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The war in Uzuki City has ended for a few days. The war ended in the self-immolation of Izumo Third Prince Anke Melanie, and the fleeing of high-level Myriad Scorpions Sect and Centipede Heavenly Mansion.

This battle obviously did not do its best, some tiger head snake tail, but from Dou Huang Dou Wang, down to ordinary soldiers, his face still shows a long-seen smile.

Because this battle, which lasted nearly a year, finally came to an end. The troubled Breath suddenly went away, and the more magnificent flourishing weather seemed to be coming!

Only in such a cheerful time, there will eventually be parting and sorrow.

In the south of Wuyue, there is a river.

Wuyue City is surrounded by water on 3 sides. The riverside scenery was originally beautiful, with green green reeds swaying, various waterbirds take off and fall, the fisherman drives a flat boat and casts a net for fishing.

Only now, what other fisherman?

There are only occasionally whitish corpses washed up by the river. Through the clear river water, there are no fish, shrimp, turtles and turtles.

I do n’t know if many years later, when Jia Ma Empire does n’t exist anymore, when I ’m all dead, will there be literati come here, pick up a broken halberd from the mud at the bottom of the river, clean it and write a poem:

Sha Tie is not sold, will he recognise the past?



“You … this is going away?”

Nalan Yanran hit a white skirt, saber around waist, stared down at the river in front of her, and asked back to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan is still a black robe and bears Heavy Xuan Ruler. Only after staying in the military for nearly a year, and also participated in many battles, he didn’t see the former immature on his face, only resolute and masculine.

Just hearing Nalan Yanran’s question, his face was suddenly embarrassed, scratching his head and looking left and right, whispering:

“Well, I’ve been joining Jia Nan Academy for almost 2 years, but I haven’t been to Academy. It’s time to go, otherwise the tutor should be in a hurry.”

Urgent, is there only a mentor?

Is the anxious person he cares about, a tutor?

Nalan Yanran was silent for a moment before saying: “In this war, you have made a lot of credit. Now that the war is over, your reward will soon be set-will you wait any longer?”

“No, those rewards, give me the second brother. The big brother should also have a lot of credit this time, but the second brother has been staying in the southern border without participating in the war.”

Xiao Yan laughed, did not care much about these so-called rewards. It is nothing more than some gold coins, official positions and the like, for him it is just cumbersome and straint.

Nalan Yanran wanted to tell Xiao Yan that the merits and rewards could not be given to others. How can this thing be given to others?

Are there any more rules?

But she didn’t, just gently nodded. She is Misty Cloud Sect Young Sect Master, this kind of thing is just a small thing for her.

“Are you going directly to Jia Nan Academy?”

“No, I plan to go to Beijing first to see the big brother, then go south to see the second brother, and finally go to Jia Nan Academy.”

“Jia Nan Academy is in the Black-Corner Region, where there is chaos, and the freshmen of Jia Nan Academy must be escorted by their instructors in order to arrive safely.”

There was a slack smile on the corner of the teenager’s mouth, and he said carelessly on his face: “No matter how dangerous it is, can we even survive the war of 1000000 people?”

“I have survived these battles, what is the Black-Corner Region?”

The girl finally withdrew her gaze from the river and turned towards the teenager. Looking at the lazy smile on the teenager’s face, and the thick confidence in the smile, she felt angry for no reason.

This anger came out of nowhere, but she was angry. Women never need reason to be angry, and if they are a girl or a beautiful girl, they need no reason.

There was also a slight smile on the corner of her mouth, and her head was lifted slightly. Some sarcasm and some triumphantly said:

“Black-Corner Region is very big, do you know how to get to Jia Nan Academy?”

Xiao Yan’s face suddenly collapsed, where did he know how Jia Nan Academy was going? But looking at the girl’s stern expression, he burst into gnashing teeth and said:

“Someone in the Black-Corner Region knows where Jia Nan Academy is. I can ask all the way.”

The expression on the girl’s face stiffened. She looked at Xiao Yan and took out a scroll from the Storage Ring. She couldn’t help but put it in his hand and said:

“This is the map of Black-Corner Region that I will come from Master. It has the location of Jia Nan Academy. However, the power of Black-Corner Region is changing very fast, and the standard power on the map may be a bit inaccurate …”

Nalan Yanran is not as tall as Xiao Yan. At this time, when he walks in front of Xiao Yan, he can only lift his head high to see Xiao Yan’s face.

She said to Xiao Yan seriously: “Master said that the people in the Black-Corner Region are all bad people. After you go to the Black-Corner Region, remember not to talk to the people there.”

Watching Nalan Yanran raise his head, said in deadly earnest, Xiao Yan wanted to laugh, but he didn’t.

Looking down at the beautiful face, and the expression of concern in his eyes, there was an irritability in his heart for no reason.

Things … it shouldn’t be like this.

He thought something was wrong and strange. She came to Wu Tan City three years ago to divorce and humiliate him. He once swore, “prosperity and decline never last, do not bully extremely the youngster!”

He will definitely beat her and let her know that he is not a waste, let her regret to retire … But now, how has it suddenly become like this?

It’s so weird, so wrong!

‘Xiao Yan, what’s wrong, come kiss me, hehe …’

At this moment, Xiao Yan’s hehe sound suddenly sounded in his mind, frightened him, and at the same time did not understand what Old Yao meant.

So he came back to his senses, and his eyes were focused again, and he saw that maybe he was distracted before, and kept looking at Nalan Yanran, which made her close her eyes.

The point is, Nalan Yanran is very close to Xiao Yan, her body is almost close to her, and she still looks up …

What does this mean, Xiao Yan naturally knows. He was silent for a while, screaming in the heart: ‘Teacher, you are an old fellow who is not respected, I … I have Xun’er, how can this be? ‘

Old Yao chuckled and said: ‘There is nothing wrong, this little girl was originally your fiancee, kiss it, just do other things. ‘

‘We … have already retired. ‘

Old Yao was even more disdainful, just about to speak, and suddenly raised an eyebrow, to make a fuss about nothing and shouted: ‘Look, this little girl is about to open her eyes! ‘

‘Xiao Yan, please kiss down. Otherwise, waiting for little girl eyes opened, will definitely hate you for life. ‘

Xiao Yan looked at it for a moment. Sure enough, she might have waited too long to respond. She closed her eyes slightly and her eyelashes flickered.

Suddenly, a tear ran down the corner of her eyes, and her body began to retreat, and she might turn around and run away at any time.

‘Teacher, you are not allowed to watch! ‘

After gritting his teeth, he yelled in the heart while silently saying ‘I’m sorry’, and finally reached out to hug the girl and lightly printed some pale lips on the beautiful face.

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