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“It’s me, Xiao Yi Xian, how are you?”

My soul passed through that poison attribute Dao Rhyme, and after contacting Xiao Yi Xian’s soul, I was finally able to communicate!

Moreover, the communication on the soul is much better than the communication on the voice. I can clearly feel the confusion and helplessness of Xiao Yi Xian soul, and quickly convey the warm, caring and friendly attitude of the past.

“I don’t know. There is gray fog everywhere. It’s surrounded me. I can’t see anything, I can’t hear.”

Xiao Yi Xian suddenly lowered and lost his tone, shaking, “I, am I … Woeful Poison Body out of control again?”


I was silent for a moment, and suddenly remembered a picture I saw last time in Xiao Yi Xian. In the small village of Qingshu Village and Qing Shan Guowai, the corpses of humans and animals were lying, and each and everyone looked purple. Lips are black.

“But here is the ancestral home of Snake-Person. There is silence here and no one lives. This time you haven’t hurt anyone.”

“Is that right?”

Xiao Yi Xian seemed very happy. Suddenly there was a reaction. Hesitantly asked carefully: “You, Nalan Ye, did I hurt you?”

“Don’t come close to me, there is poison fog around me, yes, you will be poisoned!”

I laughed relaxedly, “I am Dou Zong powerhouse, who is more powerful than you, so I am not afraid of your poison!”

In fact, I am still a little scared. The poison of Woeful Poison Body is comparable to Venerable. I have some poison on my soul at the moment. Soul is being corroded and quite painful.

“This is fine.” Xiao Yi Xian is relaxed.

“How should I wake you up?”

“I have already woken up.”

Outside, in the eyes of Xiao Yi Xian’s fleshy body, the gray gradually recedes, reverting to a pair of black-and-white eyes with clear water spirits, but a strong sorrow in his eyes.

“Eh, who tied me up ?!”

Suddenly, Xiao Yi Xian discovered the iron chain on her body, her hands were tied back, the cold and thick iron chain was tightly attached to her lovable body, and her body was perfectly outlined …

wu wu, what a shame!

Xiao Yi Xian’s cheeks showed a large blush, and subconsciously began to struggle. As a result, he found that the chain was struggling and tightening, his body was pulled back and bent, his chest stood up, and the curve appeared delicate and lithe and graceful.

“I rely!”

I was standing very close in front of Xiao Yi Xian. At the moment, I just withdrew my mind and slowly eyes opened. As a result, I saw this scene in front of me and was scared to turn pale with fright.

“Xiao Yi Xian, you have to believe me, this iron chain is definitely not tied to me!”

Xiao Yi Xian gave me a glaring glance, and Xiafei cheeks on her pretty face, bit her lip lightly, her charms were infinite, “You are a fool, don’t untie me yet!”


I reacted, touched my nose, and hurriedly came to Xiao Yi Xian behind to untie the iron chain. This iron chain was picked up in the main hall of the Bingdian. It was made of a special alloy and was extremely strong. Even Dou Zong powerhouse earned a moment Constantly.

The iron chain is untied. I am unwilling to loosen it from Xiao Yi Xian and then retract it into the Storage Ring. I don’t know if there is a chance to use it in the future?

Xiao Yi Xian straightened his body, straightened his dress, and held his chest with some shy hands, looked at all around, “What about the guy who attacked me?”

“Let him run away, and when he meets him next time, I will definitely slash him to avenge you!”

Xiao Yi Xian indifferent expression, pursed her lips, leaned her head towards towards a beautiful face, slim Mu Qing Luan, “Nalan Ye, what is she?”

“Xiao Yi Xian, do you remember Xiao Yan’s Teacher Old Yao who was captured by Soul Palace?”

I was introduced: “This is a friend of Old Yao and one of the Star-Meteor Pavilion of Four-Way Pavilion, the principal of Venerable Feng’s disciple-Mu Qing Luan Junior Sister.”

It’s a bit ridiculous, but Xiao Yi Xian still understood, nodded, “It turns out to be Junior Sister Mu, many thanks you come to rescue me.”

Mu Qing Luan was slightly nodded, but the attention was on another message, “Senior Brother Ye, you just said … Venerable Yao was captured by Soul Palace ?!”

Hey, did n’t I tell you before?

I blinked, “Yes, this has been going on for a while, about half a year has passed … I came to Central Plain also to find the whereabouts of Old Yao and rescue him from Soul Palace!”

“That’s the case, Teacher has long suspected that Venerable Yao was missing. Soul Palace did it …”

Mu Qing Luan murmured and looked up towards me suddenly, his face dignified, “The Teacher has been looking for Venerable Yao all these years, but there has been no news and whereabouts. It is really lucky to meet Senior Brother Ye here today. . “

“Wait here, Senior Brother Ye must also go to Star Meteor Pavilion with Junior Sister to tell Teacher about the Venerable Yao!”

My indifferent expression, Old Yao is still very important, especially for Xiao Yan, he is a person he cherishes so much, so save Old Yao …

“Soul Palace is powerful. It is said that they still own the Dou Sheng powerhouse. We can’t act recklessly. This matter needs to be long-termed!”

Mu Qing Luan slightly nodded, when she mentions Soul Palace, she also feels great pressure. In her identity, she can know that Soul Palace is so deep that it is far less simple than it is revealed in Central Plain.

“Then what are you doing down here?”

The blush on Xiao Yi Xian’s face finally subsided, but when looking towards me, he was still slightly blushed.

“Go to the Dan Temple!”

In my soul world, Cai Lin took the lead, “Nalan Ye, you have delayed enough time, and now it is time to go to the Dan Temple and refining it there according to the plan between us.”

I pondered for a moment and slowly shook my head, “Don’t go.”

Cai Lin stunned, his face suddenly heavy, “Little thief, what do you want to do? Why not go!”

“Because it’s too tired Ah!”

I laughed and looked at Cai Lin in a playful way. During this time, Cai Lin was begging me for something, and my attitude towards me was much better, but at the moment, she flicked her and looked at the queen’s anger, which was pretty good. of.

“Carefully calculated, from Chi Xian meat grinder, to electric shock, and the guy just now, I have battled 3 games in a row, although 3 battles and 3 victory, but still tired, and also suffered some minor injuries!”

“Now it’s too dangerous here. I don’t know how many Magic Beast ran in. I’m afraid it will be a fierce battle to go to the Dan Temple. I have to fix it before I go to the Dan Temple.”

Cai Lin’s anger subsided, and Liu Mei raised his eyes slightly, “Do you understand the reason why soldiers and soldiers are fast, and later changes? You haven’t been seriously injured, just hold your teeth and support it.”

I shook my head, “Where is Xiao Yi Xian? She is still injured, and I just took her to the Dan Temple for adventure, and also impossible left her.”

When the words fell, I was too lazy to say anything to Cai Lin, and directly blocked her.

My mind returned to the outside world, I looked towards Xiao Yi Xian and Mu Qing Luan, said with a smile: “Xiao Yi Xian, before I hit a lot of prey, find a place to have dinner.”

At this moment, the gray sky gradually dimmed, the sun was setting, Jade Rabbit rose slowly from the east, the cold moonlight illuminated the Snake-Person ancestral land, and the day passed.

There is no Sun, Moon and Stars in Small World. The sun and moon we see now are all projections of the sun and moon on Dou Qi Continent, which is phantom.

As for how they are projected in?

I also don’t know that this esoteric problem is not what I can explore Realm today.

Putting together a few puppets, I flew side by side with Xiao Yi Xian and Mu Qing Luan, and found a sheltered valley to fall, burned the fire, set the pot, and after a long busy time, one after another dish was finally ready.

The meat of Qingfeng Yuwang is delicate, and I cooked it into a pot of fish soup. The white fish soup is sprinkled with green onion, and the fragrance is all around the air.

Xiao Yi Xian presented a small bowl and presented it with a small sip. It was extremely delicious. His eyes narrowed into 2 rounds of small moon.

Mu Qing Luan can’t see it, even if he likes to eat the meat of the electric strategy python, of course, it may be … simply like to eat meat.

The electric shocked meat was cooked into braised meat, packed in a large pottery pot, and chopped into large pieces of crystal clear and near-transparent. The beautiful soy sauce color looked very moist and breathing hot, which made people feel forefinger Big move.

Mu Qing Luan saw her eyes bright, disregarding her beautiful girl’s image, she threw her chopsticks savagely, and was not afraid of being hot. She grabbed the meat by her hand and gnawed her mouth. The red lips were covered with oil.

“Well, Senior Brother Ye is so delicious!”

My mouth twitched for a while, and I didn’t taste good at all …

Diamond Wolf King is also inevitable, I do n’t know how to make wolf meat, but it is about the same as dog meat, cut the belly down and washed it, it is pure white as jade.

I took it out of the marinade, placed it on the chopping board, personally chopped it into thin strips, added some green onion, ginger and garlic, and shredded radish, mixed it with a pair of chopsticks and eaten it.

Mu Qing Luan finished eating the piece of meat in his hand and suddenly looked up, “Senior Brother Ye, why didn’t you go down?”

“do you want to eat?”

As soon as I finished speaking, I was stunned. Mu Qing Luan was also suddenly silent, then waved his greasy hands and explained desperately:

“I, I mean, Senior Brother Ye, didn’t you say you want to cook noodles?”

I forcefully nodded, “I also asked if you want to eat noodles.”

Here comes Xiao Yi Xian lifts the head, sticks out his tongue and licks the white liquid left in the corner of his mouth … that is, fish soup, strangely saying: “What are you two talking about?”

“It’s nothing!”

Mu Qing Luan looked around and shifted the topic: “Senior Brother Ye, why are you carrying so many things with you?”

Not only pots, pans, chopsticks and other tools, but also seasonings such as oil, salt, soy sauce, scallion, ginger and garlic, even the thing of water, firewood, and tongs is ready. Isn’t this too ridiculous?

Mu Qing Luan has never seen, which Dou Zhe or Magic Beast will carry so many miscellaneous 7 miscellaneous 8 things!

I smiled slightly and took 9 Storage Rings out of my arms to line up, “Because I have a lot of Storage Rings.”

Mu Qing Luan blinked in surprise, beautiful eye flow, this Senior Brother is more and more interesting, and the snake meat is also delicious.

Xiao Yi Xian is not strange, but already accustomed to my maverick.

“Let’s eat quickly, take a break early after eating, there are still important things to do tomorrow, a snake is about to go viral.”

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