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In the karst cave at the bottom of the Refining Qi tower, the thick metal tower cut off my hope of escape, so I could only curl up in the corner and restlessly looked at Cai Lin.

“Cai Lin, even if you kill me, do you think you can escape?”

For a moment of silence, I still had a chance and said: “You used my soul-cutting technique to avoid my soul brand. This move I did not expect, but you can only recover to Dou Wang now-you can be in Ling Have Ying and Xiao Yi Xian survived? “

“Not only you, kill me, the entire Snake-People Tribe … Ah!”

I said in a deep voice, but it didn’t prevent her from flicking the snake’s tail suddenly, it was only the Spiritual Strength but extremely solid snake tail, fast as lightning pumped on my right leg.

“Ah, Ah! My legs, my legs …”

Suddenly a lot of cold sweat came out of my forehead, leaning against the tower, looking towards her right leg in fright-her blow broke my right leg directly, and the white leg bones punctured the flesh and pants The blood spewed on the volcanic stone, and it was so painful that I was wailed like ghosts and howl like wolves, and tears shed hua hua.

“Don’t you dare rap here until now?”

Cai Lin looked at me with a sneer, raised her hand to me, scared me speechless, wu wu screamed in her mouth, and struggled desperately, but these were naturally useless, her hand still … grabbed my back collar , And then pulled me like that, left the Tianfen Refining Qi tower body, and went deep into the underground cave.

This puzzled me for a while, clenched my teeth and asked, “Cai Lin, what are you trying to do? Here is Heavenly Flame Fallen Heart Flame, this fire is far more powerful than Green Lotus Core Flame, you are now Dou Wang battle strength , Simply impossible to conquer it! “

“Now that we are still on the edge, Fallen Heart Flame will not easily approach the Tianfen Refining Qi tower. Once we leave this area, we will all die!”

Cai Lin didn’t fly, but walked on the ground, so I was dragged walking on the volcanic stone, my injured right leg bumped, more blood poured out, and it was extremely painful.

A smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, very attractive, as if still enjoying the thrill of tormenting me-this mad woman, too vengeful, too, I clearly treated her so well!

If I can come back again, or give me another chance, I will definitely kill this “beauty snake” without the slightest hesitation, and kill it thoroughly, without leaving a trace of trouble.

“You said before that Fallen Heart Flame was sealed by Jia Nan Academy for 1000 years, and intelligence has been born …”

Not at all when she spoke, she stopped the stature. She looked around the wide hole, and the surging fire light shone on her white face, letting her show a trace of madness.

She looked down towards me, said solemnly: “Actually staying with you for so long, what puzzles me most is that you seem to know a lot of things”

“I can’t see how much intelligence system you have, nor can anyone report to you, but you just know all sorts of things, and it seems that pinching can count.”

“And you are all right, walking among the parties and deriving the greatest benefit for yourself. So much so that you, a junior, can suppress a group of Dou Wang Dou Huang to bow their heads and rule 3 places.”

“So this time Ben Wang believes in you …”

At this time, we have been far away from the Tianfen Refining Qi Tower and came to the depths of the cave. Cai Lin held me in one hand and pinched the trick in another. The thick Spiritual Strength spewed out, and heavily hit the lava berth, blasting a wave of lava in the bang.

The vast lava mooring does not know how deep, but in such a quiet and closed space, this movement is enough to spread far, far away …

My right leg is not so painful, maybe the emergency device of the brain is activated, cutting off the transmission of the right leg pain, so that I can stay awake, so that the pain will not faint.

But seeing the scene in front of me, my heart was raised again. Combined with Cai Lin’s words before, I guessed Cai Lin’s plan a little, and couldn’t help but be shocked.

“Cai Lin, you are it possible that you want to talk to Fallen Heart Flame, you want to talk to a Heavenly Flame-can’t you negotiate?”

I laughed, this move is really incredible, and even a little crazy, a fire, how can a person negotiate with a fire?

Even if it is Heavenly Flame!

But how is my body shaking? Because I know that the Purifying Lotus Demonic Flame and Void Swallowing Flame in the top 3 of Heavenly Flame Ranking are both intelligence, and can be transformed into humanoid like high-end Magic Beast!

As for the Heavenly Flame, Ancient Emperor Tuo She, Ranked 1st between Heaven and Earth, let alone.

“You want to negotiate with Fallen Heart Flame and let it proactively provide energy to help you condense the fleshy body? No, no, you might not even plan to directly break through Dou Zong, when the time comes, you can join forces with Fallen Heart Flame again. Tianfen Refining Qi Tower, escape from Jia Nan Academy? “

At this step, all plans of Cai Lin are clear, and it seems that the feasibility is not very high. After all, Fallen Heart Flame is a fire after all, and its intelligence is hard to say.

“Cai Lin, why are you so painful? I have said that I will help you condense the Fleshy body and also help you to break through Dou Zong. Sea Heart Flame is already in hand, as long as you wait, everything can be achieved, it is better than relying on Is Fallen Heart Flame safe? “

Cai Lin sneered, threw me on the ground, looked at me indifferently, said: “If you follow your rhythm, I will be impossible out of your control all my life.”

“Breakthrough Dou Zong? When the time comes together with breakthrough, and Ling Ying and Yun Shan! At that time, the three of us Dou Zong checked and balanced each other, and you can control us from the top!”

She swam away, the end of the purple snake tail wrapped around my legs, and then the tighter and tighter, my face pale and pale, and the whole body collapsed very tightly, crying with a voice.

“He he he he …”

Cai Lin chuckled lightly, the snake tail tightened more and more tightly, and my legs suddenly heard a crisp cracking sound, but she was actually broken by her life!

There was a lot of cold sweat in my body, the ragged robe was soaked with sweat, the chest cavity undulated sharply, and the corner of my mouth made an unconscious cry.

But she became more and more violent, and finally the snake tail shocked, the huge Spiritual Strength surged, and actually shook my legs to pieces!

The blood mist diffused in the sky, and the flesh and bones spattered on the volcanic stones all around, and fell on me, making it all like hell.

I don’t have any legs, and the severe pain is difficult to describe in words. Only half of my body left me rolling helplessly on the volcanic rock, howling.

Cai Lin had a protective cover around her, and no trace of flesh fell on her. She protruded her tongue and licked her lips gently, her face was extremely ruddy, and the smile on her face was also very charming, enough to reverse all beings.

She looked down at me, just about to say something, and returned to the calm lava surface suddenly boiling up again, each and everyone bubbles surged up from the depths, and finally gathered together, turned into a huge invisible flame.

Fallen Heart Flame, come by invitation.

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