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The head of the black imperial city is surging, and the sound of scolding and shouting is endless, and the listener is upset. We walked all the way, looking at the shops on the 4nd side of the street. After walking through the two streets, we finally stopped for a huge shop.

This shop occupies half the size of a street. It is a wooden pavilion building, generally azure, simple and elegant, with a few antiques, and the plaque has 3 flamboyant characters written on it.

“1000 pharmacy?”

I said aloud, lightly said with a smile: “2 Senior, looking at the store name is estimated to be selling drugs, I will wait to take a look.”

1000 The pharmacy is huge in size, and the flow of passengers is also scary. The people who enter and leave are at the door, almost crowded with people, and the noise of swearing and cursing continues to sound.

“For such a big shop, is it possible that the principal is an idiot … wouldn’t it be like building a bus with two doors, the front door is in and the back door is out?”

Or is Black-Corner Region people like this tone?

Secretly slandering this shop Boss, three of us walked inside. As the lowest-ranking person, I did my part to release Spiritual Strength, pushing away the crowds in front of me, and entering the shop like a fish in the water. .

After entering, the noise was much smaller, and a medicinal incense mixed with countless medicinal ingredients came out. This medicinal incense is very rich, which makes Yun Yun ……

There was a sneeze.

I looked around and found that it is roughly divided into the medicinal ingredient area and the Medicinal Pill area. In comparison, the Medicinal Pill, which is naturally a finished product, is better in business. After all, most Dou Zhe will not refining pills, buy medicinal ingredient and boil soup ? Still stir-fried?

Wearing a black Da Dou Shi awning, the three of us walked to the side of the medicinal ingredient area, and then skimmed the medicinal ingredient displayed here, um …

I don’t know what it is.

After all, none of the three of us are Alchemist, nor is Poison Master. These medicinal ingredients are to me some messy grass root bark and ore skeleton.

“3 gentlemen, I do n’t know what medical ingredient I need to order? My 1000 pharmacy is the top big drug store in the black imperial city. Presumably you should be able to buy what you want here.”

At this time, behind suddenly an old voice sounded, but when I looked back, I saw an old man. Looking at the style of the robe, it was probably about 1000 people in the pharmacy, who was laughing at us.

I pondered and asked, “I need [Dragon Beard Ice Fruit Root], can you buy it here?”

As a result, the old man ’s smile froze on his face, and the corner of his mouth was fiercely twitched. The mood was adjusted after a while, said with a bitter smile:

“Sir, the old man is a Tier Two Alchemist. If I remember correctly, this [Dragon Beard Ice Fruit Root] … is enough to be used as the main medicine of Tier Seven Medicinal Pill?”


I nodded slightly, solemnly asked: “Do you have any here?”

“This …” The old man’s face suddenly tangled, his face wrinkled, and he looked like he was talking.

Come to sell the pass?

I vomited for a while, but I still took a Tier Two Medicinal Pill and placed it in front of him. It was a bribe, and I asked again: “Can I talk now?”

“Oh, sir, this can’t help, old man is not such a person Ah!”

The old man shook his face, and quickly picked up the Tier Two Medicinal Pill and stuffed it with me. But his cultivation base is too low, but I just used a bit of Spiritual Strength to block it. His palm stopped a foot away from me, and he couldn’t get closer to half an inch.

“Hurry up.” I said impatiently. A Tier Two Medicinal Pill was nothing to me, but this old man, don’t lie to me, otherwise, hum …

“Hey.” The old man answered, and Tier Two Medicinal Pill put away quietly after looking around for 4 times. He was skilled and proficient in movement, and at a glance he knew that he hadn’t done this before.

“Senior, this is the case. There are more precious medicinal ingredients for sale in the second level upstairs of my 1000 pharmacy. It’s just old fogey. I don’t know if there is” Dragon Beard Ice Root “?”

“And the medicinal ingredient of the second level is not sold as gold coins, but can only be exchanged for the equivalent value of Medicinal Pill … In terms of the value of [Dragon Beard Ice Fruit Root], at least one Tier Six Medicinal Pill can be exchanged. “

The old man accepted my bribe, and even changed the title to “Senior”, bowed slightly, said with a smile: “Senior, this is the way, if you are interested, old fogey will guide you to the second level floor.”

“Lead the way.”

I said indifferently that, in my capacity, there are naturally several Tier Six Medicinal Pills in the Storage Ring, but there will be no shyness in the bag.

This old man’s eyes flashed a strange color, and he could take out Tier Six Medicinal Pill. Is this a Tier Six Alchemist? Really encountered a big fish! There was a hint of humility on his face, and he bent down to lead the way.

“2 Seniors, let’s go to the second level and bump into luck.”

I smiled slightly and greeted Yun Yun 2 with a touch of curiosity and inquiry, and boarded the second level building of the 1000 pharmacy.

There is no imaginary Gold Jade paving, Dragon Phoenix twine column, the decoration is quite simple and elegant. There are many counters in the tree in the middle of the hall, on which are displayed a jade box, and each jade box reveals a little glory. The medicinal ingredient stored in it is an extraordinary product.

And beside these counters, silhouettes are scattered, it seems that they are rich owners, enough to go up to the second level building in exchange for these more precious medical ingredients.

They were also aware of our arrival. Many people looked at them and saw that we were wearing a black Da Dou Shi tent, and there was no trace of it outside. Some people laughed and secretly thought a sentence of “a rat with a hidden head”, but more Still free to look away.

In places like the Black-Corner Region, there are too many people wearing black cloaks. It is simply the most popular costume in the Black-Corner Region. It has been popular from 1000 years ago to the present. It has never changed, and it is the same in the future.

“Senior, please take a look at it, I’ll go find a steward …” The old man bowed slightly and turned back.

Look at the wool, I am not Alchemist, what’s so good about a pile of grass root bark?

Looking around at 4 places, seeing that there are seats for people to rest on the edge of the hall, and there are tea and melon snacks, I greeted Yun Yun 2 people to sit down.

It’s a pity that I don’t have a fleshy body and can’t eat. I had to say to Yun Yun: “Senior Yun, go hungry or hungry all the way, do you want to eat something to pad your stomach?

Yun Yun shook his head very reservedly and replied softly: “No.”

“Why is Senior so polite? It’s not mine, it doesn’t cost money, it doesn’t eat white, it doesn’t eat.” I laughed, Spiritual Strength surged, and a piece of dim sum floated in front of her.

After hesitating, she held out the jade hand and squeezed the snack, said “Thank you”, and took a bite. I laughed at random, and looked at one after another in those jade boxes, solemnly asked:

“Tian Huo Senior, did you see the dragon fruit ice root?”

Venerable Tian Huo is sitting on my side, looking at the head, the old voice comes out from under the big hood, “I did n’t see it, maybe it was n’t in the 1000 pharmacy, maybe it ’s too precious to take it out, and look again. Do n’t be in a hurry. “

I was nodded, so I had to continue to feed Senior Yun.

“Come, Senior try this osmanthus crisp.” “This grape looks delicious, too.” “And this bear biscuits, um, why not use fragrant tea to moisturize the throat? Otherwise easy Choking. “

Yun Yun didn’t know whether to cry or laugh for a while, but in the face of my good intentions, the visitors still refused, like a little hamster, handed me the melon dessert one after another, and then slightly raised his head to sip Tea, elegant posture, revealing a snow-white neck.

“Hehe, this gentleman, I don’t know if the snacks prepared by my 1000 pharmacy … can suit your appetite?”

At this moment, a soft and glutinous woman’s voice suddenly sounded. I looked subconsciously, but I saw a woman in a red palace robe standing upright.

Her appearance is quite gorgeous. The curvaceous lovable body is vividly and thoroughly under the wrap of the palace gown, exuding a moving charm unique to mature women.

And the most striking is her eyes of Shui Yinyin, which seems to be secretly a little bit of temptation forever, and a pair of black eyebrows is like a meniscus, always revealing the silky and charming.

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