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We flew all the way to Distant-Peace City quickly. Although I was dragging down the speed, Ling Ying was 9-Star Peak Dou Huang after all. Even if I was flying with my back, the speed was not much slower than Xiao Yi Xian, the new Dou Huang.

The mountains, the earth, and the cities are passing by under us. When the sun began to sink to the ground, Distant-Peace City appeared in our eyes.

I went to Tiantu City, but there was no change in Distant-Peace City during the day.

As we walked into the city, Xiao Yi Xian still had a white gauze on her face. She walked all the way and looked at the Snake-Person pawns with armored swords and armored swords all over the city.

I didn’t even think about it, but I was worried about the war. I wanted to go to Yue Mei and ask for a Snake-Person army to transfer to Jia Ma · Izumo battlefield to help.

With my identity, I was able to go all the way to the original General’s Residence.


I flicked my head slightly and looked around at the Snake-Person Queen’s Guard at the General Guard’s Residence. They always felt that they were wrong, like they were … monitoring me?

Xiao Yi Xian did not notice it, presumably this is the case. Ling Ying narrowed her eyes, looked all around, said solemnly:

“It seems that the Distant-Peace City is not as calm as indicated, and after we leave, I am afraid something has happened here.”

His gaze swept across the Snake-Person pawn and finally stopped in a lobby not far away. There is the meeting hall, where there are many Snake-Person powerhouse.

“Nalan Ye, I don’t know what is happening here yet, but if we go forward, once we crash with Snake-People Tribe, we may have a hard time leaving-10000000 Don’t underestimate Snake-People Tribe!”

I was taken aback by Ling Ying. I looked at it from side to side, and I couldn’t help feeling suspicious, but it calmed down again soon.

Cai Lin is still in my hands. What can happen to Snake-People Tribe?

Now that Jia Ma Empire has just suffered a defeat and desperately needs Snake-People Tribe’s reinforcements to get it back, how can I leave?

I breathe deeply, I didn’t speak, just walked slowly towards the depth of General’s Residence, and then into the meeting hall.

Just one glance after entering, I raised my eyebrows and realized that it was wrong. Because in this lobby, there is still a Human Race-Human Race I don’t know.

Who is this person from?

My heart gradually mentioned, no matter which side this person comes from, it will definitely not be the person of Jia Ma Empire. Because I am here, Jia Ma Empire no longer needs to send people over.

“Queen Your Majesty.”

My eyes retreated from the Human Race, toward Yue Mei cupped his hands and said: “I have returned from Tiantu City, this is my old friend-Poison Sect Sect Master, and also a Dou Huang powerhouse. “

Sitting on the seat, Yue Mei Hearing this eyes shrank, somewhat dreaded looked towards Xiao Yi Xian. There is a Ling Ying next to me, at this time there is one more Dou Huang, that is two Dou Huang!

Jia Ma Empire is a remote place. One Dou Wang can hold a clan, one Dou Huang can dominate an empire, and two Dou Huang …

She smiled and looked towards Xiao Yi Xian. She nodded and said, “It turns out to be the master of Poison Sect. Under Yue Mei, it was Queen Snake-People Tribe.”

“Previously, Sect Master and my family might have some misunderstandings, and I hope Sect Master should not worry too much.”

Faced with a Dou Huang powerhouse, no one would be willing to avenge. Even if there is really any hatred, as long as it is not absolutely irreconcilable, it is mostly based on resolution.

But the Human Race of unknown origin is probably not willing to see this harmonious appearance. He turned around towards me, sneaked, and Youyou asked: “Are you the Nalan Ye?”

“It’s just below, I don’t know if you are …”

This is a middle-aged man, who looks crepe, he shook his sleeves, and said with a head, “I am the emissary of the dawn empire, Luo Heng!”

I frowned and looked at him suspiciously. I have never heard of this so-called dawn empire. Is it possible that it is an empire far away from Jia Ma Empire?

But then, after listening to Luo Heng’s proud display, I suddenly realized that it was the 700,000 Izumo Army, together with Myriad Scorpions Sect and Centipede Heavenly Mansion, a newly established country?

I was a little embarrassed for a time, 700,000 army rebels? Build a country?

Although the people of Dou Qi Continent do not attach importance to the country, it is unheard-of that 700,000 armies treason together, which is too exaggerated!

Moreover, what is the purpose of their founding?

Why are they here?

All this makes my heart mention again, variables, and variables!

I found that all this is deviating from my plan!

I gritted my teeth and ugly complexion. The plan is not as rigorous as possible. The so-called closely linked with one another means that if an accident occurs, the subsequent plan will be completely invalid.

So my plan is extremely simple, that is to secretly form an alliance with Snake-People Tribe. Then Jia Ma Empire was responsible for dragging the main force of Rising Cloud Empire, Snake-People Tribe captured the cloud city of Rising Cloud Empire, beheaded the Rising Cloud Empire, and in turn let the main force of Izumo collapse. In the end, the two sides divided the territory of Rising Cloud Empire.

Such a simple plan, even unexpectedly frequent?

I subconsciously glanced at Xiao Yi Xian, as if all accidents started from her.

But this accident, I finally expected. Later, the battle of Dou Zong, the death of Qing Lin, and now the dawn of the country, I did not expect it!

It’s like a wild horse that’s gone, never going back …

“Queen Your Majesty.”

At this time, Luo Heng spoke again. He cupped his hands and said: “Our country is willing to ally with the nobility. The nobility will take out the land of clouds, and our country will get the land of Jia Ma.”

“You and I both use the original border of Izumo · Jia Ma as the boundary, and do not invade each other, and will always be friendly, wouldn’t it be beautiful?”

Fiercely jumped in my mind, this so-called “Morning Dawn Empire” actually hit this idea?

If you think about it, this plan is completely feasible. Because of the alliance with Jia Ma Empire, Snake-People Tribe must fight the dawn empire, and in the end, it can only split the land with Jia Ma Empire.

If you form an alliance with the morning sun empire, you only need to deal with the weak Rising Cloud Empire, but you can get a complete place of Izumo.

The former pays more and the profit is small; the latter pays less and the profit is more. How to choose, it seems not difficult to choose …

Suddenly, somewhat unsure in my heart.

Don’t look like I seem to be fooling Cai Lin and Yue Mei very well, but it’s just because I brought benefits to Snake-People Tribe.

Nowadays, some people bring greater benefits to them, but I am hindering their interests-will Yue Mei still lean towards me?

I breathe deeply, calm down my heart, and looked towards Yue Mei calmly.

She wears a purple dress and a crown, and is very standard Queen Medusa dress. And those eyes flashing light purple rays of light are looking towards me.

I know that now I can’t show the slightest weakness, I must press down on her eyes and tone—because I am the Emperor of Keys!

“Yue Mei, do you want to be like a mouse and only see the benefits in front of you?”

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