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“I heard that you and Qing Lin Junior Sister were friends before?”

On the way to Qing Lin’s place, Nangong Lifei led the way and asked without looking back. The tone was extremely calm and supercilious.

I followed her behind, feeling uncomfortable for a while, staring at her graceful back, less than a grasping waist, and a few postures appeared in my mind, so I felt better.

“Oh, Nangong elder, Qing Lin and I are now friends.”

“Since Qing Lin is your friend, you should consider some things for her, such as some secrets that may bring her a murderous evil, don’t preach it.”

Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils?

Understand the key, I will definitely not promote this matter, otherwise I ca n’t keep Qing Lin at all, and Heaven Snake House does the same.

“I know.”

“Some things, don’t talk nonsense.”


2 people one after the other flew to the depths of Tian She Small World, and finally landed outside a valley. After entering, I successfully met Qing Lin.

I can’t help my nose. It’s not easy to see her now. I almost didn’t die on the way. I felt like avoiding a catastrophe and crying out of joy.

“South Senior Sister Gong, Nalan Young Master, why are you here?”

Qing Lin looked at the two of us, his delicate face was full of excitement, and a small step ran towards us. A smile appeared on Nangong Li’s face, and then looked towards me with a hint of warning.

“Haha, don’t I have to wait outside, can’t you wait, Qing Lin, why are you so slow.”

I succumbed to Nangong Li’s kinky prestige, and I dared not tell Qing Lin what Qi just attacked me, because Qing Lin had not grown up yet, and she could not fight Heaven Snake House.

But in the future …

Hum, wait for Qing Lin to be promoted to Dou Sheng, wait for Xiao Yi Xian to be promoted to Dou Sheng, wait for Cai Lin to be promoted to Dou Sheng, wait for Xiao Yan to be promoted to Dou Sheng-Heaven Snake House, I will make you regret what you did today all!

Qing Lin threw out her tongue, and some sorry pulled a Dou Zong woman beside her, smiling and introduced: “Nalan Young Master, this is Jing Ling’er Senior Sister, usually the best for me, often come to point me to cultivation, Bring me a lot of delicious food. “

Jing Ling’er’s face was only about 20 years old, and he looked extremely young. He smiled and said a few words with Qing Lin, but looked towards my eyes, but evaded.

It seems that she knows the truth, but she is not old and has little experience. At this time, it is a bit unnatural to see me.

Nothing like Nangong Li and other Old Fox, who secretly sent someone to kill me, but when they met, they looked natural, as if nothing had happened …

No wonder some people like loli, because older people know that adults’ minds are too complicated, and only loli’s innocence can make people feel a trace of loving breath.

After that, Nangong Li and Jing Ling’er sent me and Qing Lin out of Small World. The four people “traveled with different dreams” and each had their own thoughts.

But Jing Ling’er was really good with Qing Lin. He took Qing Lin’s little hand and told many things … obviously she didn’t understand much, and many things were wrong.

“Get off!”

Qingyue said something, so a group of 6 Dou Zong plus a Dou Huang flew to the south, and Qing Lin waved back to Jing Ling’er and shouted, “Linger Senior Sister, you need to take care, And Nan Senior Sister Gong, you have to be happy too! “

Jing Ling’er and Nangong Li stood on the square outside the gate of Heaven Snake House and laughed at her.

It ’s always sad to leave Breath, Heaven Snake House was quickly thrown at behind by us. Qing Lin ’s eyes were red and he pulled my arm and said, “Nalan Young Master, will we return to Heaven Snake House in the future?”

I’m Hearing this for a while, Qingyue, Long Xi, Wang Ping have a black line in their head, Qingyue’s white forehead is tight, unable to bear opened the mouth and said:

“Qing Lin Junior Sister, you just went to Central Plains for a training tour. You are still the discipline of Heaven Snake House. After the training, you will naturally return to Heaven Snake House.”

I was afraid that Qing Lin would say something more “surprise”, and annoyed the 3rd Dow Zong of Heaven Snake House, and quickly said: “Relax Qing Lin, I will go back to Heaven Snake House often to see you later.”

“Uh huh.” Qing Lin smiled happily even though she wasn’t quite satisfied, with a sweet smile.

So I laughed, and it was said that [Nalan Ye borrowed Qing Lin-there is no loan to return], and first go to Central Plain to see, as long as the time is right, Qing Lin will definitely not return Heaven Snake House!



According to the itinerary plan, Heaven Snake House does not have a “Space Wormhole” that leads directly to Central Plain, so you need to go to the south of the Black-Corner Region, a city called “Horizon City”, and take the Space Wormhole there to Central Plain.

A group of 7 people flew south, similar to when they came. They spent the night in Xiagu on the first day, and told them that Qi Yu was detained at Heaven Snake House, causing Xiagu a commotion, and thought we were 6 Dou. Zong is here to extinguish sect …

I couldn’t help but I realized that something was wrong.

“Qingyue elder, we can’t go down like this in a big swing. The 6 Dou Zong is too conspicuous, we must be disguised.”

Dou Zong powerhouse is rare even in Central Plain. One of the two people may happen to pass by, but six Dou Zong colleagues are enough to attract the attention of any forces, which is extremely unfavorable for our actions!

“You are right, I was negligent.”

Qingyue was nodded. When she set off on the second day, she requested a flight from Xia Gu to fly Magic Beast. The six of us converged on the breath and revealed the cultivation base at Dou Wang and Dou Huang.

Only Long Xi exhaled the breath of 3-Star Dou Zong. This cultivation base is neither high nor low, enough to scare off many children, and will not cause the Central Plains forces to be vigilant.

On the flight Magic Beast, we stayed overnight in the Tagore Desert. Cai Lin went to see the Snake-People Tribe and everything was fine.

On the third day, we finally stepped into the territory of Nalan Empire again. Due to the adjustment of flight routes, the first city we encountered was Rock Desert City, the city where Qing Lin was born.

I invited Qing Lin to walk down the city inside the pond, and finally came to the former [Desert Metal Mercenary Group] station, in front of a large courtyard.

“Do you want to go in and see?” I asked with a smile.

She hesitated and bit her lip nodded. Because of the mixed blood between Snake-Person and Human Race, Qing Lin had a bad time in Rock Desert City.

The only better days were probably at the Desert Metal Mercenary Group when she was a maid, Xiao Ding was a good person and was very kind to the maid, not at all discriminating against Qing Lin.

“Hey, you two are rubbing something there. You have to go quickly. This is my Desert Metal Mercenary Group’s residence. Let me get away, don’t get in the way!”

In the distance, a mercenary carrying a Gui Tou knife, foul-mouthed, Qing Lin Although the cultivation base is high, but his temper is still a little timid. When he was scolded by this trifling Dou Shi, he was still shrunk toward me, which further encouraged the mercenary Arrogance.

“Hmph, Qing Lin, don’t be afraid!”

My complexion sank, waved my strength, spit blood flying upside down this mercenary beat, coldly said: “Go tell you Captain, just say … Xiao Family is here.”

Nalan Ye’s name is too big, and you should be a low-key person. It happens that the Desert Metal Mercenary Group was also created by Xiao Ding Xiao Li 2 brother. The name of Xiao Family should be just as good.

“Xiao Family? Is it … the Xiao Family where the old Captain is?”

There are more than one mercenary at the gate. They originally carried weapons and wanted to rush up, but they were all stunned at this time, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Everyone knows that Xiao Family is now developed, and Family Head is not only Dou Wang powerhouse, but also married Imperial Princess as his wife. It is said that this Nalan Imperial Family is more powerful than the previous Jia Ma Imperial Family, and there are rumors that there is a person … Dou Zong Old Ancestor named “Nalan Ye” sits in town!

“Quick, go to Captain to report, Xiao Family is coming!”

“Young Master Xiao, please come in!”

“Young Master Xiao, you must save us Desert Metal Mercenary Group Ah!”

“Zhang 800, don’t hurry up and apologize to Young Master Xiao!”

In front of the gate of the Desert Metal Mercenary Group station, there was a mess, and a few mercenary ran around, and 7 8 shouted into a mess, but I still captured the most critical information.

“Why, are you having trouble with the Desert Metal Mercenary Group?”

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