
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Nalan Ye!”

Xiao Yi Xian exclaimed loudly, his small hands clenched violently, and he rushed to check my injury, but was stopped by Venerable Tian Huo reaching out his hand.

“little girl, just vomiting blood, little thing, don’t be impatient!”

Xiao Yi Xian Looked and saw that I did stabilize the injury. Breath calmed down before stopping. White teeth bit his lip lightly and stared angrily at Venerable Tian Huo.

“I blame you for letting Nalan Ye go to refining Heavenly Flame, if he is hurt, I will not let you go!”

Venerable Tian Huo smiled bitterly, “Dou Zhe cultivation was originally walking the heavens-defying road. Isn’t it common to get injured? Not to mention refining Fallen Heart Flame, it also has a lot of benefits for this kid, how come he blamed the old man Alright? “

Xiao Yi Xian said with a small mouth, “I blame you anyway, Nalan Ye vomited blood!”



I did n’t hear the conversation between Xiao Yi Xian and Venerable Tian Huo. I just vaguely heard Xiao Yi Xian ’s voice, but did n’t know what she was talking about.

Fallen Heart Flame is called “Training Cheat Machine” because it can produce a “Heart Flame” at all times. This Heart Flame does not require Dou Zhe’s control and will calcinate Dou Zhe within the body at any time. Dou Qi is like cultivation all the time.

But this Heart Flame, in addition to “quenching gas and refining bones”, can also “burn heart” and burn people to ashes from the inside out!

Just now I was following the “Heart Flame” of Fallen Heart Flame. A group of “Heart Flame” completely ignored my defense. Appeared out of thin air In my heart, a severe high temperature attack, if not I responded in time, I am afraid the whole heart will be burned through!

“This Fallen Heart Flame is still in its infancy, so powerful, if it is replaced by the mature 9-Dragon Lightning Fire, I am afraid it will be even more embarrassed?”

Venerable Tian Huo gave me Fallen Heart Flame, maybe not stingy, but for my sake.

“hmph, courting death, trifling a Heavenly Flame, really can’t make you refining?”

Fallen Heart Flame continues to exert force, one after another, Fire Spring keeps appearing all over the inside of my body, a cold light flashes in my eyes, Dou Qi within the body is running fast, just like a Great Millstone, crush these heart flames that spring up like mushrooms.

The humanitarian zone has n’t stopped, and it has set off huge waves, which are constantly photographed towards Fallen Heart Flame like a tsunami, making it shake violently, on the verge of collapse!

Fallen Heart Flame is a passive fire, but I can absorb the energy of Heaven and Earth and constantly replenish my lost Dou Qi. After a period of stalemate, Fallen Heart Flame begins to be weak.

“hua hua hua!”

I thought about it, and suddenly the huge lake changed, and a vortex appeared in the center of the lake. The Fallen Heart Flame was in the center of the vortex. pressure.

The conflict is getting stronger and stronger, incompatible as fire and water, Fire Avenue and Human Avenue cannot tolerate each other, from time to time there are explosions, and the sound of “hong long” keeps on sounding.

Every explosion will cause my Dou Qi to reverse current. It takes a lot of effort to suppress and calm down. The accumulation of less and more, the injury accumulated a little bit, and my physical condition began to deteriorate.

But the situation of Fallen Heart Flame is worse, the energy is consumed quickly, my body has not collapsed, it has completely consumed the energy, and even “Heart Flame” can not be produced again, only a small group of “Fallen” Heart Flame Origin “, weakly suspended in the lake vortex.

“The next most important step is to stop moving, otherwise it will only smash this Fallen Heart Flame completely. What I want is to refinal this Fallen Heart Flame!”

I ’m not in a hurry, Fallen Heart Flame is wrapped in my “Dao Yu” regiment. It ca n’t draw Heaven and Earth energy to replenish it, and it is destined to lose.

I sink into my heart, swallow a Medicinal Pill with my mouth, and start to recuperate the injury I just suffered, while thinking about how to completely refinal Fallen Heart Flame?

“Yes, the moisturizer is silent, Fallen Heart Flame is a friend, you should not entertain with a knife and a gun, but use good wine and meat.”

I thoughts move, the humane world no longer fights hard with Fallen Heart Flame, but becomes zero, and the lake water begins to decompose into “water vapor” and penetrate into “Fallen Heart Flame origin”.

Fallen Heart Flame has “spirituality” but no “intelligence”. If the “humane world” is slammed, it is like a knife with a cold glow slashing into Fallen Heart Flame, it will instinct Resistance.

But if the knife and gun are replaced with “dust”, will Fallen Heart Flame resist “dust”?

A trace of “water vapor” permeates the “Fallen Heart Flame Origin”, and the “Fallen Heart Flame Origin” moves slightly tremor, as if feeling something is wrong, and can’t understand the specifics, and can only stay in place , Buzzing continuously.

Venerable Tian Huo stood in the corner of the great hall and watched quietly. When he saw this scene, his eyes were suddenly as big as bronze bells. He knew that the highlight was coming!

Before it was just a struggle for power, but now, it is the “Road of Man” that is infesting the “Road of Fire”.

Venerable Tian Huo sat down on the floor and watched this scene quietly. I saw that the “water vapor” gradually occupied the periphery of the “Fallen Heart Flame”, and then continued to spread to the depths …

The found mystery involved in it is extremely esoteric, and Venerable Tian Huo does n’t understand it all, brows slightly wrinkle, his eyes are fascinated, he can see as if drunk and stupefied.

I do n’t know when, the source of Fallen Heart Flame has been completely controlled by me. I reached out and beckoned. The Fall-Heart Flame of milk-white fell into the palm of my right hand, which awakened Venerable Tian Huo.

“You have completely refined Fallen Heart Flame?”

Venerable Tian Huo was surprised and uncertain. He felt the Fallen Heart Flame in my palm. He just felt that it was different from the previous ones. The feeling was unclear. It was like Fallen Heart Flame was no longer. A fire is like fire.

“Heavenly Flame not like fire? It ’s really weird enough. Is this the humane fire in you brat ’s mouth …”

I am nodded. In my feelings, this Fallen Heart Flame has been covered with “humane breath”, which has been branded with a ray of humane Dao Rhyme, which is no longer a pure flame, but has been hit. “Humanity” imprint.

“Like a worldly stove fire?”

Chopping wood and chopping wood, cooking water, cooking in the world, the fire in the world is not a simple flame. It has been condensed with Human Race, and it is precisely because of fire that Human Race can reproduce such a magnificent civilization!

Venerable Tian Huo seems to be nodded, “Each type of Heavenly Flame has its own magical effect. Fallen Heart Flame is called Training Cheat Machine. Does it still have this effect after being refined by you? Or is there any? New features appear? “

Xiao Yi Xian also came from the corner, first asked about my injury, and learned that I was just slightly injured and relaxed, then said with a smile:

“Nalan Ye, congratulations, you refining Fallen Heart Flame. With Heavenly Flame, your battle strength will go to the next level. When refining pills, you can also twist the results for half the effort!”

“Hehe, I still have to try this first. I do n’t know that Fallen Heart Flame today is the same as before?”

I slowly closed my eyes and Spiritual Strength fell on the Fallen Heart Flame in the palm of my hand. After refining it, Fallen Heart Flame is no longer a foreign object for me, but like a part of the body, a new … …


Feeling it carefully, its spirituality has not disappeared, responding gently to me, very kind to me, as if seeing a father, gently rubbing my Spiritual Strength.

I immediately infused Dou Qi, and suddenly a strange wave spread. Xiao Yi Xian and Venerable Tian Huo felt that the within body changed at the same time, and there was an invisible and colorless flame.

“This is Heart Flame, it seems that Fallen Heart Flame also has the function of assisting Dou Zhe cultivation.”

Venerable Tian Huo carefully senses the Heart Flame appearing within the body, which is no different from the previous one, “This function has little effect on the high-end Dou Zhe, but Nalan Ye you have your own power, used to train your people, The younger generation is still good. “

My mysterious smile, “Tian Huo Senior, Fallen Heart Flame told me that it still has a magic effect!”


Venable Tian Huo’s eyes suddenly light up, and each Heavenly Flame has only one kind of magical effect. Now that Fallen Heart Flame is refining by me, I have two kinds of magical effects?

“Boy, quickly show it, show it to the old man!”

I flipped in the Storage Ring, and finally picked a black square medicinal cauldron with the worst condition, flipped my palm out, thoughts move, Fallen Heart Flame came to medicinal cauldron and burned medicinal cauldron.

“Are you going to refining pills?”

next moment, Venerable Tian Huo found that he guessed wrong. I saw that under the burning of Fallen Heart Flame, the prohibition engraved in this black square medical cauldron was like ice and snow in the sun …

Quickly melt!

This is more than just a ban in the medical cauldron. This medical cauldron was forged by “black gold”, but at the moment the fire of Fallen Heart Flame, the spirituality of “black gold” is rapidly Dissipated, and finally became, became …

An ordinary black iron!

It is no longer a spiritual material, it is just ordinary. The ordinary black iron forged in the mortal iron shop is still not very high quality.

Venerable Tian Huo and Xiao Yi Xian glanced at each other, and they saw the astonished expression in each other’s eyes!

Although this black square-shaped medicinal cauldron is not a treasure, it is also out of the ordinary. But how long has it been since the Fallen Heart Flame was burnt into a piece of broken copper?

“This, what is this?”

Venerable Tian Huo is dumbfounded. He has lived for so many years. Whether it is Alchemist or Refiner Master, he uses ordinary medicinal ingredients and spirit materials to make higher-grade Medicinal Pills and appliances.

But it ’s in my hands, well, it ’s the other way around!

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