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River Sun City, Huang Family Mansion.

“Dad, I’m back!”

Huang Lu rushed into a lobby and shouted to a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man sits behind the desk, dashing eyebrows star eyes, a yellow suit, not angry-it is Huang Family Clan Leader, Huang Song.

Huang Song looked away from the papers in his hands, squinted at Huang Lu, and did not care for his son in half.

“Shouting, what is it?”

Huang Lu looked sluggish and hurriedly adjusted his clothes. Then he said at a glance: “father, the task you gave to child, child has completed.”

After all, he grabbed a Storage Ring, which contained all kinds of medicinal ingredients he bought. After Huang Song saw nodded, he was pleasantly surprised to say again:

“Father, you certainly can’t guess what the child encountered during this trip.”

But this father has always been harsh, and Huang Lu did not dare to sell more customs, and some regrets hurriedly said the answer.

“A Alchemist!”

Huang Song’s complexion finally changed. River Sun City was only the main city of Level 3. There weren’t many Alchemists in the city, and those who were willing to go to the north with the army were none.

After all, Alchemist has a distinguished status. Apart from being forced by Nalan Clan and other Great Influence, who wants to take risks on the battlefield?

And Huang Lu specifically mentioned …

“Lu’er, this Alchemist is it possible that willing to follow the army to the north?”

Huang Lu was heavily nodded, his face proud, and he ran away. He had a smile on his face, but when he saw the sadness on Xiao Yan’s face, he could only bear it really strong, cautiously said:

“That, Cousin Xiao Yan, my father wants to see you …”

Xiao Yan nodded, converging the color of sorrow and marching towards the hall. Huang Lu went along, and was introduced with Huang Song:

“Father, this is Xiao Yan’s cousin from Wu Tan City Xiao Family and also an Alchemist.”

He also blinked at Huang Song. Huang Song is clear, Wu Tan City is only a Level 3 main city, but its reputation is not small, he is very clear about the origin of Xiao Family and Nalan Clan.

Because his wife is the daughter of Nalan Clan Alchemy elder. His Huang Family is also an in-law of Nalan Clan!

And the youngster in front of you, Xiao Yan?

He is also like thunder piercing the ear.

“Xiao Yan nephew, please also mourn.”

Huang Song sighed, stepped forward to the shoulders of pats Xiao Yan, who was very intimate, and said, “We will definitely report the hatred of your big brother!”

Xiao Yan nodded, didn’t say much, just solemnly asked: “When is going north?”

Huang Song froze, explaining: “Xiao Yan’s nephew, the army is far better than a single person traveling. It should be logistical, and the north route and itinerary need to be carefully planned-I will try to be as fast as possible.”

Xiao Yan nodded, did not say anything. Huang Song is not angry, Alchemist is a big treasure, especially during the war …

“This time, Nalan Clan sent documents asking for help to all in-laws, and you Xiao Family should have received them.”

He laughed and said, “Xiao Yan’s nephew, maybe in the north, you can still meet people from Clan.”

“Lu’er, please send Xiao Yan’s nephew to rest first.”

See Xiao Yan is still expressionless, Huang Song somewhat grudgingly. Huang Lu should step down and take Xiao Yan out carefully.

This pair of two people who had a conflict at the first meeting, didn’t expect to turn around and turned out to be the brother of the far room table, and then have to join the battlefield together, it is really destined!

2 people came to a small courtyard, Huang Lu left, Xiao Yan sat in the house half loudly, and then murmured, “Teacher, you said, how come he died, big brother?”

“Obviously when we were separated last time, he was okay, why … how did he die suddenly ?!”

Old Yao floated out of the ring, somewhat grudgingly looked at Xiao Yan, sighed, and said: “The battlefield is dangerous, the dead are too normal, Xiao Yan, you have to look away.”

“Snake-People Tribe, I must avenge the big brother!”

Xiao Yan looked upset and looked up towards Old Yao, said hoarsely, “Teacher, we …”

Old Yao shook his head quickly, and said, “Xiao Yan, don’t be stupid. Snake-People Tribe has an army of 1000000. I can’t destroy them by relying on old fogey me.”

“If you really want to take revenge, still obediently and honestly follow Huang Family to the north, when the time comes …”

Old Yao jié jié smiled, a trace of fierceness appeared on his face, and said in a cold voice: “old man has many means in his hand to improve the battle strength of the army.”



Huang Family ’s army set off after 5 days. The number is small, only over 1100, including their own clansman, guards, and recruited mercenary.

Accompanying it is the 500 City Defense Army from City Lord Mansion. However, the City Defense Army is affiliated with Jia Ma Imperial Family, and the Huang Family Army belongs to the Nalan Allies. The two parties are only friendly.

Along the way north, along the way, there were continuous army joins, either belonging to the Imperial Family, or the Nalan Allies, and the Allies belonging to Premier Clan and Misty Cloud Sect, which seemed a bit messy.

After simply being assembled in a Level 2 main city, many chaotic 7-8 troops were reorganized, and they were organized together according to the different forces they belonged to, and they started off one after another. The situation is much better.

In this Level 2 main city, there are more than 8000 people including the Huang Family Army and the Nalan Allies, all of whom are organized under a captain.

These more than 8000 people went all the way north and drilled all the way. After a long journey of up to 2 months, he finally arrived in the northern border and came to the station assigned by Anbei Dufu-Rike City.

According to the regulations of Jia Ma’s military department, all relevant passages include garrison with more than 10000 as “city”, garrison with more than 5000 as “off”, garrison with more than 1000 as “plug”, and garrison with less than 1000 as “sui”.

This not only shows the situation of the garrison in various places, but also the importance of the pass.

The Japanese city called “city” is naturally an extremely important pass. Normally, 10000 troops were stationed. At this time, since the Great Warlord, the army here reached more than 30000.

The first to arrive before these 8000 people was a silver armored cavalry of 10000 people.

In a carriage, Xiao Yan sat cross-legged, and as his Alchemist, he could naturally ride the car.

His face was calm and there was no longer any grief-but it wasn’t gone, but buried deep in his heart.

Once it breaks out, it is bound to earth shattering. Let the city collapse, let the river divert, let the Snake-Person cry, let the Natagor desert … turn into a dead place!

Xiao Yan began to feel hot all over, pulling on the neckline, hoping to immediately go to the battlefield to kill Snake-Person.

“Xiao Yan, breathing the fire, it’s coming, isn’t it coming.”

Old Yao’s low voice came from the Storage Ring, Xiao Yan’s silent nodded, but still unable to suppress the anger that came out of his heart, unable to bear lifted the curtain to look out.

The wind blows into the car. The distant scene is different from Wu Tan City and Rock Desert City. But he doesn’t care about the scenery, he just looks forward.

The 1000 soldiers who passed by the peers, in the distance, was a towering mountain range spanning 10000 ancient times, blocking Tagore’s yellow sand and Snake-Person in the north, and also blocking his gaze.

A gap in the mountain range is the pass of an Azure Cliff City wall. In the city gate hunting, a large group of people greeted the city gate.

The head is a long silhouette, riding a tall warhorse, wearing scarlet light armor-although he is never seen in this dress, but he recognized this person at a glance.

“Nalan Yanran … how are you here?”

The girl looked at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her.

“Xiao Family’s location is not in Rike City, but in looking at the flint-Xiao Yan, you are in the wrong place.”

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