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Over Single Sky City.

From dusk to night, here is getting more and more lively. First, Wang Ping played Fei Tian with 3 people, then Venerable Lei came out, and now, we have also stirred in.

Dou Zong, which was not common in Central Plains, has gathered more than ten people here!

Venerable Lei and Wang Ping’s fierce battle stopped, the two sides faced off, they had a total of 5 Dou Zong, behind a group of Dou Huang Dou Wang.

And we have 9 people in total, except Dou Zong except Qing Lin!

“Qing Lin, are you okay?”

Qingyue stood beside Qing Lin and looked at her up and down, with worry and anxiety on her face. After so long, she finally found it back.

Cai Lin was attacked by Venerable Lei when she was next to Wang Ping when she opened the space wormhole. Although protected by Wang Ping, she still suffered some injuries and her face was pale.

I laughed and said, “Cai Lin, am I not late?”

She was coldly snorted, standing stubbornly in the sky, seeing my robes scorched black, could not help but ridicule: “You can also be hurt like this if you go on the road, it is you!”

I took care of my tattered robe and casually said: “This is not a rush to hurt. I had a 3 Sedan robbery before I came. No, I was in a hurry to save you. I didn’t even have time to change my clothes!”

3 Sedan robbery?

Cai Lin glanced at me with a suspicious look, 3-Color Dan Tribulation has reached 3-Star Dou Zong battle strength, can I resist it?

What are your eyes? I was unhappy, leaking a trace of breath quietly, and then my hands fell to behind, looking up at the stars in the night sky, standing proudly.

“3-Star Dou Zong ?!”

Cai Lin’s pupils shrunk and looked at me with some shock. I was 2-Star Dou Zong before. Why didn’t I see it for more than ten days? I became 3-Star Dou Zong?

She used Seven Colored Source Stone cultivation to be considered cheating, not so fast Ah!

Hearing Cai Lin’s exclamation, three people, Qingyue, Wang Ping, and Long Xi, looked at each and everyone in consternation.

They all know that I was promoted to Dou Zong less than a year ago. When I first came to Central Plains, I was only 1-star Dou Zong. As a result, how long did it take to separate, and it has not been 2 months, I even directly upgraded 2 stars cultivation base?

1-star in a month, or Dou Zong? !

Qingyue was surprised, and looked down at Qing Lin, as if suddenly understood why the owner of Qing Lin dignified Triple Jade-Green Snake Flower Pupils was willing to be a maid by my side.

Long Xi secretly grinds his teeth, and his cultivation base is also 3-Star Dou Zong. When he was in the Northwest Territories, he could still aloof and remote overlooking me. At this time, the cultivation base was quickly flattened by me, and the heart of envy rose unavoidably. .

“Damn wild repair, the people who came out of a barbaric country are just good luck that’s all!”

“How about cultivation progress, I’m the elder of Heaven Snake House. It has a solid foundation and countless powerful Dou Technique Secret Skills. If you really fight, you can kill you with 3 moves!”

Long Xi looked young, and his face was only about 30 years old. In fact, this year is 70-80 years old. In Dou Zong, he is young, but it pales in comparison to me.

Wang Ping’s cloudy and yellow eyes cast a glance at me, with some emotions, “Probably the sudden enlightenment, if the old man can also have the opportunity of the sudden enlightenment, maybe … can step into that realm directly?”

Looking at the shock on Cai Lin’s pretty face, I felt comfortable for a while, “cough cough, Cai Lin, don’t envy me, as long as you work hard to cultivate, one day you will achieve my achievement!”

Xiao Yi Xian looked at it, unable to bear covered his mouth and chuckled, although he didn’t quite understand why this happened, but in his heart … I always felt a little uneasy.

Cai Lin has some fly into a rage out of humiliation, tenderly shouted: “3-Star Dou Zong is also embarrassed to say achievements? Or look at the eyes first, don’t beat this group of people, you will have no future!”

When it comes to Wind and Thunder Pavilion, everyone’s face suddenly disappeared, and a Venerable glare like a tiger watching his prey was across from it. It really could not tolerate anyone being careless.

Opposite, Fei Tian stood beside Venerable Lei, pointed at me, and pointed to Qing Lin and Blackwater Xuanyin again, gritted his teeth and said:

“Venerable, these three people, took advantage of me not attacking Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, and swept away my large amount of savings in the North Pavilion. Even many top secret Qi Method, Dou Technique, Secret Skill were also robbed. dead!”

Venerable Lei looks like heavy water, staring at Wang Ping and Venerable Tian Huo, and I do n’t know if I heard Fei Tian ’s words.

These 2 people are very threatening to him!

Wang Ping was not solved before, but now the two people on the opposite side meet. He is fighting alone, not necessarily the opponent of these two people.

“I don’t know if there are 2 surnames? 2 people … shouldn’t they be Central Plains?”

Wang Ping was indifferent and didn’t want to say how he came from. The Central Plains people are extremely exclusive, in fact, any area is exclusive, only in varying degrees.

In short, if you say you are from the Northwest Territories, you will cause a lot of trouble in Central Plain. Instead, he was bitten to death by Central Plains—Central Plains is so big and has a large population that no one can find out.

Venerable Tian Huo doesn’t have this need. He laughed aloud, and Tiger Vision Venerable Lei issued the first declaration of returning to Central Plain after 100 years of trapping!

“Old man Yao Tian Huo, I don’t know now Central Plain, but can anyone remember the old man?”

The loud noise reverberates in the night sky like a thunderbolt.

Venerable Lei brows slightly raise, after a moment of contemplation, surprised: “The Venerable Tian Huo who was counted 100 years ago? You suddenly disappeared 100 years ago, and the world thought you were dead, didn’t expect you have been alive until now ! “

There are not many Central Plain Venerables, especially Venerable Tian Huo is not too far away now, just a few hundred years, plus Venerable Lei is also very knowledgeable, so I remember him.

Venerable Tian Huo seemed quite happy, nodded with his beard, “It’s a little bit of knowledge for you, but you still remember the old man’s taboo.”

“Hmph, you and I are both Venerable, so there’s less of a Senior shelf in front of the deity!”

Venerable Lei coldly snorted, looking at Venerable Tian Huo with poor eyesight, “If the deity is remembered correctly, Wind and Thunder Pavilion has no hatred with your lord, why did you attack my North Pavilion?”

Venerable Tian Huo looked helpless and gave me a glance, “The old man didn’t attack you Wind and Thunder Pavilion, just came to help people stand for a while … Look at the old man’s face, how is reconciliation?”

I looked at Venerable Tian Huo with some surprise, and thought that I would kill Venerable Lei directly, and then end the mountain gate of Wind and Thunder Pavilion!

“Tian Huo Senior, why do you want to reconcile? Have you teamed up with Wang Ping Senior, 2 hits, kill Venerable Lei nothing difficult?”

He grunted, “Venerable is so easy to kill. It beats him at most. If he wants to escape and starts desperately, do you let Wang Ping go to fight with him, or let the old man go to fight with him?”


To put it bluntly, you 2 old man are afraid of death and do not want to fight desperately with Venerable Lei. However, it’s not so good to be killed. Who wants to work hard with others?

Let me go, I won’t accept Ah!

Venerable Lei is also quite confident in himself, raising his hands and pointing at me and Qing Lin, Blackwater Xuanyin 3 people, “Give these 3 people to the deity, and then return all the things you robbed from Wind and Thunder North Pavilion … Looking at the face of your Venerable Tian Huo, the deity can not care about you! “

“impossible !”

Qingyue was the first to refute her. She held Qing Lin in her right hand and protected her from behind. “Qing Lin impossible to you, do n’t be delusional!”

Long Xi was nodded and said: “Nalan Ye and this Magic Beast can be given to you, and those things can also be returned to you!”

I:? ? ?

I glanced at this guy, and it seemed to be found in manner on the surface, and it was so sweet, I sold my teammates better than me … wait, I never sold my teammates!

Qing Lin struggled in Qingyue’s arms for a while, gritted his teeth and shouted: “Long Xi Senior Brother, how can you do this, Young Master and Xiao Hei can’t give it to him!”

Long Xi’s face sank, “If you weren’t messing with Wind and Thunder Pavilion, how could we have these troubles? Sect spends so many resources to train you, is it to make you trouble Sect ?!”

Qing Lin suddenly did n’t know how to refute, so he looked pitifully towards Qingyue, “Senior Sister, ca n’t hand over the Young Master and Xiao Hei, they, they … well, Wang Ping Senior Brother is so powerful, and Tian Huo Senior Now, do n’t worry about them at all! “

I am a little relieved, and Qing Lin is still reliable as always.

But relying on her to plead, may not be able to impress the Heaven Snake House 3 people, after all, I am just an outsider to them.

“Cough cough, Qingyue elder, I have some Tian Class Qi Method Dou Technique here, you just accept it, it’s a gift I gave you.”

I took a lot of Qi Method Dou Technique from the Scripture Pavilion of Wind and Thunder North Pavilion, these things are actually … not very precious, I can copy a dozen copies with just a piece of paper.

I did n’t give it all. I concealed the Qi Method Dou Technique related to Thunder Attribute. There are 7 or 8 handwritten copies left, and a brain was stuffed into Qingyue. This woman should be better at dealing with Long Xi.

“Haha, I know you don’t lack this thing, but it’s also my heart!”

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