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I put away the information in my hand, reached over, and took out a map of Rising Cloud Empire.

This map has a very large scale, only marked with larger mountain range, rivers, painted roads, and city. The roots of those villages and towns are not marked, but the overall ratio is not good.

“Chief Lin, our goal at this stage of the operation is to capture the eastern border of Izumo and cut off the logistics supply of the Izumo rebels.”

My gaze fell on the east border of Izumo. I looked at it with a concentration, and then on the map, I gestured again and said:

“Now we are at this location, the southernmost section of the northern border of Izumo, and further forward, is the boundary line between the northern border of Izumo and the eastern border-Qishui.”

As for why all the dividing lines are mountain range or rivers?

Because of the division of the land boundary, it was originally based on the “mountain and river shape”, that is, the mountain range and the trend of the river.

This is to ensure that there are no big mountains and rivers in a region, which will hinder the commerce and exchange of residents in the region.

“Chief Lin, you Snake-People Tribe … can you swim directly through Qishui?”

I looked down at the map. Although it was not obvious on the map, it could serve as the dividing line between the two realms. This “Qishui” is definitely a big river.

For Human Race, this kind of big river can only be passed by boat or pontoon. But Snake-People Tribe, do n’t they have long tails?

I could not bear to bear a few illusions, if I can first pass Qishui, and then attack the Izumo rebels who defend Qishui from behind, I will definitely be able to win!

But Kelin’s words broke my imagination. She looked at me like an idiot and said, “Tagore is short of water. Every drop of water is precious. Why do you think my clansman can swim?

Well, Snake-Person has a long tail, but it is a group of dry ducks living in the desert …

Since this method does not work, it still has to return to the original method, relying on crossing the river. And the closest ferry to us is 200 li away-Gan Qidu!

The so-called “ferry” refers to a place where the water flow is gentle. Large rivers have always been unruly, and so is Qishui. The hydrology of large sections of the river is complicated, or the current is turbulent, or the undercurrent is surging, or the vortex is overgrown.

These river sections cannot be crossed at all, and accidentally they will overturn.

Therefore, at this time, a ferry with a smooth water flow, a pier and a dock, and a large number of boats and boatmen gathered together is extremely important!

I stared down at the map and looked closely, and found that there were two cities on the north and south banks of Ganqi Ferry.

The name on the north bank is “Qiancheng”, which belongs to the northern border of Izumo; the name on the south bank is “Qicheng”, which belongs to the eastern border of Izumo.

Unfortunately, the ferry port is extremely important. The “Qiancheng” on the north bank was already in the hands of the Izumo rebels. The two cities of Ganqidu North and South were attributed to the Izumo rebels.

“What’s the trouble?”

Qi Lin looked at Qiancheng and smiled contemptuously, saying: “a trifling Level 3 small town, my 100000 army can wave!”

I hurriedly shook my head, this kind of carelessness was absolutely necessary. We must still be in awe of war.

I pointed my finger at another Level 4 main city, “Lecheng”, 10 3 li northeast of Qiancheng, and said, “Chief Qilin, or sent an army to attack this city first, and then use this city as a springboard to It is better for South to attack Qiancheng. “

Qi Lin refused to listen, because Lecheng was not on the army’s marching route. If he wanted to attack Lecheng, he would undoubtedly make a section of the road to the northeast.

She was eager to make achievements and showed it to Yue Mei. She was reluctant to spend more time. She looked away from “Lecheng” and fell on Qiancheng, shouted:

“The order 3000 thrived the army and ordered them to arrive at Qiancheng before sunset today, clear the obstacles outside Qiancheng tomorrow morning, and tie up the barracks, and wait for the arrival of 10000 troops and attack the city again.”

I was annoyed for a while. Will Qi Lin fall to war? How can there be such an underestimation?

Now we don’t know anything about Qiancheng, how many defenders are there? How tall and thick is the city wall? 10000 Can’t beat Qiancheng for a long time, or defeated?

There is no solid station in the rear, when the time comes to retreat, do not know where to go!

But after all, I had no military power, so I had to suppress the anger in my heart, and said, “Chief Lin, at least … I have to send a partial division to seize Lecheng?”

There were already Snake-Person soldiers conveying Qilin’s military order. She looked down at the map, imagining that she would soon break through the Qiancheng, cross Qishui, and occupy the entire east border of Izumo in one fell swoop …

A bright smile appeared on Qi Lin’s face. When the time comes, elder sister will be very happy!

Moreover, the army she brought came from the Meishe tribe and its tribes. When the east of Izumo was laid, this land naturally belonged to the Meishe tribe.

With this rich land, clansman no longer has to worry about food shortages, and the rich property also allows clansman to reproduce more offspring.

When the number of clansman goes up, clansman with good innate talent will naturally increase. When they grow up, Snake-People Tribe will have more powerhouses.

With more powerhouses, Snake-People Tribe can seize more land and resources, and cultivate more powerhouses …

Thinking of this beautiful future, Qi Lin smiled happily and felt a lot better, finally willing to listen to my advice and waved:

“Your this person family is really troublesome, since you have to be like this, tomorrow you will lead a partial division to win Lecheng.”

Looking at her, it seems that I can benefit from attacking Lecheng. I am not yet to provide a guarantee for the army?

With the promise of Qi Lin, I was too lazy to stay here again, just leave, and then said angrily:

“Cai Lin, that little snake girl in your family is really stupid!”

Cai Lin’s voice rang from her mind. She smiled softly and said, “Sovereign, I think Qi Lin is innocent and innocent.”

I sneered and said, “Innocence? This is war! Let her command 100000 Snake-Person, and Yue Mei is not afraid that her army will be wiped out?”

Cai Lin said suddenly: “You are here, how can Qi Lin be defeated? It must be emerge victorious in every battle, like a hot knife through butter-Yue Mei thinks so too.”

I heard Cai Lin touted, I was in a much better mood, laughed, and too lazy to think about the annoyances just now.

When I returned to the carriage, I was a little excited again. According to Qi Lin, tomorrow I will lead a partial teacher to attack Lecheng …

After careful calculation, this is my first time to formally command the army?

The battle to slash Cai Lin outside the Rock Desert City was directed by the guard elder, and the battle outside the fox gate …

Feeling the emotions in my heart, I suddenly understood Qi Lin’s emotions. She is also the first time to lead the battle, surely excited?

It’s just that I didn’t expect. When I went to Qilin after the sunrise on the 2nd day, she became more excited, and I was left full of stunned face.

“Nalan Ye, Qiancheng has been captured by Xingjun last night!”

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