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The next morning, Jia Ma Imperial Palace, a white Dali stone palace, silhouetted heavily.

Sunlight from the bright hall enters through the exquisitely cut out windows, which clearly distinguishes everyone in the lobby. They are either male or female, or old or young, but they are all luxuriously dressed and out of the ordinary.

Everyone here, even the one standing at the back and closest to the gate, is enough to call the wind and summon the rain in a city.

But in this palace, at this moment, each of them lowered their heads and breathed lightly, trying to minimize their sense of existence, and dared not let themselves have some traces of attention.

Because they know that when the war ends, the interests are re-divided … No, the interests have already been divided in Wuyue City, and they are only announcing the final result to them.

But they still dare not act rashly, fearing that one could be inadvertently, causing an existence that cannot be provoked, causing trouble to themselves and behind the clan and forces.

Above the magnificent and thick throne, Mo Lin was sitting in danger.

He wore a white gold-edged robe, holding a scepter symbolizing worldly power in his hand, and a tulip was carved on the golden ball on top of the scepter.

But at this time, he is more than “Jia Ma Emperor”. After just accepting the meditation of Faris, Jia Ma Empire was renamed “Jia Ma and Izumo United Empire”, and his title was also changed to “Jia Ma and Izumo United Empire Emperor”.

He looked down at the people in the temple, his face indifferent. Although the territory of the empire expanded greatly, he did not have much emotion in his heart.

Because of the final division result, it really makes people not raise. But Old Ancestor can only agree, what can he do as a Da Dou Shi?


He breathes deeply and said softly. Suddenly, a handsome-looking, thick-sounding official held an order and read it aloud.

What he read was naturally the result of the Wuyue Peace Conference, but it was the polished version, which minimized the negative impact on Jia Ma Imperial Family.

But the people below are not stupid. At the end, when they heard that they had stood unsteady, they could not bear to look left and right, and communicated with the neighbors who were close to each other.

There are 2 things to say about this command.

The first thing is that the Izumo 2 realm is divided into Snake-People Tribe, and the remaining 3 realms and the Jia Ma east realm are put under the Izumo Metropolitan Palace, which is hereditaryly replaced by Nalan Clan.

The second thing is to set up a monitoring left!

Moreover, the supervision of the left envoy was actually performed by … Nalan Ye?

These two things are related to Nalan Clan, and both are extremely beneficial to Nalan Clan.

The former is a site, what is the difference between the so-called “Izumodufufu” and Rising Cloud Empire?

And the latter, what monitor the left, has the power to monitor the entire Jia Ma and Izumo united empire? !

Be good, Morin can only manage Jia Ma Empire, but Izumodu Hofu; Izumodu Hofu is the same, but can’t control Jia Ma Empire.

But this monitors the left part, but both can control it?

Would n’t this be above Jia Ma Empire and Izumo Metropolis, the real rulers of the combined empire of Jia Ma and Izumo? !

It’s scary to think about it, Ah!

Thinking about it like this, everyone in the hall except for a few stupid, all changed. It’s going to be-change the sky.

From now on, the ruler of this empire is no longer Jia Ma clan, but Nalan Clan.

The news was so shocking that the people in the hall were finally no longer satisfied with eye contact, and began to whisper and whisper speaking of which.

Morin listened to the messy discuss spiritedly of His Highness, his face did not change, but his hands hidden in the wide sleeves of the coat were tight, and the blue muscles burst.



“Monitor the left … enshrined?”

In a partial hall of Jia Ma Imperial Family, Xiao Yi Xian looked down at the black robe in his hand and asked in amazement.

I laughed and said nodded: “Monitoring the left part will fully control the power of the entire Jia Ma and Izumo in the future and become a true center of power.”

“Such an important institution, of course, needs a few powerhouses to sit in. I have already agreed with the teacher, Xiao Yi Xian, so come on.”

She was dumbfounded on the face. She smiled and shook her head half-soundingly, saying, “I normally need cultivation and unfaithful construction of Poison Sect, but I have no time to monitor the left side.

“You just serve as an enshriner, usually with Teacher, and I won’t bother you. I will only trouble you when I encounter something that can’t be solved.”

I blinked my eyes and pretended to look pitiful. Xiao Yi Xian could not bear it immediately, hesitated, and finally nodded and said:

“Now when you monitor the left part, you will be at the cusp of the storm, and I can’t ignore you and ignore you, so I’ll be fine.”

Suddenly, a bright smile appeared on my face, Xiao Yi Xian was kind-hearted.

I personally put on her uniform to monitor the left part-a black robe with a big hood and a “Lijian Tianping” pattern embroidered on the chest.

Ling Ying and I also put on the monitoring black robe. I was in front, Ling Ying and Xiao Yi Xian were behind, and went to the palace.

“Monitor the left envoy!”

With the singing of the company, I slowly walked into the palace.

There was a sudden silence in the great hall, and the heavily silhouette did not dare to whisper, or even to look back at me, but just lowered his head again, standing quietly like a figurine.

In the spacious great hall, only the footsteps of three of us echoed.

I walked to the throne and lifted my eyes off Mo Lin, already too lazy to be hypocritically saluted, only when he was also a human figurine.

I shook my robe and turned sharply. Sharp eyes swept slowly over the people in the palace, pressing their heads lower.

When the atmosphere was extremely depressed, I lightly coughed and said aloud:

“The victory of this battle depends on the lives of all the monarchs. The merits of Er … etc. Are all in the eyes.”

“Therefore, today, there is a reward!”

When the words fell, all the people in the hall did not ask what was the reward, so they made a lot of praise and said congratulatoryly:

“Thank you Zuo Zuo.”

There was a smile on my face, and I raised my hand pats. There was a group of maids outside the temple. They held the tray in their hands, and neat and tidy in the tray were a block of black tokens.

“Zhujun, this is … Heavenspan Token!”

This “Heavenspan Token” was naturally made by Nalan Clan’s arsenal. It is forged from a Sect’s Exclusive alloy and printed with anti-counterfeiting marks, and each piece is registered.

“If the princes suffered any wrongs, or found any wrongdoings, they can hold this order and come to Wuyuecheng to supervise the left!”

I smiled and said the use of this “Heavenspan Token”.

If a section wants to have power, of course it has to be in charge. You can manage things, or personnel or finance. In short, you have what power you control, and if you have nothing to manage … where does power come from?

The same is true of monitoring the left side, but I can’t run all over the world by myself, find things myself?

That’s too cheap, it’s too time-consuming. I still cultivate or not?

Therefore, I can only wait for others to come to the door.

But the butcher’s scale was missing 2 pounds, and the drunkard’s cellar was swallowed by rats. This kind of broken thing, the dignified supervision of the left-certainly can’t control Ah!

Therefore, Heavenspan Token is freshly released!

Only with this order can we monitor the left. And this order is only issued to these weak forces.

And in order to prevent them from being okay, they came to monitor the left. This Heavenspan Token is still a consumable and can only be used once.

Only in this way can major events happen when they are the winners!

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