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The spiritual liquid and the sea of ​​fire are intertwined and annihilated. At this time, Su Qian pointed another finger, and the spiral liquid that circled around the sea of ​​fire suddenly condensed into a large piece of Heaven and Earth Spirit Crystal.

The fierce sea is like a mosquito in amber, frozen in it. This kind of god-like means is worthy of Dou Zong powerhouse!

“Haha, Su Qian, do you think my Resurrection Lily is only so powerful?”

Han Feng showed a frantic face, his hands pinched constantly, ten fingers fast as lightning, the sea of ​​fire solidified in Spirit Crystal gradually moved, and began to resurrect.

“Give me-burst!”

The energy of terror suddenly erupted from the sea of ​​fire, the surface of Heaven and Earth Spirit Crystal began to have cracks spread, the last bang, Spirit Crystal 4 shattered splash, red and blue flame swept 8 squares, the ground was dry and cracked, the plants withered, buildings Being raze to the ground, even the void was rippling.

Xiao Yi Xian face changed, and quickly took me to fly out of Jia Nan Academy. Ling Ying, Yun Heng, Gu He and 3 others quickly followed up. I was afraid of avoiding the flame that swept through!

I hugged Xiao Yi Xian’s waist and looked back, but I saw Su Qian was in the center of the explosion. In the flame of the sky, I could hardly see his situation.

Recall that the glorious history of “Buddha’s Fury Flame Lotus”, this “Resurrection Lily” is probably not weak, and do not know if he lives?

If you can’t stand it, the trouble will be bigger …

My face came down heavily, and with Xiao Yi Xian stopping at the edge of Jia Nan Academy, the explosive power here was not strong enough to resist, but I could still feel a blaze.

The raging sea of ​​fire dispelled the coldness and darkness of Jia Nan Academy at night, but it brought not warmth and light, but flames and disasters. The entire Jia Nan Academy has been turned into a ruin in this big explosion.

A moment later, I saw through the fingers the flames that subsided, and a silhouette appeared, it was Su Qian!

He looked rather embarrassed, his white robe was burned with flames, and there was blood on the corners of his mouth. It made me feel shocked. It was clearly that the defense was broken and the injury was not light.

“Great Elder !”

Hu Gan cried out in surprise, flew to Su Qian, cared about greetings, and greeted each other, all directions twenty one elder surrounded, he had to rely on the number advantage to siege Han Feng.

Han Feng was not afraid, looking around all around, his eyes fell on a dozen people watching the Black-Corner Region powerhouse in the distance, said solemnly: “You guys, would you like to help me now?”

These more than ten people were stunned for a moment, and they immediately laughed heartily. They didn’t shoot before, they were afraid of Su Qian, Dou Zong. But who would have thought that Renowned Medicine Emperor would not only know Alchemy, but also fight across the border on battle strength, and can compete with Dou Zong powerhouse? !

What are they afraid of?

More than ten Black-Corner Region powerhouse whistled to Han Feng, surrounded by more than 20 Jia Nan Academy elder face changed around Han Feng, Su Qian also raised an eyebrow, pondered, waved these elders back to him behind .

Suddenly, the two parties began to face off.

Su Qian undoubtedly has an advantage, not only the real deal of Dou Zong powerhouse, but also the number advantage, but the sudden outbreak of Fallen Heart Flame, let them have no intention of fighting, just want to rush back to Inner Academy immediately to suppress Fallen Heart Flame, fighting intent does not high.

With Han Feng’s “Resurrection Lily”, formidable power is certainly not to be underestimated, but the number of powerhouses around him is at a disadvantage, and he has gathered together in a hurry.

I frowned, and felt a little bit wrong. With the current situation, I am afraid that it will be difficult to beat …

“Su Qian, I am invited to come to this fight for Dan, but you Jia Nan Academy took the opportunity to round me up-is this the hospitality of your Jia Nan Academy? Inheritance 1000 years, Jia Nan Academy, which has taught countless powerhouses, is Such a force that has no words and can’t see what is right? “

“In this case, what other books do you teach and what do you call Academy? Disband it!”

Han Feng was guarded by a dozen Black-Corner Region powerhouses and raised his finger to Su Qian for a while. The original wounds of batteryd and exhausted on his body became the best evidence at this time.

In his behind, more than a dozen Black-Corner Region powerhouses also coaxed, pointing at the more than 20 Jia Nan Academy elders on the opposite side for a while, and if they met elders who were “familiar” in the past, it would be more of a greeting .

This caused more than 20 elders to turn red, but it was not easy to refute. This is indeed a disgraceful thing done by Jia Nan Academy. The crafty plots and machinations first used to draw Han Feng into the urn.

Originally, if the plan went smoothly, Han Feng was beheaded, and everyone was dead. Naturally, no one cares how Jia Nan Academy killed Han Feng.

But the plan failed, Han Feng did not die, and took many powerhouses to scold and taunt, which makes the elders of Jia Nan Academy, who normally boast of Upright Sect, suffer? Face can’t hang up suddenly.

The same is true of Hu Gan and Su Qian. Jia Nan Academy is no more powerful than Black-Corner Region, and it values ​​its reputation and face.

Today, once they design the murder of Han Feng, the reputation of Jia Nan Academy will drop a thousand zhang in one fall. In the future, whether it is recruiting, or students, mentors, and elders going out to work, it will definitely become difficult.

It will also be chewed by countless people in the back, oh, the original Jia Nan Academy of inheritance 1000 is also a place of swindle, shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing!

“Han Feng, your Resurrection Lily is really powerful. It will allow you to compete with Dou Huang and the old man, but you can’t kill me far.”

Su Qian narrowed her eyes to Han Feng, said solemnly: “And with your mob, it is not enough to break through Jia Nan Academy. Today’s thing is gone, old man let you leave safely … how?”

“Let me leave safely?”

Han Feng was smirked, he had Resurrection Lily in his body, and he had to use Su Qian to let him go? He looked around all around, the hate’s eyes fell on me, and said eeriely:

“Su Qian, you Jia Nan Academy besieged me today, should you give me an explanation?”

explain? Would you like a tape?

I swear in my heart, didn’t expect the situation turned sharply, and the fire actually burned on me!

If Su Qian really threw me out, only Ling Ying, Xiao Yi Xian, Yun Heng, Gu He, 4 people, even with Xiao Yan and Old Yao, could not bear the siege of Han Feng more than a dozen powerhouse.

I just do n’t know if Xiao Yan shot, will Xun’er follow her? If she was willing to shoot, the problem would not be too big.

“Great Elder, Han Feng’s lust …”

With a sigh, I blinked at Su Qian and said, “The contradiction between Jia Nan Academy and Han Feng has always existed, but it was not because the boy came that Jia Nan Academy complained to Han Feng.”

“The fundamental contradiction between your hospital and Han Feng is not resolved. Even if you handed me over, you can only get a good night’s sleep and start to watch the 4 scenes, and Han Feng is again.”

The fundamental contradiction between Jia Nan Academy and Han Feng is, of course, Fallen Heart Flame. Han Feng wants Heavenly Flame. Jia Nan Academy will definitely not let Fallen Heart Flame out, and there will only be fighting and fighting between the two parties-just let me be an outsider What problems can be solved by killing?

But different ass, different angles to see the problem. I am a bystander, but Su Qian is an authority. Maybe he can see clearly too, but what Jia Nan Academy lacks now is “sleeping overnight.”

Because for Jia Nan Academy, Fallen Heart Flame is always the first place. That is the foundation of Jia Nan Academy. Once Fallen Heart Flame escapes, Jia Nan Academy will definitely decline!

And Han Feng, can he shake Jia Nan Academy?

“Medicine Emperor, in fact, everything is misunderstood today, we Jia Nan Academy was also deceived by the Canadian Empire, then suddenly shot at Medicine Emperor.”

Su Qian is anyway Dou Zong powerhouse, some words are not easy to say, Hu Gan, the man of the back of the pot, can only cough, squinted at me, pointing to the already ruined Jia Nan Academy Outer Academy and saying:

“Medicine Emperor and look, my Jia Nan Academy is actually a victim-I want to come to those student instructors not to be too scared. We are still busy transferring them to the Inner Academy for placement without disturbing the Medicine Emperor.”

To speak, Hu Gan shouted, more than 20 Jia Nan Academy elder blinked, Su Qian was no exception, leaving me and Xiao Yi Xian 4 people, facing Han Feng more than a dozen fierce and evil Black- Corner Region powerhouse.

“Special meow … panda’s!”

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