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A ban on pale red divides this into 2 pieces.

Inside the stone cave is an unknown girl in ragged clothes, and outside the stone cave is us soaked in the hot lava.

This pale red ban seems to have a sound insulation effect. After I shouted, the girl inside didn’t react at all, and it was crouched in the corner of the cold stone cave, miserable.

I frowned and reached out to smash the pale red ban, and then Dou Qi quickly spread to the Stone Cave entrance, closing it again, lest lava flood into the stone cave to burn the girl directly.

“Little girl, tell your name and origin, and why it appears here, I can consider saving you out.”

This time the girl could hear me. She slowly loosened her curled up body and turned towards the stone Cave entrance. It seemed that there was a trace of fright when she saw the three of our faces, “You, who are you?”

“I don’t want to ask third time.”

There was a moment of silence in the stone cave before the girl sobbed in a low voice. “I am a man in the mountain city. I father was poisoned by the blue ice spider and needs the lava heart to detoxify.”

“I heard that there is a lava Rock Giant in Huoyan Mountain, so I came to Huoyan Mountain and wanted to collect a lava heart, but I was caught here … Save me, please help me, the poison of father is good. It ’s been a few days and I do n’t know what ’s going on now? ”

The girl’s eyes were red, her hair was scattered around her body, and she was crying in the corner, like a small injured animal.

The three of us glanced at each other. I took out the Central Plain Central Area map purchased from Single Sky City and looked at it. “There is indeed a Yushan city near Huoyan Mountain, which is 3 li away from Southwest.”

Venerable Tian Huo pondered said, “The heart of the lava is the heart of the molten Rock Giant, and it can also be regarded as their magic beast core, which does have the effect of detoxification.”

Xiao Yi Xian had mercy in his eyes, “It’s so pitiful, let’s save her out.”

I put away the map, touched my chin with my left hand, entered the tiger’s den to save the father, and was rescued.

Xiao Yi Xian glared at me, “Don’t you feel that there is no trace of Dou Qi in this little girl within the body, can there be any danger?”

This is a fact. This girl can come to Huoyan Mountain, which should not be a mortal, but at the moment she is empty within the body, there is no trace of Dou Qi.

It seems that it has been exhausted, or has been discharged by the red blood Jiao, and then set up some kind of prohibition in her within the body, so that she can not recover Dou Qi, has been in a weak state.

Without Dou Qi, he is a mortal, not worth mentioning at all.

“Okay, I will save her!”

Venerable Tian Huo is Senior, Xiao Yi Xian is girl, and I have to do the chores at the end.

Spiritual Strength spread into the stone cave, scouted inch by inch, and found no traps or crises. Then I walked to the girl and extended the hand to her. After 8 years of good luck, go with me. “

“Thank you, thank you…”

The girl sat on the ground and looked up towards me, her eyes were a little scared, and she stretched her right hand as if to hold my hand, but suddenly, her eyes suddenly froze, her thin and thin body jumped from the ground like a flexible leopard. From right hand, fist hit me with a fist!


I didn’t have any reaction time at all. I was directly hit by her with a punch. The body was completely penetrated by her snowy arm, the chest was hollow, the heart was broken, and a lot of blood was sprayed on the girl in front of me. She dressed like a demon coming out of hell.

“You, you are…”

The chest was pierced, the heart was completely broken, a lot of blood poured into my mouth along the trachea, and it continued to ooze out of the mouth, which was extremely scary and made me unable to speak, but in my horrified eyes, there was already The answer.

I ’m Dou Zong powerhouse, Fleshy body has been baptized by Heavenly Tribulation, and it ’s very powerful, even those 6th-Rank red blood worms are hard to destroy my Fleshy body, but she can punch through my body directly with one punch. Fleshly body strength? !

There is only one truth. This seemingly soft and weak girl turned out to be the target we are going to hunt–

7th-Rank Red Blood Jade!

Damn it, 7th-Rank Magic Beast has been able to do Human Transformation, but I always subconsciously think that the human form that the 7th-Rank Red Blood Jade turned into must be a muscular man, full of muscular pimples, how can I think of dignified 7th-Rank Magic Beast, Actually to have no shame transformed into a beautiful girl, seducing the ignorant boy? !

And, why is there no Magic Beast breath on her?

Neither me nor Xiao Yi Xian nor Venerable Tian Huo noticed Magic Beast breath on her. This is not something that should be. Venerable Tian Huo is Venerable. How could she conceal Venerable Tian Huo’s induction?

At the next moment, I will understand, girl … No, 7th-Rank red blood dragon within the body suddenly appeared a layer of silver flame, that kind of breath, yes, yes …

“Heavenly Flame?!”

A cold air rushed from my feet to the top of the head, I was cold all over, and I felt strong fear and fear!

I was attacked by a 7th-Rank red blood snake before, my body was pierced and my heart was broken, but I was n’t really scared, because I was sure that it contained no Dou Qi in the body.

Without Dou Qi, you can only use fleshy body brute force, and fleshy body brute force is only a physical attack. At best, my fleshy body is smashed, and soul can still survive.

But Heavenly Flame …

This thing can burn my soul and make me die completely!

Looking at the Silver Heavenly Flame that appeared on its surface, it was as if the shadow of death was coming towards me. It was too late to think about why a Magic Beast could also conquer Heavenly Flame. I was within the body. The violent Dou Qi hysterical toward 7th- Rank Red blood Jiao poured out, his body desperately backed away!

“Nalan Ye!”

“Damn, don’t stop quickly!”

It’s a long story, but everything is just a matter of moments, 7th-Rank Red Blood Jiao suddenly burst a punch and pierced my chest, then Heavenly Flame emerged, Xiao Yi Xian and Venerable Tian Huo face full of horror, roaring towards me I shot here and wanted to save me, but it was too late …

Silver Heavenly Flame spreads, and flame rises, you can vaguely see 9 silver fire dragons traveling inside the flame, with draconic power condensed, it is Heavenly Flame Ranking Ranked 12th-9-Dragon Lightning Fire!

My fleshy body was seriously injured, and there was very little battle strength left. The dumped Dou Qi could n’t stop the “9-Dragon Lightning Fire”. This Heavenly Flame is too powerful, and it will spread to my soul burn to the next instant. ashes …

In the rich death breath, in a flash, I suddenly remembered the previous battle. The bloody beast Flame’s violent Beast Flame gradually transformed into a formalable power weak “firewood” in my “humane world”. Is “Heavenly Flame” effective?

When I came to this realm, Heavenly Flame was no longer a flame in my eyes, but an embodiment of “Grand Dao Law of Fire”.

Why is Heavenly Flame so powerful, and why can Xiao Yan leapfrog after getting Heavenly Flame? The reason is that Heavenly Flame is the materialization of “Road of Fire”, and “Road” cannot be touched until Dou Zong realm!

Xiao Yan has Heavenly Flame, just like a novice village player has a full-level god costume, and can naturally abuse other novice village players.

But I am different. I am now Dou Zong powerhouse. I have touched the “avenue”. Heavenly Flame is no longer an irresistible and untouchable thing for me!

“Humanity …”

I whispered, “Humanitarian domain” suddenly unfolded, to suppress the spread of “9-Dragon Lightning Fire”, at this moment, this is no longer the battle of Dou Qi, the battle of soul, but between the avenues Battle.

I comprehend the “Road of Man” and the battle of Heavenly Flame’s “Road of Fire”!

“嗤chi chi… ”

The battle between the avenues is extremely dangerous and inexplicable, so I see Realm in the clouds now, only to see the spread of 9-Dragon Lightning Fire finally blocked!

The void is broken and turned upside down, and time seems to start to confuse. There is a sign that the chaos is intensified within the most fierce and most central inch of the battle.

Moreover, on the 7th-Rank red blood Jiao body, there is a strand of 9-Dragon Lightning Fire that is thinner than the hair. The breath suddenly changes, and it no longer emits draconic power, but a faint smell of firewood … …

“Livestock, dare to commit murder in the old man in front of one’s eyes, and die quickly!”

At this moment, Venerable Tian Huo finally came and roared, his white hair fluttered, the whole person was like a violent Lao Shi king, the stature passed by me, his fist wrapped in a thick flame, and fell like a meteorite. 7th-Rank Red Blood Jiao on the cheek!

It flew out suddenly, and the petite human body hit the rock face of the cave, in the rumbling sound, the gravel splashed.

Behind, a lovable body hugged me tightly, and a choked voice sounded, “Nalan Ye, how are you?”

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