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Through the courtyard, came to the entrance of the hall, where everyone sat quietly, their eyes gathered at the entrance, falling on Nalan Yanran beside me.

Nalan Yanran also looked at them. Didn’t expect there are so many people, his eyes slowly skipped everyone, and finally fell on Xiao Yan.

When she went to Wu Tan City to divorce and met him, she naturally recognized him … and remembered him.

A weird atmosphere spread in the air. I touched my nose and leaned my head to look at Nalan Yanran. There was no reason to wonder what she would look like when she saw Xiao Yan again.

Disdain? anger? Guilt?

In the end, as expected, it was cold.

Like the towering Misty Cloud Mountain, Nalan Yanran had no other emotions except the first surprise, and was cold and indifferent.

Looking at Xiao Yan’s eyes is like looking at a stranger—not a former fiancé who has had a fifteen-year marriage contract.

She no longer looked at Xiao Yan, her eyes swept over Xiao Xun Er, Xiao Yu, Xiao Mei’er and Qing Lin 4 women, and finally cast doubtful eyes on me.

She doesn’t know Xiao Mei’s children, and she can’t distinguish them from the 4 girls.

I was a little disappointed, and I was in a low mood. Maybe it’s because she didn’t see her wonderful face as expected …

Maybe it’s because, I’m a little angry?

She was angry and indifferent, not only angry with her, but also seemed to have transferred her anger with Yun Yun!

A decent woman, a decent youth, why do you look like a Old Monster who has seen the mountains and rivers all the time, making a cold and indifferent look with a straight face?

Who is this for? !

I pressed the anger that wasn’t the first time I raised it. I coughed and said, “Sister Yanran, let me introduce you.”

“This is my financee-Xiao Mei, this is Xiao Yu’s cousin, this is Xiao Yan 3 brother, Xun’er younger sister.”

“By the way, there is this one, the young genius recruited by the leader in Rock Desert City, Qing Lin. Do n’t look at her young age, Qing Lin has been ordered by the leader to be the Guest Official elder.”

“I have seen Guest Official elder.”

Nalan Yanran’s courtesy was extremely thoughtful. After giving the ceremony to Qing Lin, Xiao Family greeted several people before they were seated, and then the hall fell into silence again.

Nalan Yanran has been in Misty Cloud Sect for a long time and doesn’t like to talk much; while the Xiao Family members are normally different, but in the face of Nalan Yanran, there is nothing to say.

Qing Lin sat in the corner with a blink of an eye. Xiao Mei looked at her left and right. It was a little difficult. Xiao Yu looked at her.

Xun’er’s face was calm and elegant, sitting next to Xiao Yan, looking towards her eyes, faintly looking down and looking.

Xiao Yan was silent for a long time before speaking. Instead of the previous anger, the voice was like Nalan Yanran, cold and calm, without any slight fluctuations or emotions.

“Nalan Yanran, let’s fight.”

He stared at her like he was looking at a stranger. No anger, no other, it seems that it is really just a battle.

Nalan Yanran shook his head, there was no contempt in his voice, and he just said seriously:

“You are not my opponent.”

Xiao Yan didn’t answer her, just picked up Heavy Xuan Ruler and walked out of the hall. The hall is so small that it is far from enough for a battle.

Xun’er got up and didn’t look at Nalan Yanran again, Lian Bu moved slightly and followed. Then Xiao Yu, a rare solemn expression on his face, went out without a word.

The remaining 2 people, Qing Lin, silently shrank at my behind and gently nipped my clothes. Xiao Meier took my hand and yelled softly:

“Big Brother Ye …”

I looked down, her face was full of not knowing what to do. At this time, I was surprised that the most uncomfortable battle between Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran was no longer one of them, but was replaced by Xiao Mei’er.

She is a child of Xiao Family and a daughter-in-law of Nalan Clan. At this time, she has 2 difficulties in her mind. I do n’t know what to do …

I smiled slightly at her and reached out to pats her palm lightly without saying much. Just stepped forward and said to Nalan Yanran:

“Sister Yanran, you should probably fight him.”

She looked towards me, silent for a moment, and whispered: “I heard that he can cultivate-but now he will not be my opponent.”

“… Why did he fight?”

I was stunned for a while, staring at her eyes, the inside was cold as usual.

I don’t know if she really doesn’t know the worldly Favor, really don’t know; or just want to hear someone say it and tell her that it’s not her, but him?

“Perhaps, he wanted to tell you with his own actions. Although you are very talented, although you are beautiful, but …”

I scratched my head with somewhat grudgingly and spread my hand and said, “He still hates you.”


My voice hasn’t fallen, but she has turned and walked outside the hall. I don’t know if I have heard my words?

I shook my head somewhat grudgingly, this one is really difficult to serve!

Reaching for Meier’s hand, I took her and Qing Lin out.

In the courtyard, Xiao Yan wore a black red robe and was wearing Heavy Xuan Ruler, Yue Zhiyuanzhuo, to close eyes to adjust the state.

Nalan Yanran hit the moon in a white clothed skirt with a sword around her waist and walked quietly to 30 feet in front of him to stop.

2 people confronted each other, and the wind blew their clothing corners and hair tips, and the clothing corners fluttered and fluttered.

I looked at them with emotion. The two people who were destined to be together for a lifetime before they were born. Why did they get to this point?

Who is wrong?

Is it Old Yao? If he secretly absorbed Xiao Yan’s Dou Qi, why did Xiao Yan sink for 3 years? Maybe there won’t be anything later …

Is Yun Yun? Nalan Jie did not want to retire. How could Nalan Yanran successfully retire without Yun Yun’s support and Misty Cloud Sect’s support?

Is Nalan Yanran? If she did n’t look down on Xiao Yan, where would she retire?

Is Xiao Yan? If he were not disappointing, how would Nalan Yanran get out of marriage?

Although the past is not as smoke, but it is past; who can tell a clear story?

I sighed, standing on the steps, looking down at 2 people, said aloud:

“This competition is intended to learn from each other. Don’t hurt to be right …”

“I’m coming!”

Xiao Yan couldn’t wait, quietly eyes opened, opening to interrupt my words. There were fiery red Dou Qi surging around him, loudly shouts, not much to say, and went straight to Nalan Yanran.

Nalan Yanran gently pulled out the sword around her waist, the body was white, the sword light was light green, and the tip of the sword reached Xiao Yan. No drinking, no forward, silently standing on the spot waiting for Xiao Yan’s arrival.

Xiao Yan’s speed is not very fast, but the pace is steady. Suddenly, he stopped and raised his palm to shoot, low shouted:

“Fire palm!”

This is a gift from Old Yao, Xuan Class low grade Dou Technique. It was shot with a palm, and suddenly a red flame poured out of his palm and shone down to Nalan Yanran like a long dragon.

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