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Cai Lin ’s soul world.

The golden sand sponge is endless. In the hazy sand, my scarlet eyes are particularly striking, and my fists are like 2 heavy hammers, constantly blasting towards Cai Lin.

2 people intersect with palms of hands, peng peng sounds, the burst of energy explodes in the wind and sand!

There was a trace of shock on Cai Lin pretty face, while jade hand waving, resisting my attack, while secretly looking at my state.

“It’s not right, his soul is not as pure as before, and it becomes confusing, with baleful qi lingering, affecting his mind …”

This discovery sank her heart. The Secret Skill between me and her was still unresolved. I was in such a bad situation. It was easy to involve her and 2 people died together!

Not to mention, the battlefield is now in her soul world, and now my mind is occupied by boundless killing intent, and I just want to be a slavet, and the battle between the two cannot be stopped at all.

Either I killed her, or she killed me, and no matter what the result is, in the end, 2 people died together!

“Damn little thief, it was clever when he was in Jia Ma Empire. How come he is so stupid when he arrives at Central Plain, and he would get such a trick, it’s a waste!”

Cai Lin cursed loudly, and I was suddenly unhappy, “Dare I say that I am a fool? Woman, you annoyed me!”

I stretched out my hand, and suddenly there was a long sword in my hand, and I slashed the sword at her. The sword light was dazzling.

Cai Lin has no fear, her cultivation base is taller than me, here is her territory, and I don’t have intelligence, there is no way to fight, like a bad boy fighting on the street.

With so many advantages stacked together, her stature shook away from my sword, appeared in my behind, the skirt angle was flying, and the white and delicate right leg swept fiercely towards my back, like a snake tail broken and pulled out.


I threw myself forward, and fiercely fell on the yellow sand and ate a mouthful of sand.

“Nalan Ye, do you still have intelligence?”

Cai Lin Liu Mei twitched, “You are also Dou Zong anyway, it will not be so embarrassing, just attacked by baleful qi, become a walking corpse who only knows the slaughter?”

“Just know the slaughter?”

I rolled over and jumped from the yellow sand, and I swept across the lovable body of Cai Lin lithe and graceful. The phoenix crown on her head was dazzling. The purple skirt on her body fluttered against the wind. Under the long skirt, a pair of jade feet stepped on the hot yellow sand , Ten toes are white and tender like green onions.

“Hehe, if you can serve me, I am comfortable with the service, and I can spare you!”

Cai Lin has a black thread. Although she is more than 100 years old, she still treats her as a boudoir. Without personnel, no one dared to say such a thing in front of her …

“Little thief, you are really courting death!”

She tenderly shouted, raised her hand and grabbed me. Heaven and Earth suddenly changed. The sand sea in all directions seemed to really turn into a sea. The yellow sand wave that set off one after another ten zhang high shot fiercely towards me.

My right foot stepped on the ground violently, and I wanted to take advantage of it to jump up. Who knows that the foot is light, the yellow sand underneath turns into quicksand, and my right foot sinks completely. I want to fly in the air, but in the sky comes great pressure, it seems that the void is frozen, and it does not raise at all.

“bang! bang! bang!”

one after another The yellow sand wave smashed down and forcibly patted me on the sand!

I struggled desperately, but the yellow sand on top of my head kept thickening, trapping me firmly and unable to stand up. I could only extend the hand and point to Cai Lin, “Electromagnetic rail gun!”

Cai Lin 2 rolled his eyes, and the stature “chi” suddenly appeared in front of me, looking down at me, Liu Mei frowned, “Little thief, your soul has really been completely eroded?”

“Planetary annihilation gun!”

“You can still yell, it seems that soul still retains the last trace of aura, the mind is not completely annihilated, and it seems that it can still rescue it.”

“Super electromagnetic gun!”

Cai Lin ignored me, to close eyes for a moment, and remembered a secret skill in the family’s inheritance that might be useful for it-Daxu Shaman.

The melodious ancient syllable sang out from her mouth, Cai Lin’s legs folded slowly into a purple snake tail, the waist twisted, the catkins flying, and the skirt angle flying, spinning and dancing on the yellow sand.

“Kill, kill! I want to kill you, ahhhh, I want to … kill you!”

I was suppressed by the massive yellow sand, like a monkey under a big mountain, it was difficult to move for half a body, and I could only look up and glared at the purple long skirt in front of me, Cai Lin fluttering in the coat, sending out a dog. Wailing and roaring.

With Cai Lin’s ancient melodious singing and dancing, the color energy gradually appeared on her, and slowly fell on me.

“嗤chi chi… ”

I don’t know what these colored energies are. When they fall on me, they erode my body like a royal water, and zi zi sounds, so that when you hear it, the hairs are standing upright and full of goose bumps.

“Ah! ”

I ache all over my body, making a wailing wailing, echoing in the vast sea of ​​sand, like an accompaniment, Cai Lin dances more joyfully, and the figure is lighter and graceful, just like the Nine Heavens Profound Lady descends.

The bursts of color energy kept falling on me, corroding my body violently. Cai Lin looked down, and it seemed that the baleful qi mixed in my soul was being slowly dispelled by the color energy. With some results, his face could not be relaxed.

The only problem is that this colored energy is “invincible”, even my soul is corroded!

“According to this effect, even if the baleful qi infected in his soul is finally dispelled, I am afraid that his soul will also have 1000 sores and 100 holes. Maybe he will fall back to the Common Stage …”

Soul is divided into 4 realms: spirit, spirit, heaven, and emperor. In addition to Dou Zhe, which specializes in cultivating soul, for most Dou Zhe, the only way for Soul Realm to promote is through Heavenly Tribulation!

Dou Zhe ’s soul was born as Common Stage. After a Heavenly Tribulation — Dou Zong ’s robbery, the Force of Tribulation will wash the Dou Zhe ’s Fleshy body and soul. At this time, Dou Zhe ’s soul will be promoted to Spirit Stage… … my soul is now in this realm.

Cai Lin’s eyes flashed a few different colors, and Soul fell back to Common Stage. It is very likely that Dou Qi realm would also fall back to Dou Huang realm.

Even if Dou Qi realm did not fall, but Spiritual Strength is too weak to control Dou Qi at the body Dou Zong level effectively, the battle strength will be greatly weakened!

“Little thief, if you don’t have Dou Zong battle strength, see what else do you fight with Ben Wang?”

Cai Lin was full of hate, but when he remembered that he had to explore the Snake-Person ancestral land and hesitated for a moment.



Central Plain Northern Domain, somewhere underground.

Blackwater Xuanyin turned into a body, swimming fast in the water, and on the back, Qing Lin hugged my Fleshy body, and her small face was wrinkled and worried.

“Young Master, I will surely cure you, but you can’t have an accident with 10000000 …”

She took a map from the Storage Ring. It was a map of Central Plains, although the scale was a little … large.

But all sides Great Influence and big cities are marked after one after another.

After staring at the map for a while, Qing Lin felt that her head was a little dizzy. She is now entering the Central Plain Northern Domain. The destination is in the beast domain south of the Central Plain. This is almost to span the entire Central Plain. The journey is longs of thousands!

“Young Master, you wake up soon, so far away, I don’t know Lu Ah!”

Qing Lin wants to cry without tears.

She has never been far away, she is only 16-17 years old, she is just a little girl, at this time by the strength of oneself, in this strange area across the mountains of thousands of miles, reaching the destination smoothly …

“Too, too much!”

Qing Lin clasped the map tightly with both hands and bulged his cheeks, “Xiaohei, what do you think?”

Blackwater Xuanyin shook his head. Dou Qi Continent was mostly occupied by humans, and there was not much space for Magic Beast.

In particular, Blackwater’s Xuanyin snake lives under the earth, and has no intersection with the Human Race on the surface. She has only a half-knowledge of human society, and there is only one stupid way.

“Swim along the river.”

“Ai, this is within the distances of thousands of thousands, and there is also a straight line distance. If you swim through the underground river, do you have to take a lot of detours?”

Qing Lin bit his lip, “Maybe it’s going to take the path of million li, how long will it take?”

Blackwater Xuanyin thought for a while, “In a short time, ten thousand li per day is 100 days, and 5000 miles per day is 200 days.”

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