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2 The fists collided, the air was torn, and a loud, loud noise was heard, as if two meteorites collided together, and it was like two thunderbolt splits. , Constantly eroding each other, like a world-destroying sight.

The electric shock groaned, a hood of blood spewed out of his mouth, and his body was shaken for a while and then exited more than ten steps before stopping. Each step left a deep footprint on the square, the bricks and stones exploded like spider webs, dust Stirring!

The whole square suddenly fell silent. The Blue Wind Fish King and those ordinary Magic Beast looked at me with shock in their faces. Although they knew that I was chasing the electric shock, they did not see the original scene after all.

However, at the moment, in front of everyone, I was shocked and frightened by a fistless fist, which deeply shocked everyone’s mind.

That’s the electric shock, the young master of the electric clan python family, and the youth Junjie who is famous throughout the animal kingdom!

Actually defeated by a Human Race?

Qingfeng Yuwang complexion slightly changed, “This person’s youth is so terrifying, no wonder Mu Qing Luan wants to abandon the inheritance of the Qing Luan family and change to Human Race to apprentice …”

Although he is unwilling to admit, the glory of Magic Beast has already ended with Ancient Era. With the rise of a Human Race Dou Di, I do n’t know how many once the tremendous Magic Beast genocide. Today ’s Dou Qi Continent …

It’s Human Race!

Perhaps, if you want to change the current situation of the blue wind fish clan, you can send some clansman to the Human Race to learn from the teacher?

Qingfeng Yuwang thought about it meaningfully.

“Senior Brother Ye is so powerful, it is so strong!”

Mu Qing Luan exclaimed, the strange azure pupil eyes circulated in me, no matter how many times I saw it, the powerful force can always arouse everyone’s admiration and awe.

“Human Race has always been fleshy body weak, and I don’t know how Senior Brother Ye is cultivated. Fleshy body is even stronger than Magic Beast …”

I smiled slightly, “As long as assiduous cultivation, anyone can have a Fleshy body as strong as me.”

“Really, as long as assisted cultivation is fine?”

“Of course, when the cultivation is broken and the bones are broken, 5 dirty pieces are enough.”

Mu Qing Luan Hearing this, looked towards My eyes suddenly appeared a pity, Senior Brother Ye’s cultivation turned out to be so cruel … Teacher doesn’t often say that Venerable Yao temperament is kind?

“Do n’t get me wrong, I have never cultivated until the bones are broken, and the 5 are broken …”

“I’ll just say, Senior Brother Ye, you must be kidding.”

Mu Qing Luan pats The curvy chest, the whole person is relaxed, and then listen to me: “I usually use Heavenly Flame to calcinate my body, and occasionally people will make some Medicinal Pill, lead to the Dan robbery, use tribulation thunder Body Tempering . “

“By the way, did you know that the adult male Human Race has 206 bones? At most, I was within the body with more than 1000 bones.”

Mu Qing Luan’s white and crystal-clear forehead gradually climbed up a black line.

I laughed and teased these little girls, it was so fun!

Dian Jing was breathing heavily in his mouth, the entire right arm was almost abolished, and all blood mouths burst, and a lot of blood oozed out, almost strung down on the ground in a string.

Blood-reeking qi is spreading in the air, the blood of 7th-Rank Magic Beast makes those 5th-Rank and 6th-Rank Magic Beast a little fearful, and there is a commotion.

“All on this Young Master, kill it!”

Diankongkong pointed at me with a left hand and yelled with hoarseness, just like a lunatic who lost heart.

These Magic Beasts suddenly panicked. Anyone can see my aggressive. Although they have not been transformed, their intelligence is not very high, but even if they only have instinct low-level Magic Beasts, they should know that they should stay away from me, not rush over .

However, under the pressure of electric shock, this group of Magic Beast still gathered around me, with dozens of heads!

Qingfeng Yuwang and Diankongkong didn’t watch it. They rushed up in chaos. Several huge wind blades and thunderbolt slashed towards me. For a time, my body was all around densely packed.

“insignificant ability !”

I sneaked, lifted my feet and stomped the ground, and an earth-yellow mask condensed out of thin air, covering me and Mu Qing Luan.

Refining the black high tower, the entire war hall has fallen into my hands, and I can even say that I am the new war hall Palace Master. All the restrictions here are under my control!

This earth-yellow mask is the remaining ban on the war hall. Defensive power is extremely powerful. Densely packed attacks fall around the body. The surface of the earth-yellow mask slightly ripples and shows no signs of breaking.

“How could this be?”

“What a special, hard defense Dou Technique, can’t beat bad at all!”

“He controls all the restrictions here, we are not his opponent at all!”

Dozens of Magic Beasts screamed in disorder, their strange faces were full of fright, and they couldn’t keep going back. The most powerful attack could not break through the opponent’s defense. How can you fight this? !

I closed my eyes lightly, and carefully checked what other restraints were left in Bingdian. One after another, which had different functions but were extremely broken, quickly passed through my mind.

Soon, a ban appeared in my mind.

“36 Great spell of sacred crystal, enlighten!”

I slammed eyes opened, pointing at these Magic Beasts, thirteen incandescent rays blazed out in the air, flickering in the air, suddenly 3 Magic Beast fell down together, between the eyebrows there was a black blood hole!

“Ah, what was that attack just now?”

“Damn it, this person is so powerful, everyone run away!”

13 Magic Beast died together, the remaining Magic Beast was suddenly terrified, each and everyone howling and desperately fled outside the soldiers’ hall, simply unable to ignore the electric roar and threat.

In fact, there is some hair in the electric shock hollow. Obviously, I have control of all the prohibitions here. One after another great spell appears one after another continuously. It really has no confidence to fight me down.

Slowly retreating, he didn’t hesitate for a long time, and Diankong finally couldn’t hold on, suddenly turned and ran away.

This person is sly and cunning, wait for the Young Master to go back and find a reinforcement to deal with it!

“Want to run?”

I raised my eyebrows. The 36 great spells of great power can condense 36 “lasers” during the entire period, and each “laser” formidable power is comparable to 3-Star Dou Zong.

If the 36 “laser” set fire, I am afraid that it can directly kill the electric shock!

It is a pity that this great spell has long been dilapidated. It can only condense ten or three “lasers” at the same time, and the formable power has plummeted to the level of Dou Huang.

“Bing Palace Master is here, right or left, and I haven’t won this fast!”

I stood on the spot, looking at the back of Diankong Kong fled indifferently, suddenly loudly shouted, and there was a sound suddenly in the soldier’s palace.

In the pile of bones, in the corner, under the ruin of the collapsing city wall, there should be a puppet crawling up, they are broken, the body is covered with scars of the knife and the axe, some of them have a broken leg, and some have missing arms, serious He even lacked half of his body.

They climbed from the ruins, such as the 100 war soldiers, chasing the electric shock sky, the weakest of which is only Dou Ling battle strength, which belongs to the logistics puppet, and the strongest is comparable to Dou Zong powerhouse.

“hong long! ”

In the distance, a Dou Zong puppet smashed the bricks and stones on the wall, and the mottled silhouette rose into the sky.


The roar of low-pitched killing sounded through the sky, as if the unyielding Snake-People Tribe reappeared 1000 years ago, Cai Lin’s eyes suddenly turned red, and once the powerful Snake-People Tribe, now there are only some puppets?

This Dou Zong puppet holds a black long spear with a length of 2 feet, dives down from the gray sky, the turbulent air wash away the dust on the surface, the gunpoint makes a sharp roar, and shocks the electric shock. Stabbed, like a hawk flapping a rabbit!

“Fuck off!”

The electric shock roared, turned and punched, and smashed the long spear away, but the Dou Zong puppet was not a weak hand. The long spear shook, pierced its shoulder, and blood splashed.

The electric shock screamed in pain, stature quickly rushed towards the outside of the soldiers’ hall, and several puppets stopped in front of it.

Their battle strength is only at the level of Dou Huang, but there are strange rays of light connecting them together to form a cycle with each other. The puppet copper light at the front is big, and the breath soars to the level of Dou Zong!


It punched a punch and smashed into the electric shock.

“Damn it, damn it! Get out of this Young Master!”

Diankong shouted in horror, looking around this ruined ancient ruin, only to feel that it suddenly “lived”, and a broken puppet climbed from the corner and surrounded it.

Punching and kicking, thunder and lightning, but unable to rush out!

Thick fear flooded the hollow head of the electric shock, its complexion pale, the body trembling slightly, premonition of an extremely terrifying thing, is it …

Will it die here?

“Electric shock, it’s time to pay for the countless Snake-Person who died here.”

I carried a 9-section copper mace, and slowly came from a distance, looking down on it indifferently, like the god of aloof and remote, reading the judgment on it.

“1000 years ago, the Nine Underworld Python clan attacked here and slaughtered Snake-Person. The Diance Python clan was a vassal of the Nine Underworld Python clan. Although you did not participate in that war, your father and grandfather must have participated in … … “

“Today, I will charge some interest on you, and then revenge with Nine Underworld Python in the future!”

I stature, holding 9 knots with both hands, and thundered towards his head with a thunderbolt of 10000 Jun.

The puppet attack of all around never stopped for a moment, and the electric shock was more and more serious. He looked up at me jumping from the sky with frightened eyes, but there was no room for resistance.

The 9-section copper mace is getting bigger and bigger, and at the last “bang”, its head is really cracked.

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