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Mu Tie’s victory is a good morale for the Eastern Front, but for Rising Cloud Empire, it is a huge shame.

Occupying an absolute strength advantage, but defeated in the first battle, countless grains were burned by people, and Rising Cloud Empire boiled up and down!

The specific performance is that the 500,000 troops hoarding on the border of Jia Ma · Izumo began a full-scale attack on Jia Ma Empire.

At that border, countless drums were rumbling, and countless Izumo troops were like a wave of annihilation.

Jia Ma Empire has only 180,000 troops on the Eastern Front, and it is extremely difficult to face enemy forces that are three times as large as its own.

From the perspective of previous battles, the defender has an advantage. Often a sturdy city, many times the enemy’s attack, also need to fight for a month to capture.

And a dangerous pass is even more than a 10000 pass! Sometimes, 100000 troops attacked last year, and they may not be able to attack.

Moreover, the strength of Jia Ma Empire has not reached the bottom, and at least 200,000 more troops can be invested on the Eastern Front. Adding the original 180,000 people, a total of 3 180,000 people. Facing the offensive of the Izumo empire, it was barely able to gain a foothold …

The war is spreading, the two sides are investing more and more troops on the battlefield, and the intensity of the war is also increasing.

I can receive the battle report from Anbei City every day, which only contains the casualty numbers of each and everyone and the gains and losses of the city pass-but I know that behind the cold numbers are countless corpses that have cooled down. Made.

Looking down at today’s battle report, it’s been a month since Chen Tse sneaked into Mu Tie sneak attack, and another defeat came from Bao Shang.

Jia Ma Empire lost another city.

But instead of being frustrated, I grinned.

Because the letter also wrote another message: Izumo Army ushered in the last batch of reinforcements 4 days ago, and then no more troops went to Jia Ma · Izumo battlefield-and according to the east line estimate, the number of Izumo troops Reached around 700,000.

This means that Rising Cloud Empire has put all its mobile forces into the battlefield with Jia Ma Empire!

My plan can finally start officially!

Putting the letter away, I looked at the two Snake-Person girls standing next to me, the same two people that day.

These days, there are too many letters from Anbei City, and sometimes more than ten letters can be sent a day. Yue Mei, as a queen, naturally couldn’t send me personally every time, and the task of delivering letters fell on them.

“Come on, I’m going to meet Yue Mei.”

I walked in front, the whole temple was made of black rock, so the floor, walls and ceiling were all black, giving a feeling of depression.

“Queen Your Majesty, our country has already dispatched troops to attack Jia Ma Empire in accordance with the covenant. But why are you from the family, but you have not sent troops to the south?”

When I came to the hall where Yue Mei was in front of the temple, I hadn’t entered it, but a question came out.

This is-that Izumo messenger?

Rising Cloud Empire has formed an alliance with Snake-People Tribe, and the two parties have to join forces to fight. Naturally, they sent envoys to Snake-Person Holy City.

However, he was not qualified to live in the Snake-Person shrine like me, and he could only find a better courtyard in the city as the “Rising Cloud Empire Embassy in Tagore”.

And this messenger is really not easy. After all, Snake-People Tribe made an appointment with Rising Cloud Empire to attack Jia Ma Empire together.

As a result, Rising Cloud Empire has been playing with Jia Ma Empire for a month, with 10000 deaths and injuries. Snake-People Tribe still faced Jia Ma Empire at the border and did not fight.

As the “ambassador to Tagore”, he is responsible for urging allies to implement the covenant, which is really a big responsibility!

Especially when Yue Mei shook off and made up various reasons for chaos, he had to endure not laughing …

“My Excellency, it is not that this king is unwilling to go south, but that he is not ready to carry his weight.”

“The pass on the border of Jia Ma is dangerous. If my family wants to go south, they must prepare a large number of siege equipment. But my family can’t compare with the human race. The siege equipment has been under construction, but it is far from completed …

“Queen Your Majesty, your tribe will not make any siege equipment at all, right?”

The voice of the Izumo messenger lowered, and said, “Queen Your Majesty … Isn’t it going to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight?”

I raised my eyebrows, did the Izumo messenger even say that? It seems that his patience has been exhausted by Snake-People Tribe.

It is a pity that Snake-People Tribe is not a state of civilization, and pays attention to “the two countries are at war, don’t kill to make use of.” When his patience was exhausted, his life came to an end.

“Queen Your Majesty naturally did not want to sit atop a mountain to watch the tigers fight.”

I walked into the hall. The hall was empty, with only one man standing in the middle.

The man was over 4 years old, with a strong build and short-faced short beard, which was obviously repaired and seemed very capable. He wears a crested crown on his head, wears scarlet silk robe, right hand holds a festival, stands in the middle of the hall, uncommon martial heroism.

It was just when he turned his head towards towards me and saw that I had no snake tail and clearly was a Human Race. He face changed, and the heroic spirit was less than half, and he asked in a hurry:

“Hello … who is it?”

I laughed at him, this is the messenger of Rising Cloud Empire?

Tut tut is worthy of being a messenger of a country, and this appearance alone is dignified, and does not fall into the style of a country.

“My Excellency Izumo, you should have heard of me, my name is Nalan Ye.”

The Izumo messenger’s face changed again, and he looked at me with stunned face, and said in disbelief:

“Nalan Ye, you … haven’t you died outside the Huguan? How are you, are you alive again ?!”

He leaned his head towards Yue Mei, who was sitting on the throne. There was no surprised look on her face, but she looked down at him coldly.

He could be sent by Emperor Izumo to make Snake-People Tribe, naturally not stupid, and immediately understood the key.

His face turned pale, and the big sweat of Dou Da emerged from his forehead. He said with difficulty: “You, Snake-People Tribe, turned into an alliance with Jia Ma Empire?”

“This war, simply is a hoax!”

I laughed and said nodded: “Your Excellency is not stupid, just a little bit through.”

“Then, Your Excellency should also be clear, what is the situation of Rising Cloud Empire at this time?”

“Your national air force has invested 700,000 troops in the Izumo · Jia Ma battlefield, and the country is already empty.”

“And Snake-People Tribe has assembled a 1000000 army, and can go south to attack your country at any time-Rising Cloud Empire, dead!”

I walked towards the messenger, walked beside him, and smiled softly, said: “I see that your lord is very smart, and I can’t bear your annihilation with the Rising Cloud Empire, and I would like to give you a way of life.

“Your Excellency, may you fall into this world?”

This messenger suddenly looked to me. It seemed that the drowning man found a life-saving straw and quickly asked, “Really?”

I smiled slightly, my face full of confidence. This guy can act as a messenger, and his status in Rising Cloud Empire should not be low. If he can surrender and let him act as a leader, this battle will be a lot easier.

Although under my plan, the Snake-People Tribe entered the territory of the empty Rising Cloud Empire with the troops of thousands of thousands. This battle has been ten in a row.

But on the battlefield, the situation is changing 10000 moments, and the situation is confusing. But with two sentences, you can add an extra layer of insurance to this war. Why not do it?

“I am the son of Nalan Clan. The future Nalan Clan Clan Leader is naturally qualified to keep you safe and worry-free.”

“Not only you, but also your clan-you are the first person to fall to Jia Ma Empire, and our country will give you great privileges. Your clan will also have a place in the future Jia Ma Empire!

“Many thanks, Your Royal Highness.”

The messenger Hearing this looked overjoyed, and staggered towards me, as if to saluted to thank. But when he walked three steps in front of me, but suddenly ran Dou Qi, Da Dou Shi cultivation base suddenly broke out!

He glared at me with a pair of tiger’s eyes, wrapped in a strong Dou Qi in his hand, and hit him in the head, shouted:

“Ruzi Yan dare to humiliate me, and die quickly!”

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