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“It’s going to be dark, will you fight again later?”

Qi Lin looked at the Snake-Person army that had all been withdrawn, relaxed in his heart, and looked up towards the west again.

The sun has sunk to the ground, and the night is shrouded in all directions. The temperature on the river bank starts to drop rapidly, which is no longer suitable for combat.

Especially today, Snake-Person battled for a day, from crossing Qishui in the early morning to attacking Qicheng, building a pontoon, and defending the Izumo rebel fleet.

After successive battles, many Snake-Persons were too late to eat lunch, and all of them were exhausted, and many were injured. The battle strength dropped seriously.

“Then don’t fight.”

I looked at the sky, and flew to the sky to overlook the entire battlefield, and I saw that the cloud rebels Fleet probably found the sacred sword Knight group, and they were afraid to land all.

They only sent an army of about 10000 people ashore to guard a large river beach, and the rest of the ships returned to Qishui to patrol the water.

Still not cooperating well …

I feel a little sorry in my heart, if the sacred sword Knight regiment arrives again later, when Snake-Person is defeated, Izumo rebels Fleet go ashore.

The sacred sword Knight regiment suddenly appeared again, and the 40000 cavalry surged out of the rebel Fleet ’s infantry, and they will definitely win in one fell swoop and push them all off the water to drown …

Izumo Imperial Family should first send someone to get in touch with me, and then work together to hit the Izumo rebel fleet. Rather than like now, the roaring army pressed the situation with a large army, scared that the cloud rebel fleet and retreated to Qishui.

paused, I suddenly failed to bear and laughed at myself. I was beaten and beaten by Izumo rebels before, and I almost died here.

Now that the situation is good, I am actually pointing here and pointing again, which is really ironic.

I flew back to the ground, briefly told Qi Lin about the situation, and looked towards Qicheng.

Now the battle on the Qishui River is once again in a confrontation, but the war in Qicheng has not stopped.

The sky was getting darker and the battle over Qicheng blurred. Xie Biyan and Xiao Yi Xian’s Dou Qi are all gray black, Ling Ying’s Dou Qi is black, the sky is dark and the distance is far away, I have not seen the situation on the battlefield clearly.

“Qilin, send someone to the sacred sword Knight regiment, let them send troops, and take down Qicheng … If they have Dou Wang and Dou Huang level powerhouses, they will also join the battlefield over Qicheng and try their best to kill Xie Biyan!”

Snake-Person originally invested 5000 troops in Qicheng, but with the arrival of the sacred sword Knight regiment, because the original enemy and friends were unknown, the Snake-Person army in Qicheng was also withdrawn, and Qicheng was once again left by Qicheng. Garrison occupation.

Nowadays, the Snake-Person army is already unbearable, but Izumo Imperial Family wants to surrender to me?

No matter why they surrendered to me, but since they surrendered, there is no need to be polite with them, just order it.

Qilin was nodded and sent a small team of Snake-Person to the past. I plan to fly to mid-air again to observe the situation, but it is a bit vague … Maybe I should learn an assisted Dou Technique to increase eyesight?

At this moment, Qi Lin on the side suddenly reached out to hold me and said, “Hug me up, I also want to see the battlefield situation.”

I was a little stunned, but did not say anything men and women should not touch hands when they give or receive things, moved to her behind, hands clasped her waist tightly, and took her to the air with her, and with her Overlook together.

The situation has changed a lot from the previous not at all, but not long after, the sacred sword Knight group received my order and sent a team of men to attack Qi City.

“Third Prince Anker Melanie, colluding with Myriad Scorpions Sect and the Heavenly Mansion, and the Sacred Sword Knight are ordered to rebel!”

This sacred sword Knight group came to Qicheng under the command of a horse. When the first general looked at the city and defended the army, he ran Dou Qi and shouted loudly:

“Your Majesty Nian Er and so on are not out of heart, but are held hostage by Third Prince and can pardon the crime of Er and so on …”

“Wait, don’t give up the surrender ?!”

Many Izumo rebels did not know they were in rebellion because the rebels blocked the news.

But those are all Izumo soldiers in Jia Ma Empire. These Qicheng defenders are still in the territory of Rising Cloud Empire.

At this time, when they saw the group of sacred sword Knights representing the Izumo Imperial Family holding the banner of “Lion and Crossed Swords”, and they heard the slogan “Rebel”, they finally confirmed in their hearts.

I don’t know what their mood is. I only saw from afar that the defenders at the city’s head began to shake and collapse.

After fighting with Snake-Person for a day, they were already exhausted. At this time, they were suddenly announced by the Imperial Family as rebels, and their minds can be imagined. Where else is the thought of fighting?

Suddenly making a mess at the head of the city, the sacred sword Knight group took the opportunity to attack the city, easily breaking the open city gates and attacking the Qi city …

Far away, I also saw two powerhouses flying into the battle group over Qicheng in the sacred sword Knight regiment. It was a Dou Huang and a Dou Wang.

The arrival of 2 powerhouses caused the battle group over Qicheng to stop, and 4 Dou Huang and 3 Dou Wang confronted each other.

Anthony hunted in red robe, staring at Xie Biyan, said solemnly: “Xie Biyan, this time your Myriad Scorpions Sect has done too much.”

Xie Biyan was silent for a moment and shook his head. “The ship Izumo is about to sink. Can’t you let Myriad Scorpions Sect sink with you?”

Anthony immediately sneered and sarcastically asked, “Then you Myriad Scorpions Sect, did you jump ashore?”

Xie Biyan’s complexion fell down. If Snake-People Tribe is willing to form an alliance with the “Morning Empire”, Myriad Scorpions Sect will naturally come ashore.

But who can think of Myriad Scorpions Sect as a country, but Snake-People Tribe does not, but insists on forming an alliance with Jia Ma Empire?

His eyes fell on Ling Ying. Both Anthony noticed Ling Ying’s identity. He had been fighting Ling Ying for a long time, and he naturally also noticed it.

I also understood why Snake-People Tribe had to form an alliance with Jia Ma Empire.

It’s just all this, he noticed that it was a little too late. He has now surrendered to Ling Ying, and some if you ride a tiger, it’s hard to get off.

“Anthony, you turned to them?”

Anthony nodded, looking at Xie Biyan, said in a somewhat complicated tone: “The Izumo ship can’t hold it anymore, but the Melanie Clan can’t fall, and can only find a haven to block wind and rain.

The two were silent for a moment, and Anthony looked towards the two Dou Wangs again. They were not Myriad Scorpions Sect and Dou Wang of the Heavenly Mansion, but ordinary Dou Wang in Izumo.

“The old man has surrendered to Jia Ma Empire, you two, do you want to die with Myriad Scorpions Sect Centipede Heavenly Mansion?”

The two Dou Wang glanced at each other and all smiled bitterly. Facing the turbulent situation, even Dou Wang powerhouse is involuntarily.

One of them cupped his hands and said to Anthony: “This war is chaotic 7 8 bad, a wave of 3 twists and turns, I ca n’t see clearly, and I do n’t want to blend in again, so I leave Rising Cloud Empire, please do n’t block . “

Talking, he turned and flew away. Another Dou Wang paused, also followed away, the silhouette of the two disappeared into the twilight in the distance.

Suddenly, there were only 5 people left over Qicheng again, but the situation changed greatly. Replaced by Xiao Yi Xian, Ling Ying, Anthony 3 Dou Huang and Zoe 4 Dou Wang, 1 people besieged Xie Biyan.

Xie Biyan looked around all around, facing such a situation, but still not afraid.

In his life, there are too many dangerous situations facing him. If he had to be afraid every time, he would have scared himself to death before waiting for others to kill him.

He roar towards the sky and took the initiative to attack Xiao Yi Xian, the most injured. In the distance, I felt distressed for a while, and wanted to slap and shoot him!



In Qi City, the speed of the sacred sword Knight group advanced somewhat beyond my expectations. When the remnants were defending against the Snake-People Tribe, the fighting did not retreat, so Snake-Person could not completely occupy Qi City for a long time.

But when faced with the “sincred sword Knight group” of “rebellion”, everyone’s pawn morale plummeted, or surrendered directly, or panic 4 scattered, unable to withstand a single blow.

The sacred sword Knight regiment quickly occupied Qicheng and captured a large number of captives.

The battle over Qicheng never stopped, one after another Dou Technique exploded in succession, and the dazzling rays of light continued to emerge, as if there were more moons in the sky.

I looked at it from afar, Xie Biyan was already down. After all, he is just a person, Ling Ying cultivation base is equal to him, Dou Technique and Qi Method are better than him, but they are not good at fighting.

But he is good at defending and protecting others.

One after another defended Dou Technique, he completely blocked Xie Biyan’s attack, Xiao Yi Xian and Anthony took the opportunity to attack, Zoe harassed aside, Xie Biyan has gradually lost.

I stared at him closely, and I do n’t know if I could cut him today?

Suddenly, the battle situation over Qicheng changed, and after Xie Biyan drove back Zoe, he stumbled and swept away to the horizon, and he had to escape.

My heart suddenly tightened, if he was really let him escape, a Peak Dou Huang, it will cause no end of trouble!

“Teacher, catch up, don’t let him escape!”

I hurried shouted towards the battlefield. Although it was a little far away, Ling Ying, as Dou Huang, was very sensitive and should be able to hear it.

Sure enough, he glanced at me sideways, and looked towards Xie Biyan. After a moment of contemplation, the stature actually completely melted into Darkness and disappeared.

When he reappears, he has stopped in front of Xie Biyan. Such a weird Dou Technique is worthy of Gu Clan!


Looking at Xie Biyan, Ling Ying had a rage in his heart. Dou Huang from his dignified Gu Clan was beaten down by Dou Huang in a barren land?

If it is passed back, he must be laughed at by a bunch of Old Friend.

At the same time, he also saw the anger in my heart and the killing heart for Xie Biyan. Thinking of Breaking Zong Pill in my hand, waiting for him to kill Xie Biyan is a big deal. Maybe I can give Breaking Zong Pill to him in advance?

So, he started this Dou Technique-thorn.

Although the name is simple, it is the real Tian Class low grade Dou Technique!

It’s just that with his current cultivation base and the use of Tian Class Dou Technique, it’s really a bit reluctant, and it’s not harmful to the body.

But now, he doesn’t care.

He transported Dou Technique, and Dou Qi suddenly gathered around him, as if he fell from a Peak Dou Huang to an ordinary old man in an instant.

The dagger in his hand seemed to be very slow and slow, but in fact stab Xie Biyan very quickly.

Xie Biyan furiously shouted, the majestic Dou Qi desperately gushing towards Ling Ying. But in the face of Tian Class Dou Technique, it is so weak.

Ling Ying’s dagger wore Dou Qi, which was easy to penetrate, and quietly penetrated him between the eyebrows. The inner power exploded, and he annihilated his soul.

He stared at Ling Ying, and the brilliance in his eyes quickly disappeared. The wings of Dou Qi and behind Dou Qi around him quickly dissipated between Heaven and Earth, and reverted to Heaven and Earth energy.


Ling Ying was also uncomfortable, forcibly exhibiting the Tian Class low grade Dou Technique, he was with the body Dou Qi in a mess, and was violently impacting the meridian.

His wow’s spit a mouthful of blood, Dou Qi’s wings are unrealistic, swaying in the air like leaves in the wind, barely landed on the ground.

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