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“Jia Ma Empire has been in existence for 400 years since the founding of its ancestors. It has 17 kings, but today, it will actually die in my hand!”

Emperor Jia Lin, Ma Ma, stood on the balcony of the Imperial Palace ’s castle, staring at the army attacked from outside the Imperial Palace and burst into tears.

At this moment, no one knows what he is thinking in his heart … Perhaps, Faris Melanie around me knows?

After all, he used to be Emperor Izumo and should be able to feel the same with Mo Lin.

Jia Xingtian and the deep-sea beasts both fell. Misty Cloud Sect, Melanie clan and Mu Clan all cast their eyes on me. Where else is Jia Ma Imperial Family alive?

After some unrest, the army near Jia Ma City was controlled by Mu Clan Family Head Mu Tie, and then mobilized to begin siege of Jia Ma Imperial Palace.

In the Imperial Palace at this time, there are only a few guards who are loyal to the Jia Ma Imperial Family. In the face of a large army from the attack, maybe they can stick to the day?

I did n’t send the powerhouse around to help me because Xiao Yi Xian, like Yun Yun, does n’t like fighting, probably women are always sentimental.

And Venerable Tian Huo, Dou Huang forget it, to attack a secular Imperial Palace …… really when he does not want to face?

So I had to stay in a yard in the distance to watch the battle. There were many people in this yard. Apart from the people who were with me, they were all those with a low status, such as Yun Yun, Anthony, and Mu Tie.

I glanced at Xiao Yan on the roof. He also did not participate in the war, but just looked at Jia Ma Imperial Palace in the flames of arms. Maybe watching this quietly in despair of Jia Ma Imperial Family like this, let him have the pleasure of revenge?

Or maybe it is to avoid the old and weak women and children in the Imperial Palace and have to avoid it to reduce the guilt in their hearts?

But why stand so high again?

“Mu Tie.”

“Chen is here!”

Hearing my voice, a white haired old man came out of the crowd, cupped his hands and said in front of me, even claiming to …

Does this mean that I slaughtered Jia Ma Imperial Family, would I be the emperor myself?

“You do it yourself, now go to break the Jia Ma Imperial Palace, and then find the roster of Jia Ma Imperial Family … all the people on the roster are killed.”

I stared at Mu Tie, said solemnly: “One name, one head, no mistakes!”

His tiger body shook and looked up to me, cupped his hands and said: “Your Majesty, some clansman of Jia Ma Imperial Family …

May not be in Imperial Palace. “

“Then look for it! In the name of the monitoring left, Misty Cloud Sect, Mu Clan, and Melanie clan, order the four-sided border and all cities, even if they are digging 4 feet, all clansman of Jia Ma Imperial Family Find it out-regardless of life and death! “

I was expressionless, and there was no undulation in my voice: “Whoever dares to cover up and collaborate with Jia Ma Imperial Family will be covered.”

“Chen is obeying!”

After Mu Tie received his command, he flung the cloak and hurried out of the courtyard. Then he drove the wings of Condense Dou Qi and flew towards the Imperial Palace battlefield.

Immediately after that, there was a powerful breath throbbing, and bursts of cheers rang out. The idea was that Mu Tie, the Dou Wang, personally shot and broke the Jia Ma Imperial Palace in the blink of an eye.

Xiao Yan jumped off the roof and walked to me, said solemnly: “Thank you.”

“Family, don’t speak 2 words.”

I said with a smile, he also laughed, raised his hand and shot it towards my shoulder, but he could not shoot me naturally, the palm passed through my soul body, as if it was in the air.

He was a little embarrassed for a moment, and he touched his nose and asked, “Jia Ma Imperial Family is gone. Are you going to be the emperor yourself?”

Hearing this, I was lost in thought for a while, do I want to be the emperor myself?

After thinking about it, I chose to refuse.

First, the emperor has a great responsibility, and he must bear the expectations of 100000000 million 10000 Li Min-with my temperament, it is definitely impossible to be a faint monk, Jiuchi Roulin, seeing 100 surname loss of life, so simply not to be this emperor, not in his place No tactics.

2 Come here, after all, it is Dou Qi Continent. On this continent, clan and Sect are the mainstream of the culture. All mortals, all Dou Zhe from childhood to the education received are to be loyal to clan, Sect, and the country. What is that?

In the same way, betrayal of clan and betrayal of Sect will be looked down upon by the entire continent. They are despised for the people of the world, but they can betray the country … Can Dou Qi Continent be called betrayal?

So the emperor ’s profession sounds majestic, but at Dou Qi Continent it ’s not popular. Am I going to do it?

“No, I’ll just continue to be my supervising left envoy. As for the throne … I’ll ask the clan if I want to sit, let them sit.

I chuckled a little, and when I finished speaking, I just felt like I was light all over, and the whole person exuded a sense of dust.

The matter of Jia Ma Imperial Family was settled. After a busy day today, I was also a little tired, so I retired the 7 people and 8 people in the courtyard. I followed Xiao Yi Xian back to the house and planned to rest.

However, Yun Yun didn’t want to leave, and he followed in.

“Nalan Ye, I did what you said, when did you release my Teacher?”

Her face was full of anxiety, and she shuddered suddenly, and the whole body showed a rich helpless breath, biting her lips and lowering:

“Or is, you don’t plan to let me teach … Nalan Ye, what on earth do you want?”

Yun Yun is not stupid. She chose to surrender before, and there is no other better way. She can only hope that I can keep my promise.

But after waiting for a long time, she still couldn’t see hope. At this time, she was inevitably desperate, and some had no desire to improve shouted at me.

“Yun Yun Senior, I will naturally keep my promise and guarantee the safety of Yun Shan’s life … but when did I say that I will let him go?”

Yun Shan, this old undying is in great danger, and the cultivation base is high. Finally, while Venerable Tian Huo is beside me, I caught him. How could it be released?

It’s impossible, it’s impossible all my life!

In fact, the best way is to kill, death ends all one’s troubles, but I have Yun Yun … No, it’s Yun Shan control, I can use this to control Yun Yun.

Yun Shan, this is the hostage of my control of Misty Cloud Sect.

“Yun Yun Senior, Yun Shan, what you have done in the past two years, you don’t know, I’m impossible to let him go, and cause trouble for myself. But I won’t kill him if I think about your relationship with me in the past. “

“It’s going to happen here, I will suppress him in the prison that monitors the left side-Senior also please don’t worry, I will not abuse Yun Shan. He is only limited in his freedom. If Senior cares about him, he can come to monitor the left side at any time. , I will not stop. “

I finished my speech sincerely, Yun Yun was stunned for a moment, then stunned: “Do you want to lock up the Teacher? Here, how does this work?”

“Teacher he …”

She was incoherent for a while, and she respected Yun Shan very much. Yun Shan was also highly respected in Misty Cloud Sect. When she thought that Teacher was going to be imprisoned by me, Teacher was going to spend her old age in the cell, and she was anxious.

After a long time, she gradually calmed down and begged: “Nalan Ye, if she wants to imprison the Teacher-can Misty Cloud Sect imprison herself?”

“You can send someone to monitor with Misty Cloud Sect. I promise to keep the Teacher tightly and never let him out!”

Ha ha, just you?

My little contempt for Yun Yun, shaking my head and said: “Yun Yun Senior is just imprisoned instead of beheaded, not even implicated in Misty Cloud Sect, not let Misty Cloud Sect and …

Jia Ma Imperial Family is also destroyed, I have given you enough face. “

Raising my hand to the door, I said calmly, “Senior, please come back.”

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