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“I want her …”

In the depths of Heavenly Prison in Jia Ma City, Xiao Yan looked indifferently at Yao Ye, who was beaten by roar in the cell, with a grin.


I was stunned, looking at Xiao Yan, some trouble did not understand that he “want her”? Or “make her die”? Or “I want her” first, then “I want her to die”?

Can we speak without panting?

Fortunately, I was clever and coughed and asked again: “Brother 3, Yao Ye is an important member of Jia Ma Imperial Family. Do you want to do it yourself?”

Yao Ye in the cell suddenly stopped, watching Xiao Yan chuckling, and then the laughter grew louder, “Xiao Family, Wu Tan City Xiao Family …”

She coldly snorted, slightly raised her chin, looked down at Xiao Yan, proudly said: “Xiao Family is my extinction, I went to Wu Tan City in person, and led people to kill Xiao Mansion.”

“Xiao Family is really weak, and the strongest middle-aged man is also merely this. I cut off his arm with a sword, pierced his lungs, and finally cut off his head!”

Xiao Yan’s eyes flashed red, and the whole person exuded a gloomy breath, as if he had just drilled out of hell and stared at Yao Ye.

“It’s you … kill me father!”

His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like two pieces of broken iron pieces rubbing out, but it was so cold that it made people fall into the abyss, like a devil whispering in his ear.

My Rao is a soul body, and the shivered spirit shivered. Xiao Yan ’s father Xiao Zhan, probably the Xiao Family ’s strongest Dou Zhe, also fits the characteristics of the middle-aged man Yao said—is it possible that she killed it by her own hand?

Yao Ye in the cell seemed not to feel the chill outside. At this moment, she recovered the pride of the princess and raised her head high, exposing a section of snow-white neck and neck like a white swan.

“So you are the son of that waste.”

Yao Ye looked at Xiao Yan, his eyes full of contempt, and provocatively said: “You father is so useless, you must be a small waste.”

“Come on, come in and kill me, I will surely cut your arm like a father, let you feel pain, then pierce your lungs, let you experience the suffocation, and finally another sword will Cut your head and hang it on the city gate of Jia Ma City, let everyone see-you Xiao Family is a bunch of waste! “

“To shut up!”

Xiao Yan roared and roared: “My father is not a waste. Although his cultivation base is not high, he is the best for me. I never dislike me because my innate talent is poor-what qualification do you have to evaluate my father!”

At this time, Xiao Yan was like a violent ancient gigantic beast. In the roar, Yao Ye was like a canary in a cage, trembling and trembling, and could not say a word.

But this did not calm Xiao Yan’s anger, he pulled out the Heavy Xuan Ruler behind behind with one hand and slammed down the prison door.


It was just a blow, which was enough to resist Dou Ling ’s attack on the iron gate, which collapsed inwards and set off a burst of lime Chen Feiyang.

In the chaos, Xiao Yan carried Heavy Xuan Ruler, crossed the iron gate, and stepped towards Yao Ye. His imposing manner was so horrible that Yao Ye looked pale and kept receding.

But she probably didn’t want to lose her identity as a princess, and didn’t want to die of her timid. As she stepped back, she bit her lip vigorously, struggling to lift her chest and looked directly at Xiao Yan’s bloodshot eyes.

“Untouchables, me, I will kill you, and will kill all the rest of your Xiao Family!”

I shook my head, this Yao Ye is still provoking Xiao Yan-she is determined to die, who can stop it?

“Xiao Yi Xian, let’s go first.”

I probably don’t want to see Yao Ye Xiang Xiaoyu loss first-hand, after all, I have some friendship with her, or just simply don’t want to see the beauty of blood, I turned and said to Xiao Yi Xian, and then left the cell first.

Xiao Yi Xian is also not interested in this kind of drama, she was not a person who loves to watch lively, and immediately followed me. The rest of them also followed, and suddenly there were only 2 people, Xiao Yan and Yao Ye, near the cell.

“Envoy Zuo, do these Imperial Family remnants want to go out on the street and show their heads publicly?”

Things went awry and back to the original starting point, Mu Tie bowed slightly and asked me.

I thought about it, traveling the streets to show the public, slashing publicly, this approach is too brutal and brutal, but the effect is also the best, the most can deter all influence, belongs to “kill the dragon and respect the snake”, makes all influence dare to fear, not to mess Come……

And if it is more civilized, naturally in this Heavenly Prison, one person gives a glass of dove wine, and after drinking it, he directly pulls out of the city and bury it.

But I think for a moment, these people are dead on both sides, beheading is dead, drinking dove wine is also dead, what is the essential difference?

To think about it, it is nothing more than drinking dove wine, which can get the nickname of “civilization and progress, connecting with Dou Qi Continent”, otherwise it is the infamy of “feudal backwardness, brutal barbarism, Dou Qi Continent northwest barbarism”.

“Tomorrow morning, I will show these Imperial Family remnants on the street and stay until 3 o’clock in the afternoon, pick a bustling vegetable market and beheaded publicly!”

Leaving this sentence, I energetic and bustling out of Heavenly Prison and head to Jia Ma Imperial Palace. On the way, I asked Xiao Yi Xian:

“Xiao Yi Xian, I beheaded those people, will you feel that I am illiterate, backward, cruel?”

“What, what?”

She didn’t understand it for a moment, and she was a little dazed, before shaking her head and saying, “No, Jia Ma Imperial Family has been the Imperial Family for 400 years. How can it be said that they are conscientious in these 400 years?”

“If you can’t be ashamed of conscience, their beheading is nothing but having only one self to blame.”

I laughed dumbly. I did n’t expect Xiao Yi Xian to comfort me from this aspect. But what she said is reasonable. How can Jia Ma Imperial Family be conscientious after 400 years?

“Xiao Yi Xian, let’s go, let’s take a look at the evidence that Jia Ma Imperial Family has left over 400 years!”

Came to Jia Ma Imperial Palace, here is no longer the gorgeous noble before, full of traces of war, dry blood stained on the stone bricks, the broken bingo left in the grass, the tulip flag fluttering in the wind was also pulled down, throw it away at will On the ground, let anyone trample on!

It’s just these scenes of war that I’ve seen quite a bit. Although I regret that the Imperial Palace of splendorous and majestic has become like this, it’s not too sad. After all, I don’t plan to live here anymore.

Under the leadership of Mu Tie, Xiao Yi Xian and I soon came to a tower, which was surrounded by a large number of military guards, which was obviously extremely important.

“Envoy Zuo, here is the private library of Jia Ma Imperial Family.”

Jia Ma Empire has a national treasury, but naturally there will not be any good things in it. The real good things are put by Jia Ma Imperial Family in their private treasury.

400 years of collection, 7th and 1th century management, the elite of Jia Ma, Qi Method Dou Technique, Medicinal Pill magic, a few years and years, plagiarizing them, leaning against the mountains …

An unimaginable treasure house, I knocked on the door!

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