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Mu Lan Valley Great Elder’s eyes were cracking, and he knew he was being played by me, clenching his teeth and almost spurting out the old blood, “Run separately!” He shouted loudly and turned sharply towards the night sky. .

3 The brutal savage tactics were broken. Facing the powerful strength of Venerable Tian Huo, they were unable to resist at all, and could only escape separately and seek a trace of vitality.

Mu Lan Valley Third Elder, as well as the blue robe Dou Huang, the white-faced Dou Huang, and the four Dou Wang Hearing this, all of a sudden disperse, chaotic 4 7 badly desperately flew away.

“Want to run?”

I sneaked and ignored the 6 fishes, chased towards Mu Lan Valley Great Elder. He is also just Peak Dou Huang at this time, my cultivation base is the same as him, and there will be no danger at all. Venerable Tian Huo went to chase Mu Lan Valley Third Elder.

“Shua shua” a few times, there was a gust of wind whizzing in my ear, my stature flicked and flew to the sky at a rapid speed, and soon caught up with Mu Lan Valley Great Elder. I was n’t far away from him at first, 2 seems he ’s not too skilled in speed?

Staring closely at his back, I was stunned by a shocking stab, Spiritual Strength was invisible and invisible, he was too busy to escape but he did not notice it, in the middle of this move, the silhouette of the very fast flight seemed to suddenly hit a mountain, groaned , Stopped swaying.

“Nalan Ye, you and I lack hating and enmity, why bother to kill the old man? Is it necessary to keep the old man a life ?!”

Mu Lan Valley Great Elder knew that he was entangled in me and could not escape smoothly, so he turned around. Because of my attack, there was blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, and the whole person was crazy, just like an old dog with crazy hair.

I chuckled and sarcastically said: “Great Elder, you were the one who wanted to grab my stuff, and you are the one who wants to live now … don’t you think you want too much?”

“Hahahaha, since you want the old man to die, you die together!”

Seeing nowhere to go, he laughed abruptly, snarled and snarled, looking at me with a fierce look, with the body Dou Qi already running at a very high speed, one shot was a desperate move!

Has the dog jumped the wall in a hurry?

I had guarded him for a long time, and when he saw him, I turned and flew directly to behind. With Venerable Tian Huo in there, I do n’t need to fight with him at all, just delay him for a little while.

His speed is not equal to me, he can’t catch up with me, he screams angrily, his hands pinch the trick, condense a terrible energy tiger head, and he comes to me!

Several of my bodies fled to avoid them, squinting away, Venerable Tian Huo had already beheaded Mu Lan Valley Third Elder, and turned to fly towards me.

He waved his hand at random, that is, the diffuse Tian Huo balls condensed out of thin air and whistled toward me, but they seemed to have long eyes, all bypassed me, all blasted on Mu Lan Valley Great Elder.

“Bang! Bang! Bang …”

One after another dazzling Fireball keeps exploding, each Fireball is comparable to Dou Huang’s blow, stacked together, and even the void is slightly tremor trembling, Mu Lan Valley Great Elder hummed without even humming, and directly turned into one The scorched corpse hit the ground.

Venerable Tian Huo beckoned, and the Storage Ring on the fingers of the scorched corpse flew into his palm. Covered by his Spirit Strength, he easily broke the soul mark left by Mu Lan Valley Great Elder in the Storage Ring, and swept at random, he took out a piece of animal skin with an ancient charm.

I flew to Venerable Tian Huo, leaned over the animal skin, smiled and asked Hehe: “Tian Huo Senior, this is the 3 Beast Brutality?”

“Well, this Qi Method is interesting, because the grade is too low, and you can only use the strength of Dou Zong …”

Venerable Tian Huo nodded, and shook his head again, said: “If this Qi Method can allow 3 Dou Zong to exhibit, it can show the strength of Dou Sheng … No matter how bad it is, it can also show the strength of Venerable, and the value will be great. “

Dou Zong is rare in such small countries as Jia Ma Empire, but there are a lot of Dou Qi Continent in the whole. It can only exert the strength of Dou Zong’s “3 Beast Brutality”, which is not enough to enter the eyes of those first-tier faction.

“Hey, wait for the old man to study this Qi Method. If you want this doll, the old man will give it to you.” Venerable Tian Huo said with a smile.

I quickly hurriedly, in front of my vision, this Qi Method can be regarded as Ah! “Many thanks Senior, in the future” 3 Beasts of the Wild “is to monitor the Qi Method of the town on the left!”

I laughed, thinking that in the future, the monitoring left will also come up with a “monitoring 3 old”, which is enough to match Dou Zong powerhouse, which is also good. It just takes enough time to cultivate, maybe it will take 20-30 years to see initial results? It won’t be used in a short time.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Yi Xian 2 also flew over. Xiao Yan took a look around. In the quite busy mountain forest, it was empty at this time, leaving only 4 of them.

“Nalan Ye, now we are returning directly to Wu Tan City?” He asked.

“If you don’t want to go back so early, you can also go to the mountain gate of Mu Lan Valley.”

I touched my nose and said with a smile: “Three Mu Lan Elders is dead. Mu Lan Valley Mountain Gate is definitely empty. We can go to their warehouse to get a small gift and return to Wu Tan City.”

Venerable Tian Huo glanced at me and stood down, saying indifferently: “Isn’t this profiting from somebody’s misfortune?”

I’m Hearing this furious, clenching one’s teeth and said: “Senior you don’t want to think about how much resources you have spent on monitoring your left side these days? The warehouse on the left side of the monitoring is empty, shouldn’t you replenish inventory? ? “

He was suddenly embarrassed, his old face blushed, and he coughed, “Then let’s go.”

4 people set the policy, and no one objected. I immediately took out the map of Mu Lan Empire and determined the lower position, then 4 people cut through the night sky and went straight to Mu Lan Valley Mountain Gate!

On the way, the night breeze was cool, Xiao Yi Xian flew to my right, she fluttered in a pale white clothed skirt, beautiful appearance, ethereal temperament, just like Goddess in the sky.

I glanced at her, and she glanced at me, pursing her lips, and she whispered, “Why did you have to kill those 2 Mu Lan Valley elders?”

“Should they rob us of things, shouldn’t they be damned?” I asked rhetorically.

“They’re greedy, and it’s their first move, really damn it.”

Xiao Yi Xian nodded, gave me a deep look again, the corners of his mouth slightly tilted, and said with some smugness: “But I always think you didn’t kill them because of this matter, you killed them … there must be a deeper reason behind! “

I gave her a surprised look, didn’t expect that she had broken through my deep calculations this time? This is near Zhu Zhechi, staying with me for a long time, so have you become smart? !

I smiled and said, “I killed Three Mu Lan Elders, it is true that the drunkard is not drinking. My real goal is actually the Dou Zong powerhouse behind them … Xia Gu Qiyu!”

In addition to the 7th-Rank Magic Beast’s Bloodline essence, I also need a Fleshy body of Dou Zong powerhouse for my fleshy body …

I admit, I am greedy for him!

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