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When 10000 Snake-Person elite passed Qishui smoothly, when Xiao Yi Xian shattered the city gate of Qicheng North, everything was already doomed.


The large and heavy Qicheng North Gate fell backwards weakly, and the sunlight shone from outside the city into the city gate, hit Xiao Yi Xian, and gave her a layer of golden halo.

She wore a pale white clothed skirt and a white veil, like an angry Bodhisattva, and the right hand lifted forward to make a slap-like shot-this is the whole city gate was shot down!

The remaining defenders of the city gate, staring at Xiao Yi Xian like a demon, screamed at half a noise, threw down the sword in his hand, and turned to escape into the city.

Xiao Yi Xian did not chase, just stood quietly in front of the wide open city gate and looked at everything in front of him indifferently.

Her behind Snake-Person screams and screams, pouring into Qicheng like a tide. This made the soldiers who were still holding on to the city head panic, and finally gave up resistance, and also fled into the city.

Qicheng, broke.

I have already passed Qishui, standing on the beach on the south bank of Qishui, looking out at Qicheng outside the severe li. I raised my eyebrows and said:

“It seems that there is really no Dou Wang and Dou Huang in Qicheng?”

No, the Snake-Person army went south. How could Izumo rebels think that with a few Dou Ling and 10000 4000 soldiers, they could resist?

Even if Qishui is a natural hazard.

The military march is slow, and it’s normal to be too late, but Dou Wang Dou Huang’s flight speed is extremely fast, and should not have come …

I was a little puzzled, but looking at the city gate was broken and Qicheng, the entire north wall was lost, still believed this result.

If there is really Dou Wang Dou Huang in the city, how could he let Qi Cheng be broken by Xiao Yi Xian? Would n’t it be cowardice to fight?

“Haha, the humble and weak Human Race, can’t hold it so fast!”

Qilin, who also moved the headquarters to the south bank, laughed when he was unable to bear. Looking at the attacked Qicheng, a hint of mockery of the Human Race army hung in her mouth.

She may have this qualification. After all, she easily captured the 2 cities of Qianqi, crossed the Qishui natural danger, and entered the east of Yundong.

Is it just her credit, or my credit? I didn’t understand it for a while, I always thought it should be the merits of doing the Qidu garrison ……

“Speed ​​up the construction of the pontoon and let the troops from the North Bank come over. Today … I want to eat a bite in Qicheng!”

The soldiers of Snake-Person passed on her order. The more than 2000 rafts, together with the ships collected on the south bank, were enough to build a pontoon at Ganqidu.

Xiao Yi Xian also came back from the battlefield, the city gate broke through, and the rest naturally did not require her to shoot.

I looked towards her, and asked with concern: “Xiao Yi Xian, are you injured?”

She shook her head, I was paused, and asked again: “Are you tired, do you want to take a break?”

She shook her head again, just standing by the river beach, staring quietly at Qian Qidu.

Qianqidu water flow is gentle, there are a lot of fish, shrimp and turtles in the water, and the 2 banks are also reeds, normally there are countless white waterbirds leaping.

It’s just that today, the fighting on the battlefield is too loud, murderous aura rushing to the sky. The waterbirds were surprised to know where they were flying.

“Pu, poo, poo, pu …”

The war did not require my command, and Xiao Yi Xian did not speak. I had nothing to do. I picked up a stone and threw it into Qishui.

But the stone only bounced 4 times on the water and sank to the bottom.

This makes me frown, unable to bear, why can’t it be 4 times? I was able to do a dozen times before.

With a grin, I still didn’t believe it. I looked down and found a few thin and wide stones and threw them one after another, but it was still not very good.

No, it’s really rusty.

This result made me a little bit frustrated. At this time, a stone was suddenly thrown out on the side, continuously flicking on the surface of dark green for more than ten times, flying out of thirty-forty steps before sinking into the water.

I turned to bear and looked sideways and found that Xiao Yi Xian had thrown it.

Seeing me, she hurriedly withdrew her hand and replaced it with the image of a lady, a look that she did nothing.

I laughed at Unable to Bear, and Wen Wen said: “Xiao Yi Xian, your Woeful Poison Body … I will help you heal.”

She froze for a moment and looked at me. Unable to bear stepped back and stuttered and said, “Nalan Ye, what are you talking about … What Woeful Poison Body, I, I have never heard of …”

“Haha, Xiao Yi Xian, you will not lie too much!”

Seeing her look like lose one’s head out of fear, I smiled more happily, and pointed at her and said, “I’ve told me all about Teacher, and you don’t have to worry, I’m able to cure your Woeful Poison Body, let it … no longer get out of control! “

The “Teacher” in my mouth naturally means Ling Ying, facing a Peak Dou Huang powerhouse. Xiao Yi Xian finally no longer denied it.

There was a look of hesitation on her face, and she looked at me eagerly, and whispered:

“Nalan Ye, you … can you really cure me?”

I stared at her gray eyes and felt a heartache. heavily nodded, I said loudly, “Of course!”

“Teacher, do you say that?”

After talking, I looked towards Ling Ying in the distance, and laughed asked.

Ling Ying Hearing this, a bit of smile on his face. He stretched his hand to care for his robe, the stature flicked, and when he came to Xiao Yi Xian, his face had become calm and calm.

He lost to behind with one hand, his beard with his other hand, and stood proudly, a world expert said:

“Little girl, this Woeful Poison Body old man has also been recorded in ancient books-if you want to control it not to explode, the old man also has an idea, or you can give it a try.”

Xiao Yi Xian did not believe Ling Ying. Looking at him, he said with some caution: “Senior, I have also consulted many ancient books, but I have never seen Woeful Poison Body’s treatment-can you really cure me?”

Ling Ying immediately pretended to be angry, her sleeves flicked, and displeased coldly snorted and said: “What a little girl doll knows, the old man has eaten more salt than you have eaten.”

“If it’s not for my baby’s discipline, if someone wants me to cure it, I have to see if I’m in a good mood!”

This old fellow, too can pretend!

My skin twitched for a while. If it wasn’t for him that he showed up in front of me yesterday, I really thought that Gu Clan could cure the Woeful Poison Body. I really believed his gibberish …

“Xiao Yi Xian, don’t you believe me Teacher, don’t you believe me?”

I hung a simple smile on my face, looked at Xiao Yi Xian, and said sincerely: “Xiao Yi Xian, I will not harm you, nor will I lie to you-I really have a way to cure you.”

As soon as the sentiment card came out, Xiao Yi Xian no longer doubted, just lowered his head, looked at the pebbles piled on the beach, and asked in a low voice:

“I am Woeful Poison Body, are you afraid of me?”

“Your heart is the most kind, why should I be afraid of you?”

“I have poison on my body. As long as I touch anything, lethal poison will be attached to those things. If you touch it again, you will be poisoned … are you afraid?

“Not afraid, because I know, you will tell me where is poisonous, where is not poisonous, where can touch, where can not touch.”

“I, my Woeful Poison Body will get out of control from time to time, I will pass out when out of control, lethal poison will unconsciously diffuse from me within the body … when the time comes, I wo n’t be able to remind you, you may just Was poisoned to death. “

“I’m not afraid, I have a lot of detoxified Medicinal Pill on my body. Even if it’s poisoned, just eat one.”

“I am very toxic, and your detoxification Medicinal Pill is useless.”

“The detoxification of Medicinal Pill will not last any longer, will it last until you wake up? When the time comes you can save me again.”

Along with the conversation, Ling Ying’s consciousness rolled to the farther away, and I moved closer and closer to Xiao Yi Xian. She was only 2 feet away from her, and her body was almost close to her body.

She lifts the head, tears in her eyes, but still stares at me stubbornly, clenching one’s teeth and said: “You’re lying to me, you must be afraid of me in your heart!”

“I’m not afraid.”

Having said this lightly, I took a step forward, straddling the last 2 feet and reached out to hug her tightly.

She was thin and trembling, but she didn’t struggle.

For a time, the pontoon being built in behind in a frenzy, the bloody and cruel battle of Qicheng in front of him, had nothing to do with us.

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