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When the bad news of Huguan reached Anbei City and Jia Ma City, the atmosphere in Nalan’s mansion suddenly cooled down.

Everyone’s face was not good-looking, Sunr and her mother shrank softly in the room. Those maid escorts were more careful several times than before, for fear of accidents caused by a careless one.

Because no one didn’t expect, just beheaded the Snake-People Tribe Queen’s victory and returned, received the brigade ceremony and the crown ceremony, and was conferred as clan Shilan, Nalan Ye, the imperial captain, but went up north but not more than a month, It was so sudden and dead.

Just like a firework, it was suddenly born, with infinite brilliance, and the entire Jia Ma Empire was lightless.

Then, like a meteor, it was too fast for people to react, and it fell into the depths of the earth …

In the conference hall of the Nalan Mansion, Clan Leader Nalan Su and a group of elders were present. The atmosphere was low and dignified, and no one spoke for a long time.

It was a long time before there was a person elder sighed and said, “No matter what, first bring Nalan Ye’s body back.”

Nalan Su lifted his eyelids and looked towards the Nalan figure. Although Nalan Ye has passed on to him, that is only nominal.

Nalan’s face was haggard and his eyes were dull. It wasn’t until Nalan Su coughed several times that he slowly came back to his senses, said hoarsely:

“Ye’er said before leaving … Huangsha ten thousand li buried his loyal bones, why should the horse hide the body?”

“Where did you die, where did you bury-just let Ye’er be buried in Huguan, I want him to watch it, and watch him revenge for his father!”

He didn’t cry anymore, he punched heavily on the armrest with tears in his face.

The rest of elder was silent for a while, see one’s child die before oneself. This is the saddest thing. How can they comfort them?

“Tudi … grief.”

Nalan Su comforted sorrowfully, looked down at the letter in his hand, said solemnly: “Ye’er died in battle, Shizi died in battle, this is the shame of my Nalan Clan.”

“This hatred, we must report!”

He stood up sharply, glanced at the elders in the hall, raised the letter in his hand high, and growled in a low mad voice:

“My father gave a death order, and we must gather 100000 elite troops, go north to Anbei City, and take revenge on Snake-Person within a month!”

“100000 Army!”

“Empty all private guards of my family, and mobilize all my family strengths, including my family’s vassal clan and forces, as well as all in-laws, you must build up this 100000 army …”

“Then, wash away my family’s shame!”

All of you elder change color, 100000 army?

With the power of Nalan Clan, of course, it came out, but-is this really going to be desperate?

But in the face of Nalan Jie’s order, even if others were still in the distant city of Anbei, there was no elder who dared to speak out. All expressions were different, but they all responded.

“Clan Leader, I will also go to the north with the army to avenge Yeer!”

Nalan stood up and gritted his teeth. Nalan Su was silent for a moment, stepped forward to pats his shoulder, nodded said:

“it is good.”

The meeting dispersed, and an elder expression hurried back to their respective sites. In the following days, many of them might be busy with their feet.

Alchemy elder has to prepare Medicinal Pill, refining elder is responsible for the armor, financial elder is responsible for the logistics, and guard elder is responsible for the uniform.

And usually looking at the useless foreign elder, the responsibility is the heaviest, responsible for contacting each in-laws and letting them send troops along with Nalan Clan …

Nalan Clan seems to be a clan, but it is essentially the same as a country. Once all are mobilized, the war power is extremely huge!



When the entire city of Jia Ma is a bit low because of the bad news of Nalan Clan, the capital of Rising Cloud Empire outside the ten thousand li in the east-Izumo City is full of cheerful air.

Within the Imperial Palace, the emperor Rising Cloud Empire, who received the detailed news, was extremely happy and hurriedly summoned a number of courtiers and the Sect Master of Myriad Scorpions Sect and Centipede Heavenly Mansion.

If one wants to maintain stability within an empire, either one is the only one in the world, or three stand out.

The Rising Cloud Empire is similar to Jia Ma Empire. There are three top domestic players, namely Izumo Imperial Family, Myriad Scorpions Sect and Centipede Heavenly Mansion.

Among them, Izumo Imperial Family is the weakest. Because the whole environment of Rising Cloud Empire is that clan is weak and Sect is strong.

Three parties raised a heated discussion about the death of Nalan Ye. Among them, a minister in charge said happily:

“Your Majesty, 2 Sect Masters, according to the detailed report, Nalan Jie was furious after hearing the news of Nalan Ye’s death, and the entire Nalan Clan was activated.”

“At this time in Jia Ma Empire, all cities and all influences are mobilizing and recruiting. At the same time, Jia Ma Imperial Family and Premier Clan are also contributing.”

Looking up towards Emperor Izumo, the Minister of Intelligence showed a smile on his face, and said: “According to the available information, Jia Ma Empire will be deployed to the Anbei City Defense Line from 200,000 to 300,000 troops.”

Emperor Izumo Hearing this nodded, looking at Myriad Scorpions Sect and Heavenly Mansion 2 Sect Masters, said excitedly:

“Two Sect Masters, Jia Ma Empire has 2 standing troops, and can temporarily recruit 500,000 troops, which adds up to 500,000 troops.”

“At this time, Jia Ma Empire will hoard 300,000 to 400,000 troops to Anbei City, and excluding the troops left behind, they can invest no more than 400,000 troops to fight our country.”

“And I, Rising Cloud Empire, also have 1000000 soldiers, except for the troops left behind, our country can invest 700,000 troops on the Western Front!”

700,000 troops against 400,000 troops, what is the strength advantage?

If such a war cannot be won, everyone will die!

Emperor Izumo’s face was ugly, and if this battle could be won and annexed the land of Jia Ma Empire, not only would his majesty soar, his power would also expand rapidly.

It’s hard to say when the time comes, he can get rid of the control of two sects, a big family, and truly become Monarch of the entire Country-above one person, the rest are all ants!

With the annexation of Jia Ma Empire, everyone can benefit. Lord Myriad Scorpions Sect and Lord Heavenly Mansion glance at each other, and at the same time coldly snorted, do n鈥檛 look too far towards each other.

It is said that the peer is the enemy, Myriad Scorpions Sect and Centipede Heavenly Mansion are Sect, the contradiction between the two sects is much greater than the contradiction between Izumo Imperial Family.

“Your Majesty, this battle, fight!”

Lord Heavenly Mansion spoke first, Lord Myriad Scorpions Sect was not far behind, chuckled and said: “Your Majesty, call the messenger of Snake-People Tribe, this battle, I will wait for a good discussion.”

The messenger of Snake-People Tribe is a young woman with a full body and a snake tail is a rare Golden, like a golden sculpture. People don’t feel scared when they see it, they just enjoy it.

During the walk, her waist and hips twisted, the tulle on her body fluttered, don’t have a taste, all the people in the hall looked chuckled.

This young Snake-Person woman was also not angry, she smiled and threw a wink at everyone, before saluted and said:

“Jin Lu’er has seen Your Majesty, met Myriad Scorpions Sect, and met Heavenly Mansion.”

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