
You can search for “My name is Nalan Ye” on Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Boy, who you are, with your cultivation base … what should n’t be a nobody!”

Wang Chen ate a secret loss, and now clenched his daggers, wandering around me like a hungry wolf, his strange eyes staring at me, his face sullen.

I grinned, “youngster, your killing heart is too strong, this is not good, you have to change it.”

Wang Chen’s face instantly became extremely greasy. As the most outstanding youth talent of Death Pavilion, he will take the class of Venerable Huang Quan in the future and become a Venerable. He may even take that step and be promoted to Dou Sheng!

I was taught by this moment? Scolded by me, an unknown person?

“Boy, you are courting death!”

Wang Chen stature flickered into a black stream of light, and suddenly appeared in front of me. From the direct attack, the black and black daggers were drawn one after another, and they swung dozens of times in a short time.

I flipped my hand and took the nine-section copper jaw from the Snake-Person ancestor from the Storage Ring, and waved it forward, also waving the shadow of the sky at the same moment, with Wang Chen There was a crisp sound, like a bell ringing.

Wang Chen was more and more frightened, he held a double dagger, and it was reasonable to attack twice as many times as I did, but at this moment he was accurately intercepted by my copper mace under every dagger. Means …

My attack speed is twice that of him!

“Damn, the snake bites!”

Wang Chen snarled, black Dou Qi vigorously prospered all over his body, wisps of cold black Dou Qi glowed like a poisonous snake, and finally turned into two black snakes with two soldiers. Lu avoided my copper mace and bit directly at my back!


My eyelids jumped slightly, but I was not panic. I directly exhibited the Dou Technique “Snake Curved Disk”. This Dou Technique can make my fleshy body extremely flexible, like a snake.

My right hand waved two strokes towards the behind in a very strange way that ordinary humans can never make, and the violent purple thunderbolt diffused out, fiercely pumped on the heads of two black energy snakes.

“bang! bang!”

Two explosions sounded, and two black snakes exploded in response. I did not look back at the explosion of behind, Shi Shiran withdrew the nine-section copper mace, smiled and looked at Wang Chen, and said softly:


Wang Chen’s chest was stuffy, and “Tuck Tuck Tucker” stepped back three times in a row, staring at me like hell, so confident and near-sneak attack’s two tricks were so broken by me?

Also, did you return a “naughty” evaluation? !

“Hehe, this kid has some meaning, Yellow Springs old ghost, your little doll is not your opponent.”

On the high platform, Venerable Jian looked at the competition on the ring with great interest. Those silhouetted competitors clearly could n’t get into their eyes. Only the three of us can compete.

Venerable Huang Quan looks like heavy water, and Death Pavilion ’s cultivation system is not as good as the other Three Pavilion. Wang Chen ’s cultivation base is indeed a little weak. “It ’s not over yet. Random guessing is only a shame.”

Venerable Jian smiled dumbly, and mouthed, “I want to see who is embarrassing.”

There are two other places on the ring, Tang Ying and Mu Qing Luan are fighting together, the two are inseparable, Tang Ying has a blue steel sword in his hand, the sword light is majestic, quite the true story of Venerable Jian, and Mu Qing Luan’s first hand Wind Element Dou Technique is also exquisite, and it is difficult to distinguish the superiors at one time.

As for the battle between Zi Yan and Feng Qing Er …

It’s hard to say!

Just look at Venerable Lei’s complexion and know the battle, it’s really hard to say!

Zi Yan this girl looked at her petite figure, just a minor Little Luoli, but in fact it was a real deal human tyrannosaurus.

She is covered with a layer of silver halo. This is the Innate Divine Ability of the Ancient Void Dragon family. It is the use of extremely powerful Space Power and has the effect of “breaking the law”!

No matter what Feng Qing Er Dou Technique blasted over, Wind Attribute Dou Technique or Fire Attribute Dou Technique, besides this layer of “silver halo”, the formidable power suddenly weakened greatly, and then bombarded on Zi Yan Sometimes, the latter ’s fleshy body strength is not enough to tickle her.

“This is, legendary‘ broken divine light ’?!”

Feng Qing Er’s face instantly froze, as if he had just been taken out of the Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice cellar, his voice was extremely harsh, like a mad woman.

“You are too Ancient Void Dragon!”

Zi Yan grinned, revealing two pointed little tiger teeth, “You, hehe, you are Heavenly Demon Phoenix? I said, how can I smell a bad smell, just like the summer ransom Dinner, disgusting! “

“You, damn it!”

Too Ancient Void Dragon and Heavenly Demon Phoenix are a pair of enemies. At this moment, they met, both sides immediately red eyes, there is a “broken divine light”, Feng Qing Er can not use Dou Technique, immediately rolled up his sleeves and punched Zi Yan’s face smashed.

Heavenly Demon Phoenix is ​​also a Magic Beast. The fleshly body strength is extremely strong, but in Feng Qing Er normally, it is self-proclaimed as a “lady” and does not use fleshly body strength. She prefers to use Dou Technique to solve the enemy.

How many beautiful Dou Techniques can solve the enemy from a distance?

Anyway, Dou Technique competes, and few people are her opponents.

But at the moment, Feng Qing Er completely disregarded his demeanor. Like a shrew, she flicked her fist towards Zi Yan. Of course, Zi Yan would n’t stand still and fight with Bai Shengsheng ’s little fist.

“bang! bang! bang! bang!”

The fists of four Bai Nen Shui Ling slammed together like raindrops, causing a burst of violent energy. Zi Yan and Feng Qing Er blushed and ripped together, accompanied by a curse.

“Too Ancient Void Dragon, go to die!”

“Trifling Heavenly Demon Phoenix is ​​just a descendant of the ancient Sky Phoenix, do you also want to kill me?”

“Four-legged snake, you are courting death!”

“Flat-haired livestock, kill you now, let Nalan Ye add food tonight and cook you!”

“Four-legged snake, I killed you!”

“Haha, what kind of dishes are you making delicious? Braised chicken wings, deep-fried chicken legs, chopped pepper chicken heads, braised chicken breasts, haha, when I think of it, Zi Yan is drooling!”

Zi Yan, this little girl is really drooling. She ate a lot of 7th-Rank Magic Beast meat with me in the Snake-Person ancestral place. Now I eat one more Heavenly Demon Phoenix. It ’s really nothing, little hands. At the corner of his mouth, fiercely wiped the drool.

Feng Qing Er is going to be mad, but she can be scolded because of her high, noble background? There is a “four-legged snake” on the left, and there is a “four-legged snake”. This is a reserved program in the Demon Phoenix Clan, otherwise she will not scold this sentence.

On the high platform, four Venerable looked at each other in blank dismay, Venerable Jian grinned, “Old Feng head, this little girl turned out to be a legendary too ancient Void Dragon? tut tut, I have n’t heard about it for many years. Too ancient Void Dragon appeared in Human Race world. “

Venerable Feng shook his face, Mu Qing Luan ……

I did n’t tell him that this girl is too Ancient Void Dragon!

cough cough, because Mu Qing Luan’s mind is all on Nalan Ye, and he is all about talking about Nalan Ye. Where can Zi Yan be taken care of?

“Hehe, Brother Lei is not bad. The Demon Phoenix Clan is the same name as the Ancient Void Dragon family. Didn’t expect Brother Lei to be silent, even accepting a Heavenly Demon Phoenix as a disciple!”

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