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“Xiao Yi Xian, I have an idea, maybe I can save you, don’t resist.”

In the courtyard of Ping An City, I held my breath and slowly grasped the tactics with my hands, which attracted the popularity of the inside of the pond in the whole city, constantly compressing and condensing, and finally became extremely rich, flooding the inside and outside of the room.

“Popularity” is invisible and colorless, neither Xiao Yi Xian nor Qing Lin can see it. Only Venerable Tian Huo seems to be aware of it, looking around.

“The sea is vast!”

I lightly shouted, reached out to Xiao Yi Xian, and suddenly countless countless people turned into thin hair needles thinner than hair, and drilled into her lovable body.

Xiao Yi Xian did not have any resistance. Her Dou Qi within the body was smoothly contaminated by “popularity”, and the “Ice Venerate Energy” on the fleshy body was quickly contaminated.

“Sure enough, give me … come out!”

After being polluted by popularity, Xiao Yi Xian’s Dou Qi and Ice Venerate Energy were completely under my control. I screamed and controlled “Ice Venerate Energy” to drill out of Xiao Yi Xian outside the body, and it was successful!

A whiff of ice blue cold oozes from Xiao Yi Xian’s skin, causing the temperature in the room to suddenly drop, and there is a trace of joy on my face, but I know this is not the final challenge.

My “eyes” turned to Xiao Yi Xian soul. Although it was not the first time I saw it, it was still irritating. The strands of Ice Venerate Energy looked like strips of blue poisonous snakes, which took Xiao Yi Xian’s soul to the whole net. live!

“Red dust billows, go!”

I growled, and countless popular needles threw my anger and pounced on those Ice Venerate Energy, and inevitably affected Xiao Yi Xian’s soul.

I was worried and looked at Xiao Yi Xian cautiously, I was afraid she would send out the scream of send cold shivers down one’s spine again.

Fortunately, this time, she not at all screamed. Although her face was still pale, her breathing rhythm was stable, and her heartbeat gradually returned to normal speed.

“This is good, this is good, it seems that it can really save Xiao Yi Xian.”

It was just a worry that came out of my mind again. After the “popularity” polluted Dou Qi, it would be under my control, then …

What happens to Xiao Yi Xian’s soul after being polluted by “popularity”?

Is it under my control?

This idea makes me a little uneasy and uneasy. I am not perverted, and the desire to control is not so strong, so I do not want to control Xiao Yi Xian.

That’s too disgusting, it’s sick!

“Hu, I just want to get rid of Ice Venerate Energy without completely polluting the soul of Xiao Yi Xian, and after removing Ice Venerate Energy, I will get the popularity in Xiao Yi Xian soul …”

I whispered in my heart that I was given a reason to persuade myself, and then breathes deeply, controlling the “popularity” and intensifying my efforts, rushing to the soul of Xiao Yi Xian! .

“嗤chi chi… ”

Indistinctly, the sound of silkworms eating mulberry leaves sounded, long and subtle.

“Popularity” permeates the soul of Ice Venerate Energy and Xiao Yi Xian bit by bit. Ice Venerate Energy is not a problem at all. It is gradually polluted by popularity and controlled by me.

But the same is true of Xiao Yi Xian’s soul!

I brows tightly frowns, and don’t know if there will be any aftereffect of doing so? It shouldn’t be, after that, I will evacuate all my popularity, and I will never leave anything in her soul!

This is a long battle, and after a long time, the popularity has been consumed a lot, and a thin layer of sweat has also oozed from my forehead, before finally “pollution” of all Ice Venerate Energy.

The next step is the last step.


Separating Ice Venerate Energy and Xiao Yi Xian’s soul, this step seems not to be difficult, because after being “polluted” by the popularity, they are all under my control.

I control Ice Venerate Energy from Xiao Yi Xian’s soul and drill towards her outside the body, while controlling Xiao Yi Xian’s soul to stay in place.

Just don’t know what’s going on, suddenly saw a flash in my eyes, the next moment actually appeared in a small village, bordered by Green Tree Village, Qing Shan Guo Waiwai.

The villagers are kind and simple, and there is a person mother holding a little girl a few years old, with a round face, very cute.

Just suddenly, a gray poison fog enveloped the whole village, not only people, even domestic animals such as chickens, sheep, cattle, horses, but also those companion animals that ate leftovers and gnawed all died instantly!

The mother also died, leaving only the little girl, who was standing alone in the village where the dead bodies were constantly weeping, but even the tears were poisonous.

“Xiao Yi Xian ?!”

I was stunned. The cute little Luoli in front of me was Xiao Yi Xian when I was a kid?

Before waiting for me to do anything, there was a sudden bloom in my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, I found that the village had been disappeared, and the courtyard in Ping An City appeared before me.

Xiao Yi Xian was lying on the bed, a blush appeared on his pale face, the lovable body was no longer cold, and the whole person gradually got better.

I quickly pulled out the popularity that remained in her soul, and looked at her with overjoy, “Xiao Yi Xian, how are you ?!”

“Well, alright.”

Xiao Yi Xian sweetly smiled, I don’t seem to know what scene I just saw.

Was that what happened when she was a child?

Woeful Poison Body, born in hardship, died in hardship.

Woeful Poison Body is intermittently out of control. When it is out of control, within the body will unconsciously diffuse the poison fog of the drama, poisoning all living things around!

Xiao Yi Xian used to do the same before. When she was a child, did she poison her own village and her own mother?

I can’t imagine, how could she survive Xiao Xiao Xian at the time? Especially when she discovered that even her tears contained lethal poison, how desperate should she be?

“It’s okay, rest quickly.”

I gave Xiao Yi Xian a closer inspection, and found that there was indeed no problem, completely relaxed, this damn Ice Venerate Energy, finally solved!

Leaving Xiao Yi Xian alone to rest in the room, I went out with Venerable Tian Huo and Qing Lin 3, standing under the eaves and looking at the 2 jujube trees in the courtyard, I suddenly sighed.

Venerable Tian Huo’s face is strange, “Boy, I rarely see you frowning. Isn’t Xiao Yi Xian’s Ice Venerate Energy solved? Why is he still suffering a face?”

I was annoyed and rolled the eyes, “Speaking like my heartless, I also have a lot of troubles, OK!”

“Oh, what’s the trouble, say old man for your reference.”

“… such as Yujing Di Ma Dan, Xiao Yi Xian can’t refining pills now, can Senior arrange it for me?”

“The feeling is to make the old man do the coolie.”

Venerable Tian Huo shook his head with a wry smile, but did not refuse, took the medical ingredient and went to a room in Dongxiang.

I’m still in the body with some venomous gold snake snake poison, although the amount is not much, but it is not a matter of being in the the body, maybe it broke out that day, it still needs to be completely removed, and there is baleful qi killing in soul intent …

“Huh, wrong Ah! Since I can clear Ice Venerate Energy, why can’t I clear the baleful qi killing intent on soul?”

Suddenly, I looked at each other in blank dismay, yeah, why not?

Theoretically speaking, it is completely feasible, pollute baleful qi with popularity, and then extract it from my soul, just like solving Ice Venerate Energy.

Even because it is for myself, it is even simpler and more convenient!

“Sure enough, the little gun is disheartened. Ah!”

What is the “little cannon mentality”? This of course does not refer to the cultivation base level, but refers to the “small” of the pattern. If you have no confidence in yourself, look down upon yourself first.

For example, Xiao Yi Xian’s “Ice Venerate Energy”, if Xiao Yan would definitely say “I’m coming”, I subconsciously let Venerable Tian Huo come. But when Venerable Tian Huo is not working, I subconsciously deny myself. I feel that Venerable Tian Huo is not working, and I certainly am not.

But in fact?

Venerable Tian Huo is not good, but I am really good!

Another example is the baleful qi killing intent in my soul. I still subconsciously deny myself. I feel that I ca n’t get rid of it. I have to use external force.

Help Cai Lin first, then Feng Qing Er …

But since they can do both, why can’t I?

This is the “small cannon frustration” mentality!

Moreover, this mentality is not limited to me alone. Many people in the Nalan Empire subconsciously think that the Nalan Empire is not as good as Central Plain. Even after 100 years, Xiao Yan, Cai Lin, Xiao Yi Xian, Qing Lin and the others each and everyone will rise, I am afraid There will still be many people in the Nalan Empire who feel that the Empire is not as good as Central Plain.

Medicinal Pill does not have the fragrance of Central Plain, Heaven and Earth energy does not have the richness of Central Plain, the moon does not have the circle of Central Plain …

“What does that sentence say-without a Heart of Powerhouse, you will never become a powerhouse!”

In the past, I only thought that these words were pretending to be true. Who would n’t speak Dadaoli, you can go to Ah!

But now, I think this sentence is very reasonable, I am now 2-Star Dou Zong Late Phase, cultivation base is not weak, but can I really count as a powerhouse?

“With this mentality, how can I become a true powerhouse, and how … to protect Xiao Yi Xian?”

Thinking of the scene I saw before, my heart twitched abruptly. Xiao Yi Xian’s life was really bitter!

Looking back into the room, Xiao Yi Xian, who was asleep in bed, frowned tightly, not knowing what he dreamed of.

“Xiao Yi Xian, I will protect you in the future …”

I whispered softly, at this moment, the breeze seemed to freeze, the rustling jujube stopped and swayed, Qing Lin was picking the dates to eat and looked back, a question mark appeared slowly above his head, I did n’t know what happened .

In the east room, Venerable Tian Huo, who was preparing to refining pills, was startled and hurriedly pushed open the door, looking astonished.

“Damn it, what’s the matter, how long did I get into the house, and you brat is going to break through again?”

Venerable Tian Huo pinches the trick with both hands, and the powerful Space Power strikes, using the extremely deep Space Power to cover the unusual form in the courtyard.

Everything is the same in the safe city of the outside world, and everyone continues according to their own life trajectory. In the courtyard, I once again fell into the “sudden enlightenment” situation, with my eyes closed, brows tightly frowns, looking thoughtful.

Dao Rhyme, a stream of obscure humanism, circulated on my body, and breath began to rise slowly.

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