naruto's adrenaline.

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