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At night, in the mountain forest, the frost on the ground has turned into a pool of water, but the flames on the tree are still burning, the crackle is ringing, and there is a tendency to spread to the periphery.

A wildfire seemed inevitable, but the magnificent Mu Lan Valley Great Elder in front of him seemed not to care about it.

I looked at this old man, and I didn’t know how to interface for a while. Tell him, in fact, this frost, we have been playing since Magic Beast Mountain Range. Just accidentally let it run, was you taken over halfway?

But I do n’t know what he said, Frost Frost attacked Mu Lan Empire city villages and towns and killed Mu Lan Empire 100. The last name is true or false?

If Frost Frost really did this … I disturbed it from Magic Beast Mountain Range, it seems even more unreasonable?

But this frost fringe was played by our entire group from beginning to end. The Mu Lan Empire group of people just touched halfway, and was easily defeated by Frost frost. Why should they give the body to them?

This seems even more unreasonable!

“Great Elder, we frosted this frost!”

I exhaled for a long time, staring at the old man, and my eyes gradually became unkind. I think that there are so many useless and useless, as long as you look for one-Bing Shuang, we are beheaded!

“Left ambassador, I was killed by Mu Lan Empire.” Mu Lan Valley Great Elder looked at me with a smile on his face, without giving in.

I licked the corner of my mouth and gestured to Venerable Tian Huo, and said: “putting it that way, is Great Elder going to do it with us?”

He glanced at Venerable Tian Huo, a trace of dreading appeared in his eyes, but he was quickly crushed by greed, coldly snorted, and said:

“Little doll, do n’t think that with a Dou Zong powerhouse backing up, you will be able to show off one’s military strength in front of the old man! The old man temporarily backed down just because my Mu Lan Valley people didn’t get to that’s all!”

He glanced back at behind, and he saw two silhouettes galloping in the distance. The breaths were all Peak Dou Huang. On the robe, one embroidered a lion and the other embroidered a bear. As for this Great Elder robe, there are naturally embroidered tigers.

Three Mu Lan Elders, Qi Yi!

These three people practiced the Mu Lan Valley inheritance Qi Method-“3 Beast Brutality”. 3 people are best at Technology of Combined Assault, and 3 people Peak Dou Huang cultivation base is enough to compete with Dou Zong powerhouse!

My face was black, and I was actually caught in the old man’s deferring strategy? !

Faced with this group of people, I couldn’t resist it. I quickly backed away and joined up with Venerable Tian Huo, Xiao Yi Xian, and Xiao Yan, said solemnly:

“This group of people is determined to grab the body of Bing Shuang, and there is no need to talk about it, it can only be done once!”

“Hmph, a group of act recklessly dolls, dare to mess with old man’s stuff ?!”

Venerable Tian Huo is the most angry but he needs a Bloodline essence of 7th-Rank Magic Beast. This frost is also a lot of effort before he beheaded. As a result, a group of guys who do n’t even have a Dou Zong powerhouse want to grab Can his things not be angry?

“Senior be careful, those 3 old men will be a Technique of Combined Assault, and can match Dou Zong powerhouse, it is not careless.” I pointed to Mu Lan Valley Great Elder 3, said solemnly.

At this time, these 3 old men have already run Qi Method, and each of them just formed a mysterious formation that can be attacked and defended, and with the formation of the formation, green, red, and blue, 3 powerful Dou Qi, since 3 people within the body violently surge out!

The surging Dou Qi did not spread out, but came out along the formation swept in a flash. Finally, the three Dou Qi interweave each other to form a perfect circle, communicating the Essence, Qi, and Spirit of the three people.

With the completion of the cycle, a roar of Heavenly Beast roared out of the three old man’s robe suddenly burst with the wild breath, and immediately the robe agitated, and the three lions, tigers and bears turned into a blood-red Energy gushes and wraps all 3 people’s bodies.

With the outflow of blood-red energy, the three old men’s breath, which originally fought each other, also gradually dissipated. Instead, there is a terrible breath that is not much weaker than Cai Lin!

Venerable Tian Huo looked interesting, but for a moment he did n’t rush to do it, looked around with his hands on his back, thinking: “This Qi Method … is amazing, but it turned out to be through the Bloodline inheritance of 3 heads 7th-Rank Magic Beast to let them Do you barely have Dou Zong battle strength? “

“Bloodline inheritance?” I was a little puzzled, I don’t know what this is?

“The strength of Magic Beast is determined by Bloodline. A heir to 7th-Rank Magic Beast does not need cultivation or enlightenment. As long as he can reach adulthood, he naturally has 7th-Rank strength … this is Bloodline inheritance.”

Venerable Tian Huo shook his head and sighed, “I ca n’t do it for Human Race, even if it ’s a heir to Dou Sheng powerhouse, and even both parents are Dou Sheng powerhouse, the child that can be born is still just an ordinary person, needs cultivation, needs Only by enlightenment can you be promoted to Dou Zong and Dou Sheng. “

“But it is said that Human Race is not without Bloodline inheritance …”

He suddenly remembered something, his eyes flashed in envy, but he didn’t say it. But I probably guessed, is this Dou Di?

Human Dou Di can also have the ability of “Bloodline inheritance”, heir of Dou Di, Dou Di Bloodline, it is a very powerful existence.

“Yao Tian Huo, the old man doesn’t want to fight, kill, kill you, or leave the border of my Mu Lan Empire!”

After the Three Mu Lan Elders exhibited the “3 Beast Barbarians”, the whole body was wrapped in a blood-colored energy, and it also became the appearance of a half human half beast. Each and everyone were wearing a bloody tiger head and lion head, respectively. , Bear head.

At this time, it was the tiger head who was also Mu Lan Valley Great Elder. With the power of the Dou Zong level, he did not have the same flattery and politeness to Yao Tian Huo. He directly blamed the surname. intoxicated by success!

Venerable Tian Huo angry snareed, confronted them longitudinally, asked with a smile: “If the old man wouldn’t go?”

“Don’t go?”

Mu Lan Valley Great Elder sneered and said, “Yao Tian Huo, don’t think you are a Dou Zong, it’s amazing, don’t look at what virtue you are now?”

“Even the fleshy body is gone, a solitary soul, unbound ghost look, I think you were shot out of Central Plain, and even fled to my northwest territory?”

As soon as his words fell, Mu Lan Empire’s powerhouse had a big laughter, and the forest was full of joy.

Venerable Tian Huo is angry with his heart, if it’s not without fleshy body, I feel that he will be angry and spout a spit of old blood!

Dignified Venerable, but one step away from promotion to Dou Sheng. I thought it would also be the dominant party in Central Plains. After 100 years of clinker, it was sneered by a group of Dou Wang Dou Huang in this northwestern territory?

When it really was A drama of dragon swimming in shallow water meeting shrimp by chance, Hu Luoping was bullied by dogs …

“Stream fire star rain!”

Venerable Tian Huo furiously shouted, pinch the tactics with both hands, it is a large-scale attack Dou Technique.

The energy of Heaven and Earth around him was infested by his avenue of fire, and turned into hot Fire Attribute energy, and then condensed into flame arrows out of thin air, densely packed and shot towards Mu Lan Empire many powerhouses!

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