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“Contact Qilin?”

Cai Lin was a little stunned, and he didn’t care much anymore. Qi Lin was just a Dou Wang, although he was the leader of the Meishe Tribe, one of the 8 major tribes …

But she wouldn’t think about it. Just as Nalan Ye can easily calm the Canadian Empire, she is also confident of calming the interior of Snake-People Tribe.

“The ants are the ants, and I always like to play with some small means, but I don’t know in this World-after all, the powerhouse is respected!”

Coldly snorted, Cai Lin didn’t think about it any more. As long as Tian Class Secret Skill wasn’t released in a day, she couldn’t kill Nalan Ye.

The two Medusa soon came to an underground chamber in the depths of the shrine. Yue Mei stepped forward and opened the passage with Snake-Person Wang Yin, then retired to the side respectfully, without any intention of entering.

Cai Lin wandered into the dark corridor, and the stature was buried in the shadows a lot, before saying: “Yue Mei, you come in together.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Yue Mei followed the swim into the Yongdao, behind the secret door fell slowly, 2 people quickly came to the end of Yongdao, a completely dark room.

Here, sleeping is a Snake-People Tribe ancestor, a Queen Medusa of Dou Zong realm!

“Your Majesty, Cai Lin has something to see you.”

Cai Lin bowed and said, her voice was not loud, but she knew that when the secret door opened, the Queen of Ash would wake up, so she would definitely hear it.

But after a long time, there was no response at all in the dark and dense room. I could hear her and Yue Mei 2’s heartbeat and breathing quietly.

Cai Lin curled her head slightly, and a strong sense of uneasiness grew in her heart. She couldn’t help saying again: “Your Majesty, Cai Lin is back to see you!”

This time she made a lot of noise, as if she wanted to wake the Queen of Ashes, and the high voice reverberated in the room, and even caused an echo, echoing repeatedly in the room.

But she knew that the messy echo had completely subsided, and when the ground room fell into a long silence again, she still did not hear the slightest response!

Yue Mei was also a little flustered and uneasy: “Queen Your Majesty, Queen Ash …”


Cai Lin was instructed coldly, Yue Mei quickly took out Moonstone, and the weak rays of light illuminated the basement. In the middle of the empty basement was a bronze coffin!

She clenched her teeth and walked forward, her hands pushed slowly on the coffin lid, and the coffin lid was pushed away in a bang, but I do n’t know if the huge bronze coffin lid was too heavy, Cai Lin ’s soft arms Shivering slightly.


The bronze coffin lid was pushed open, and heavily smashed to the ground, raising a burst of dust, but no one cared.

Cai Lin looked down at the situation in the coffin, and the whole person suddenly froze, standing stupidly.

Yue Mei’s heart fluttered as she saw it, and the vague conjecture in her heart grew thicker. Unable to bear wandered forward, and suddenly Moonstone’s rays of light shone in the bronze coffin, inside …

It is a dead body.

Queen Ash, who was born in the ancestral home of Snake-Person, experienced the Snake-People Tribe, and led Snake-People Tribe to Queen Medusa in the Tagore Desert. He lay quietly in the coffin without any trace of life. .

After more than 1300 years, the queen has finally reached the limit, and can no longer support to support, quietly died during meditation in the depths of the desert in the northwestern territory.

“Ah! ”

Cai Lin snarled, 2 drops of clear tears slipped from his eyes, and Dou Qi was violently violently stirred up in the whole body. The wind was so powerful that Yue Mei could n’t keep back, persuaded:

“Queen Your Majesty, please calm down!”

Cai Lin looked sad, and ignored Yue Mei at all, staring at Ash’s body.

Ember slept in the bronze coffin all year round, and she would not have much communication with Ember, but every time, Ember gave her a lot of help, either in cultivation, or about Snake-People Tribe.

Ash is a kind elder, Teacher, who carefully taught her and guided her growth, so that there is Cai Lin today!

But after all, I still can’t escape today …

“Your Majesty, I said, I will return to your ancestral place to heal your wounds. Now I have been promoted to Dou Zong, but you …”

Cai Lin murmured, Dou Qi was agitated around her, and even Yue Mei didn’t hear it.

After a long time, she finally calmed down, expressionless, stroked her hand, and immediately the bronze coffin on the ground flew up to cover it back. In the rumbling sound, the bronze coffin covered Moonstone ’s rays of light, causing the coffin to fall into Darkness again. Forever.

“Let’s go back.”

The Queen of Ashes had been silently silent during the meditation. There was no answer here. Cai Lin and Yue Mei went up to the temple, and the secret door fell again …

This will be the last time it opens, and no one will come again.

“How is Spirit Melting Pill preparing?”

2 People left the secret room and walked on the corridor of the temple, Cai Lin expressionless asked.

Spirit Melting Pill’s role is to repair the cracks on the soul, so that the split soul “broken mirror round” … Of course, you can also merge the two souls, Cai Lin wants this Spirit Melting Pill, is to make Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python soul blends with his soul.

First, because she couldn’t erase the soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python, Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python and Nalan Ye’s Secret Skill, and once she killed the soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python, Nalan Ye would follow She died, and then she died again.

Unable to kill, if it is just suppressed, the soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python will continue to riot, which is easy to cause trouble.

2) Soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python was not born out of thin air, but split from her soul-she can feel that compared with other new Dou Zong, her soul is much weaker.

Soul is the root of cultivation and it is related to many things. If her soul is too weak and damaged, she will have many obstacles on the cultivation path and may not even be able to promote Dou Sheng!

3) Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python, as the ancient Magic Beast, has a lot of Innate Divine Ability and ethnic inheritance-but in her soul, there is no memory of this part.

Obviously, these Innate Divine Ability and ethnic inheritance are on the soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python. Only when the soul of Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python is fused, she can get these Innate Divine Ability and ethnic inheritance!

In summary, the soul that incorporates Seven-Color Heaven Swallowing Python is imperative, and no delay is allowed!

Yue Mei saw that Cai Lin did not get out of control because of the ashes and remained calm, but relaxed. As for ashes during during meditation?

She is a Queen Medusa who became a monk halfway through her life, and she does n’t have all the deep feelings for the ashes. At most, she is only a little sorry, but the already declining Snake-People Tribe has lost a lot of details.

“Queen Your Majesty, Spirit Melting Pill is Tier Six Medicinal Pill, not at all Tier Six Alchemist in our family, so you can only go to the nearby Human Race Empire, please invite those Human Race Tier Six Alchemist refining pills …”

Yue Mei laughed bitterly, this is the difficulty without Tier Six Alchemist.

Do n’t look at Gu He hitting the wall everywhere in Jia Ma Empire. In fact, a Tier Six Alchemist has a very high status. Which one is not polite to Gu He?

Before and now, domestic peak forces such as Jia Ma Imperial Family, Misty Cloud Sect, and the monitoring left can overwhelm Gu He. Moreover, it is not just bullying, but also has to take advantage of enough to lure Gu He.

At the same time, if someone, such as Snake-People Tribe, forces foreign forces to force Gu He refining pills, the left side will also monitor him and protect him.

Therefore, the Snake-People Tribe’s journey to seek the Dan is particularly difficult. Fortunately, they are not bad, and they can still make a Tier Six Medicinal Pill.

“We let the controlled Human Race forces come forward to contact a few Tier Six Alchemist nearby, and after spending a lot of money, finally there is a person should be down … Counting the time, probably it has been done.”

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