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Chen Yun’s departure changed the situation in the field. Although Hong Li was angry, without the support of Wind and Thunder Pavilion, he didn’t dare to open his mouth and closed mouth for Han Family’s funeral, but turned his attention to Han Yue.

As long as the woman is killed, it will be regarded as revenge for Chen’er, and the two families will be tied evenly. It is still Hong Family who has overwhelmed Han Family!

“Hong Li, your son is not as good as a man who died in a duel, and even Wind and Thunder Pavilion are not investigated. Do you still have to struggle with Hong Family?”

Han Chi’s voice was much louder, and Chen Yun backed away, making the big rock pressed in his heart a bit loose, and ridiculed: “Can’t you lose Hong Family?”

Hong Li was really mad, he didn’t even have a skin, he shook the sharp blade in his hand, and his face was gloomy.

“I don’t care what you fight, but now my son is dead, and your daughter must also die together, or go to war!”

Han Chi will not agree, not only because Han Yue is his daughter, but also because of the fame of Han Family, the Family Head daughter is introduced to make a guilt. What will the world think of Han Family?

Han Family is so weak that he can’t care less about his reputation like Soul Palace.

“If you Hong Family want war, Han Family will give you war!”

Han Chi held his head high and stopped in front of Han Yue. He reached out and took out a blue steel long sword with a low face. “Although I don’t want Han Family to provoke you Hong Family, I’m not afraid of you Hong Family!”

“Be bold!”

Trifling Han Family, dare to kill his son, dare to resist him Hong Family, Hong Li flustered and exasperated, reddish skin, one foot step, stepped out of a deep hole in the Skyrock Arena, stature rushed to Han Chi, took the lead Under resistance, blade light is cold, murderous aura rushing to the sky.

“Elders, quickly revenge for my son and destroy Han Family!”

“Destroy Han Family!”

The elders of the Hong Family screamed one after another, one after another, the majestic Dou Qi, soaring into the sky, 5 light and ten colors, leaned to the elders of Han Family.

Hong Family is stronger than Han Family. The elders of Hong Family have long wanted to destroy Han Family and dominate North Sky City. However, Hong Li does not want to have too much conflict with Han Family and wants to eat Han Family by little by little, so he did n’t. Large-scale conflict broke out.

But today, Hong Chen is dead, but that is the hope of Hong Family. As long as he cultivates well, he will be a Dou Zong powerhouse in the future, and also Dou Zong of Wind and Thunder Pavilion.

The hope of the entire Hong Family was just buried under the sword of Han Yue, and a sword fluttered away, which cut off the hope of Hong Family for decades to come. Hong Family wanted to be a genius like Hong Chen again. After many years?

All Hong Family elders are crazy. In the north of Hongfu, nearly ten silhouettes soared to the skyrock Arena. These are the Hong Family elders staying in Hongfu.

In Seongnam-Korean, Han Family elder also quickly arrived and a large-scale decisive battle was about to kick off at Skyrock Arena!


On the high platform, Hong Zhuer pulled his sword out of the sheath violently, cold glow flashed, and then rushed down to join the battle. I was scared, and quickly pulled her, her face was complicated and helpless.

“Mr. Zhu’er, what are you going to do? You are Dou Ling cultivation base, and when you go, you die!”

The following group of Dou Huang Dou Wang was in a big fight, and the violent and powerful Dou Qi was stirred. Hong Zhuer, the little Dou Ling, threw it in. It is estimated that even a spray can’t turn over and die.

“Big brother is dead, I’m going to avenge the big brother and kill Han Yue’s little slut!”

There were tears on Hong Zhu’er’s face, and he looked at me pitifully, whispering and begging: “Young Master Ye, you are Dou Huang powerhouse, please, must kill Han Yue, to avenge the big brother, I … I am willing to devote one’s life to! “

I was trembling, and inexplicably felt that this scene was a bit familiar-wasn’t this just the scene 3 days ago?

Han Yue also cried and begged me like this. I kindly offered 2 strategies for her, but that girl turned around and sold me!

In my subconsciously looked towards the battlefield of Tian stone platform, Han Chi Hong Li and 2 Family Heads were fighting together, both of them were 2-Star Peak Dou Huang, blade light sword image, Tian stone platform was split out after one crack!

Han Yue was also entangled with a Hong Family Dou Huang elder at this time. She sensed my gaze, and it seemed that a strange rays of light flashed in her eyes.

“Big Brother Ye, Hong Chen is dead, I don’t need to marry him!”

Han Yue’s simple words, but at this time it caused an uproar, she did not need to marry Hong Chen, who should she marry?

Hong Zhuer face changed, she is not stupid, especially knowing that Han Yue and I had known each other before, “Young Master Ye, you, you and Han Yue …”

She stammered, her face was unbelievable, and she clearly wanted to say that Han Yue and I were lovers, so Han Yue killed Hong Chen?

“I am not, I am not, don’t listen to Han Yue talking nonsense!”

I’m totally embarrassed. It’s not enough for Han Yue to use me once. I want to use me for the second time and take me to the Han Family camp?

Don’t even think about it, is the instinct so easy to use? !

“Young Master Ye, Han Family and Hong Family, where do you help?”

Hong Li also heard Han Yue’s words and turned his head to look at me, his face full of vigilance. He never trusted me, an outsider who suddenly appeared.

So I understood, Han Yue did not want to pull me into the Han Family camp, but to kick me out of the Hong Family camp …

Obviously, she succeeded.

No matter what I say, Hong Li will not believe it, because Hong Family is in the upper hand and does not need my help. But for Han Family, one less Dou Huang enemy is easier.

“I … 2 don’t help each other.”

I gave up my hands helplessly, and finally took a look at Hong Zhu’er. After thinking for a while, there were only two words in my mouth.

” Take care!”

As the words fell, my wings of Condense Dou Qi flew out of North Sky City, and the silhouette disappeared among the green mountains in the distance …

Then he turned a corner and slipped back to North Sky City quietly.

This matter is not over yet!



Fighting continues, two elders in Honghan are constantly fighting, and the aftermath of the battle has knocked the Skyrock Arena into a flat ground, countless house buildings collapsed, and countless civilians are screaming in 2 places …

“Withdraw, withdraw to Hanfu!”

Han Family gradually fell into the downwind, and even died a Dou Wang elder, this is the first place elder after the two fights!

Han Chi’s eyes were blood-red, and after a sword forced to retreat to Hong Li, he shouted and led the Han Family elders to battle and retreat to the Han Family mansion in the south of the city.

The Hong Family members chased the title, but after rushing into the Hanfu area, they suddenly ushered in countless arrows, crossbows, javelins, spears, and torches!

A total of 1000 Han Family members Dou Zhe gathered in the Han Family mansion, making it an airtight castle.

They were either holding crossbows or javelins and throwing spears, and even a large ordnance such as a crossbow and a catapult were pushed out and lined up.

“Flame Crossbow, aim at Hong Family Dou Wang Hong Qi on the left, salvo!”

“Javelin, aim at the upper right of Hong Family Dou Wang Hong Kun, shoot!”

“Crossbowman, keep shooting, don’t stop!”

One after another command shouted sternly, the entire Han Family army could not be said to be uniform and well-trained, but the attack never stopped, like a rainstorm.

The casting technique of Central Plain is far superior to the Nalan Empire. The crossbow shot by the “Flame Crossbow” actually has the threshold of Dou Wang. Not to mention Dou Wang, even when Dou Huang encounters a volley of flame crossbow, he can only avoid it. Dare to resist!

And other ordnance, such as the single weapon “Sound Crossbow”, also has Da Dou Shi battle strength, and the projected javelin is not an ordinary javelin. It is inlaid with a low-level magic beast core. Once the magic beast core is projected, It will explode, and the formidable power is comparable to Dou Ling … it’s too expensive.

Faced with these densely packed attacks, Hong Family nearly 20 elder had to stop and hover over the distance, daring not to approach the Han Family mansion.

These Hong Family elders are not all Dou Huang cultivation bases, more than half of the elder cultivation bases are just Dou Wang, and they are simply unable to resist such attacks.

More than a dozen elders of Han Family fled back to Hanfu to restore Dou Qi’s recovery to Dou Qi, healing the wounded, Han Chi stood up against the sword and looked up with a big smile:

“Hong Li, my Han Family inheritance is 1000 years old, but it’s not annoying, you should go back quickly!”

Hong Family, elder complexion ashen, where they can stand Han Chi’s provocation, an elder suggested: “Family Head, let’s invite Old Ancestor out, with His-Senior coming out, we will be able to bring Han Family raze to the ground! “

Hong Li shook his head, and now the Hong Family is still in the upper hand, there is no need to invite Old Ancestor out … The Old Ancestor has no good temper, and bother him cultivation without hesitation.

And that Old Ancestor came forward and won the credit of Han Family?

Throughout his life, he wanted nothing more than the word “kung fame”. Hong Li, he also wanted fame, he wanted 2 prestige, and wanted 4. 1000 years later, the descendants of Hong Family pointed to his card and praised:

“Look, that’s my family head Hong Li of a certain generation of Hong Family, which wiped out Han Family, my enemy of Hong Family, and let my Hong Family monopolize North Sky City, laying a strong foundation for my Hong Family!”

Hong Li landed from a high altitude and walked to the northwest corner of Han Family ’s mansion. “My peers have been forced into the old nest by us. Now we only use a group of ants to stretch on whilst at death ’s door. Where can I use Old Ancestor? “

With a big wave of his hand, expression coldly killed, “You elders landed with me, we attacked from the ground, and pushed the Han Family formation evenly!”

The person is flying in the air, the target is too large, but once landing, it will change from 3D to 2D, the attack will be greatly reduced, nearly 20 elder joint force, enough to even the entire Han Family formation.

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