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Jia Ma south of the city, near an alley in the east of the city, opened a new shop selling calligraphy and painting a few months ago. Because the quality of calligraphy and painting is excellent, it has a small reputation in Jia Ma.

The shop Boss is an old man. He sits in the corner of the shop, drinking tea with every minding their own business, and is too lazy to greet the guests in the shop.

These guests are also used to it and don’t care. It’s just strange that the shop’s business is so good, and the price of each calligraphy and painting is not cheap. Why is this Boss a frowns every time, an unhappy look?

Thinking about it, the big guys all agreed that this is the stinky problem of the scholar-because the old man has been wearing azure clothes.

It wasn’t until this day that a man in a black cloak who could not see the face came in, and the Boss raised his eyebrows and asked:

“All right?”

“All right.”

A cold voice sounded in the black cloak, listening to the timbre, turned out to be Qingyue? !

The old man took a sip of tea and asked a little puzzled: “This will kill a lot of people-Old Ancestor doesn’t want the dead, why do you want to do this?”

Qingyue under the black cloak clearly made a mockery and said, “If you can understand this, you will not be fined by Old Ancestor to 10000 Snake Valley.”

Long Xi, who was fined 10000 Snake Valley’s Dou Zong powerhouse, is clearly a middle-aged man, but the one in front of him is an old man-if Qingyue didn’t admit the wrong person, it was Long Xi Yirong.

When being caught short by Qingyue, the old man suddenly became angry, put down the tea cup in his hand, and Dou Qi stirred all over his body, pointing at Qingyue with one finger.

Qingyue is also a Dou Zong cultivation base, naturally not afraid, and also raised his hands to shoot.

Two magnificent Dou Qi collided in the air, then blasted away, and the whole shop collapsed directly in the rolling waves. Before that, several customers in the shop had died before they responded.

The purpose of Heaven Snake House is to take away Qing Lin without being noticed by others.

This is of course not simple. If you capture Qing Lin directly, one person will definitely be noticed by others, and maybe you will be traced to Heaven Snake House.

Therefore, the best way is Qing Lin died. Qing Lin is dead, and naturally no one will trace the whereabouts of a dead person.

But Qing Lin is so good, how could he die suddenly?

Assassination? Poisoning? Choking to eat? Drinking water and choking to death? Carriage was killed when going out?

In this way, the weak spot left is too large.

The best way is nothing more than natural disasters. For example, earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, or simply a meteorite smashed down, destroying the entire city of Jia Ma, so naturally no one will be surprised about the death of Qing Lin.

But even Heaven Snake House cannot control natural disasters.

So Qingyue made this plan now: she and Long Xi played a pair of big enemies you fled and chased. Long Xi fled to the seclusion of Jia Ma City, and she followed the traces of chase to kill.

When the enemies meet, they are naturally divided into jealousy, and naturally they have to fight in the city of Jia Ma.

So in the process of fighting, accidentally smashed half of the Nalan mansion, accidentally shot a little girl named “Qing Lin” into meat foam …

Should no one care?

“Old thief, die!”

Qingyue loudly shouts, but the sound at this time has been disguised, completely different from the original sound.

She runs Dou Qi and rushes towards Long Xi. Long Xi was naturally impossible standing and beaten, and also running Dou Qi to fight back.

The two Dou Zong are fighting, even if they are just playing, the power is too scary. All buildings in the whole alley were raze to the ground in an instant, and all living creatures in this range were also instantly killed!

In the next moment, two silhouettes flew over the city of Jia Ma, one was Fujiyama Premier and the other was Jia Xingtian · Jia Ma.

Fujiyama looked at the majestic Dou Qi battlefield, his cheeks twitched, and he asked with a trembling voice: “So … wouldn’t it be the 2 Dou Zong powerhouse?”

Jia Xingtian is 9-Star Dou Huang, only one step away from Dou Zong, a little induction, and then it is distinguished that it is the 2 Dou Zong powerhouse!

“Floating in the air … Where did these two Dou Zong come from?”

Jia Xingtian frowned more on his wrinkled face. Jia Ma Empire was just a small country. For the past 100 years, it was rare to see a trace of a Dou Zong. How come two of them suddenly appeared today?

Fujiyama smiled and shook his head bitterly. He was just a Dou Wang. It was okay to be king in Jia Ma Empire. Can he face Dou Zong? Not even qualified to know!

“I watch the two Dou Zong powerhouse’s behavior and deeds, they should be a pair of enemies … what should we do now?”

Jia Xingtian also smiled bitterly, and looked at the magnificent Dou Qi in the battlefield, which made him thrilled.

Without Dou Zong, even 9-Star Dou Huang is just a slightly larger ants, he did not dare to blend into this battle.

“Since they didn’t pay attention to us, let’s watch it change.”

Jia Xingtian looked down at the city of Jia Ma like a big trip, boiling, and sighed, “Now, let’s evacuate 100 surnames in the city first. The battle between Dou Zong-this city will be raze to the ground?” “

With a long sigh, he fluttered his wings, flew to a nearby city wall, drank back the crowd, slammed it, and directly smashed this City Wall section.

Naturally, he did not break the jar, but compared to the population of Jia Ma City, the dozen city gates in Jia Ma City were too small to dismantle some city walls. The countless 100 surnames in the city could not be evacuated quickly.

Fujiyama was sighed, and along with Jia Xingtian, the city wall was taken down. The Imperial Family began to organize the evacuation of 100 surnames in the city. It was only in the flow of people who were frightened by 10000 points and fleeing indiscriminately. How useful the Imperial Family organization can be, but it is not known-but it is better.

On the other side, Lu Man had long held a fake Qing Lin and quietly infiltrated the Nalan mansion to replace the real Qing Lin.

The white tooth responsible for the response looked at the little girl in Lu Man’s arms and grinned to reveal his full white teeth. Perhaps because of this, he is called “white teeth”.

Chao Qingyue made an agreed signal. Bai Ya and Lu Man 2 Dou Huang took the comatose Qing Lin and took the opportunity to escape into the panicked crowd and left Jia Ma.

After receiving the signal, Qingyue Zhao opposite Long Xi gestured, Long Xi understood, lowering his head to the Nalan mansion not far away.

He spent several months in Jia Ma City, and naturally knew where Qing Lin lived. Even his shop was specially selected in the alley not far from Nalan mansion.

The 2 players didn’t stop, and during the majestic Dou Qi confrontation, they seemed to inadvertently hit Nalan Mansion.

Subsequently, Nalan’s mansion successfully turned into a ruin in the aftermath of the battle. After that, there are fake Qing Lin who has been sleeping, and countless maid guards who screamed and screamed in the mansion.

After that, Long Xi broke out, a move forced to retreat to Qingyue, turned into an afterimage, and hurried away to the sky in the distance.

“Old thief, go away, today I will behead your dog!”

Qingyue shouted sorrowfully, and also turned into an afterimage, chasing Long Xi.

2 When one escaped and chased, the kung fu in the blink of an eye disappeared, leaving only the ruins and corpses of the city.

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