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Since returning from Rock Desert City, it seems that I have a hard time stopping in Jia Ma City.

From the Zhenli Ceremony, to Medusa’s backlash, to Xiao Yan and Nalan Yanran, to Snake-People Tribe and to me and the crown ceremony …

Many things crowded together undoubtedly made me a little tired, but I couldn’t stop. You can only finish one and then the next. You do n’t even have time to play with Sunr.

This makes me unable to bear to think deeply, why do I do all this?

After selling the Green Lotus Core Flame, I had a Dou Huang guard and enough resources.

Perhaps the best thing I should do is to find a place to reassure cultivation, wait until I become Dou Huang, break into Dou Zong, and then join the WTO, invincible in Jia Ma Empire or even a few nearby countries, and dominate the party?

But this is boring. Even if the resources are enough, when I break into Dou Zong, it must be a matter of 20 years later?

I am a teenager, where can I endure such a long period of hard work?

Qing Shan Green water, long bamboo forest, a cottage, that is the home of a hermit who sees the world, it is not me!

Because of this red world, there are too many things I miss. Family and friends, family love, power, food and wine, and even … Those little white ladies like white jade fine jade?

These beautiful things, how can I watch Snake-People Tribe and Rising Cloud Empire destroy them? !

I can only stand up and stop everything so that it cannot happen-at least not by my side.

“Captain, captain ?!”

A shout came from my ear. I came back to his senses, and my eyes fell on Mo Wang in front of me. He is silver white Battle Armor, tall and strong, standing in front of my car, cup one fist in the other hand said:

“Yu Duwei, everything is ready and ready to go.”

It was morning, sun shone brightly.

I stood on the car and looked down. I saw nearly 700 people standing on the open ground outside the north gate of Jia Ma.

On the 2nd day of the crown ceremony, I was appointed captain by the emperor. The lieutenant is a military official, and his duties are “to appoint military officials, manage the soldiers’ armor, compile the line of Wushbo, draw the flags of the golden drums, lead the army into battle, and defeat the enemy camp.”

Specifically, it is the master who controls about 10000 soldiers. The 600 97 people in front of me were all “helpers” given to me by Nalan Clan.

Among them, 516 armor wearing scarlet heavy armor can be used as short soldiers to protect my safety;

103 black clothed black hat criminal law court personnel can be military judges, and I am dignified;

7 Alchemist and 35 general pharmacists can heal the wounded and save people, and buy me the military heart for me;

The remaining 36 are talents from all walks of life, similar to my “staff group”, who can advise me.

With the 600 97 people in front of me, although I am only ten or seven years old, it is enough to command an army of more than 7 people!

10000 youngsters? !

I stood on the Rong Che, my mouth slightly tilted, and I looked away at the city. It was just a trifling captain expedition, naturally there will be no grand etiquette, only my own father Nalan plans to bring a few people to see him off the city.

I breathes deeply and made a solemn gesture towards him before looking towards Mo Wang, he is now my official “Sima”-compared to his original post of the Lord of the Witch City, he was promoted.

“set off!”

He cup one fist in the other hand, and passed on again, shouting loudly: “Let’s go, let’s go!”

The 700-person team slowly moved into action and traveled back north. I took the lead in the car and looked ahead. The suburb of Jia Ma is a large area with a very wide field of vision.

I looked out, and I saw the wheat field on the side of the road. There was a lot of light in the distance. Nearly 100 to 1000 farmers were scattered in the field and were busy harvesting golden wheat.

In the past I went to Fanghua. Today I come to think of it, rain and snow.

When I left Jia Ma for Green Lotus Core Flame, the wheat field on the outskirts of the city was still green. But now, wheat is ripe.

I’m in such a hurry and busy, what is it for?

It’s so hard to be a king, not to mention Qiju. Wouldn’t it be homecoming? Fear of this brief book.

My eyes follow Tu Dao and look farther, from here to the northern border, along the way will pass through many cities.

The 10000 soldiers belonging to me will join my entourage along the way. It’s like snowballing, and it’s like 100 rivers returning to the sea. At this time, 700 people waited for Anbei City, and they will be transformed into an army of 10000 people!

However, my destination is far from Anbei City, but a place farther north …

Shan Gao Road is far away, and a few miles away after leaving Jia Ma City, I got off the Rong car and got on a more comfortable and smooth ride.

This car has a car, I will call Mo Wang into the car, instructed:

“Mo Wang, the lieutenant has important secrets to do now, and he must leave. So next, receiving the soldiers along the way, and everything else is left to you.”

“No Requirement How good you do, you only need to do one thing …”

I looked up sharply and looked at him directly, said solemnly: “Hiding my whereabouts, everyone along the way thought I was still in the line.”

“You … can you do it ?!”

Mo Wang frowned, thinking for a moment, then shook his head and said, “Unable to do it under the officials, many things along the way need to be handled by Du Wei personally …”

I squeezed my mouth tightly and took Du Wei’s gilt tiger amulet from the Storage Ring. There was another sign that passed it and said:

“The captain is alive, everything is handled by Mo Wang Sima-is it always okay?”

Mo Wang looked at the tiger charm handed in front of his eyes, and felt a while. When he was the master of Wusi City, he only had a gilt bronze tiger amulet in hand, and I had a gilt silver tiger amulet as a son—why don’t you feel emotion?

He stretched out his hands and solemnly accepted the Tiger Rune and the Rune Festival. He bowed his hands and said: “Du Wei rest assured that the next official will not let outsiders notice that something is wrong.”

“If not, Du Wei can cut my head!”

I shook my head, stretched my hand to hold his wrist, and said, “If I didn’t believe you, how would I charge you with this matter? Don’t say that again.”

Mo forgot to leave the car, he did not like to ride, still used to riding. And our 700 people did not walk, either riding a horse or riding a car, the march is not slow, and in the evening has reached a town outside 7 10 li.

Don’t forget them camping, I took the twilight quietly down the carriage, and went out.

“Little doll, here?”

There is already an old man waiting here, not someone else, it is Ling Ying who stays and guards me!

I smiled slightly, cupped his hands and said: “I have seen Old Ling.”

Seeing that I was quite polite, Ling Ying looked better. Today, he is no longer a black robe, but azure clothes, with a bunch of goatee under his jaws that looks like an old man of a wealthy family.

“Are you really going to Snake-People Tribe? That’s not a good place. Once you fight, the old man may not be able to take you out.”

“Old Ling, our trip is not to fight, but to form an alliance.”

“… Then let’s go.”

“Wait, Senior, I haven’t eaten dinner yet. Let me finish the dried meat before setting off.”

Ling Ying’s face was stagnant, and the running Dou Qi forcibly calmed down. After a few glances at me, he didn’t say much at all and sat down and waited.

I looked secretly nodded, and it was really a good escort. There was nothing quirky and majestic about Dou Huang powerhouse. That’s right, what kind of temper can he have after being around Darkun for so many years?

Having eaten dried meat in a hurry, Ling Ying rushed into the sky with me on his back and flew northward at a rapid speed.

The wind was strong, the night was deep, and it was a little cold, but the moonlight was very bright, and the road ahead was clear.

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